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Liability Surrogates Workshop Nick Spencer, Director, Client Strategy & Research Crispin Lace, Director, UK Pension Solutions 6 MARCH 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Liability Surrogates Workshop Nick Spencer, Director, Client Strategy & Research Crispin Lace, Director, UK Pension Solutions 6 MARCH 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liability Surrogates Workshop Nick Spencer, Director, Client Strategy & Research Crispin Lace, Director, UK Pension Solutions 6 MARCH 2013

2 Imagine the perfect retirement investment

3 Imagine the perfect retirement investment II Arguably, the perfect investment for a pension fund would be: highly secure inflation-linked long term cashflows, matched to their future pension payments, and rates above government bonds even if the returns were expected to be below equities.

4 Sloth Alert... Are we just being lazy?


6 What are Liability Surrogates? A steady contractual stream of future cashflows An income based return A return premium to compensate for illiquidity Some inflation hedging (typically real assets)

7 What are Liability Surrogates?

8 Why are they of interest? Liabilities above flight path, assets below – wrong type of outcome! Rates lower, longer: liabilities remain above flight path Longer flight paths: refocusing on growth & risk-efficient returns Source: Russell Investments: For illustrative purposes only, Asset proxy - Russell UK index, Liability proxy – 40% FTSE Actuaries Govt. Securities over 15 Years, 60% Actuaries Govt. Securities UK index linked over 15 Years, data from Jan 2007 to Dec 2012

9 I’m underfunded: get me out of here! Getting real on the yield you need Source: Russell Investments, Bloomberg, data from 31/05/1981 – 14/02/2013

10 LIABILITY HEDGING Where do they fit? Have we created an artificial divide in the portfolio? Hedge embedded interest and inflation exposures Hedge or not-hedging is active choice Gilts, futures or swaps Seek additional returns LIBOR+ Maximise return/marginal risk Duration adds to portfolio risk GROWTH ASSETS LIABILITY SURROGATES A third way? Modest additional return, but low risk to liabilities.


12 A. Can we make the same money in 7 years? Better than over 25 years? 7 year opportunity, 6% premium and then match Represents 1.6% premium for 25 years Is 7 years the better choice? It is NOT the same but should be considered!

13 B. any other number Imagine an asset which was guaranteed to give exactly matching cashflows over the next 25 years. What’s the value to: And then there are different allowances for risks, costs or approximations! a private equity manager an accountant an economist an actuary

14 C. Are we used to investing for the very long term? Almost no one invests simply for the long term...even a long term manager is looking for factors that in 3 to 5 years time will make a long term asset look more attractive than it does today enabling them to sell the asset at a premium to today's price. —Overheard For illustrative purposes only

15 1880’s Slum 1890’s Rebuild: Semi-professionals, rising 1950’s Declining1970’s Derelict 2010’s Young Professionals Circle of Life: Shoreditch estate - Arnold Circus

16 What’s that noise...

17 D. Rising above the noise: back to basics AIMS OF LIABILITY SURROGATE To harvest excess returns of series of long term cashflows illiquidity providing most of excess return, not credit or investment risk ideally with strong link to inflation Need to test each proposition against these aims

18 E. Risk: What risk? Discovering potential flaws Caution & humility Long term Risk Perception “Ability and willingness” Credit (skew) risk Little up & long way down Beware balloons Especially real ones Selling availability Will anyone want in when you want out? Asset allocation funds Most available vs most attractive? Costs and feeses spread dis-eases Long term lock up vs attractive shorter term vehicles Quality of inflation linkage Investment (manager) selection

19 3 examples of potential Liability Surrogates SOCIAL HOUSING STUDENT ACCOMMODATION GROUND RENTS Note: Examples of properties in this presentation are sourced from managers such as AEW, Aviva, Axa & IFM. These are for illustrative purposes only, some details have been altered and they do not represent endorsement for a particular deal or manager.

20 Social Housing: Example Heavily regulated sector, well established entities Deep need for financing: much reduced access to banking capital Available in £10 - £50 m sizes Inflation plus structures PROPOSAL FOR 50 YEAR SALE & LEASE BACK; NET ILG + 2.5% Illustrative purposes only, please see notes on slide 19.

21 Student Accommodation: Example Student numbers up by 27% from 2000 - 2010 Accommodation not kept pace Sizes: £10m – £150 m Often a squeeze on rents especially in town based universities PROPOSAL FOR FREEHOLD WITH REVERSION AFTER 45 LEASE; ILG + 2.5% Illustrative purposes only, please see notes on slide 19.

22 Ground Rents: Example Ground Rents existed for 400+ years Small payment; extreme loan value – delays occur but forfeit effectively not going to happen Active secondary market Size £1m - £20 m Historic ground rents nominal increases PROPOSAL FOR 125 LEASE; NET ILG + 3.0% Illustrative purposes only, please see notes on slide 19.

23 Infrastructure Debt: Example Infrastructure has attractive long term, inflation-related features Debt provides tighter return distribution & asset backing Nascent UK/Europe but huge potential and large deals £50 m - £1 bn+ Broad range of asset choice PROPOSAL FOR 25 YEAR ASSET BACKED LOAN; NET ILG + 2.0% Illustrative purposes only, please see notes on slide 19.

24 Long Lease: Example Long leases (20+ years) provide long term visibility of cashflows High quality tenants, inflation related businesses Inflation linked cashflows: direct and indirect linkage Sizes £5 m to £100 m PROPOSAL FOR 25 YEAR SALE AND LEASEBACK NET 4.4% Cap/collared annual RPI Illustrative purposes only, please see notes on slide 19.

25 Liability Surrogates Exist! Provide elements of both growth and matching assets Beware the bandwagon Scrutinise carefully AAA investment for long term is hard Consider alternatives Shorter term or as part of growth portfolio

26 But getting there takes real work Beware the sloths...because life’s not a beach

27 This material is not intended for distribution to retail clients. This material does not constitute an offer or invitation to anyone in any jurisdiction to invest in any Russell product or use any Russell services where such offer or invitation is not lawful, or in which the person making such offer or invitation is not qualified to do so, nor has it been prepared in connection with any such offer or invitation. Unless otherwise specified, Russell Investments is the source of all data. All information contained in this material is current at the time of issue and, to the best of our knowledge, accurate. Any opinion expressed is that of Russell Investments, is not a statement of fact, is subject to change and, unless it relates to a specified investment, does not constitute the regulated activity of "advising on investments" for the purposes of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. You may not get back the amount originally invested. Any forecast, projection or target is indicative only and not guaranteed in any way. Any past performance figures are not necessarily a guide to future performance. Any reference to returns linked to currencies may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Any references to tax treatments depend on the circumstances of the individual client and may be subject to change in the future. Issued by Russell Investments Limited. Company No. 02086230. Registered in England and Wales with registered office at: Rex House, 10 Regent Street, London SW1Y 4PE. Telephone 020 7024 6000. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS. Important Information

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