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Protacanthopterygii, Paracanthopterygii, and predator avoidance Lab 7.

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1 Protacanthopterygii, Paracanthopterygii, and predator avoidance Lab 7

2 Shoaling 25% of all fishes shoal Dilution and confusion Shoal: any group of fishes that remains together for social reasons School: a polarized, synchronized shoal

3 Camouflage Counter-color shading True camouflage

4 Chemicals Poison through mutualism Poison spines Schreckstoff Broad-barred firefish (Pterois antennata) Black bullhead (Ameiurus melas) clownfish (Amphiprion spp)

5 Spines bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) Common characteristic of derived fishes Discourages attacks Hard to swallow balloonfish (Diodon holocanthus )

6 Armor Hassar (Hoplosternum littorale ) Tropical two-winged flying fish (Exocoetus volitans) Flying

7 Superorder Protacanthopterygii “Before spiny ray” –Composed of 3 orders: Salmoniformes, Esociformes, and Osmeriformes –Cycloid scales, no spiny fins, physostomous gas bladder Superorder Paracanthoptherygii “Like spiny ray” –2 orders in our collection : Gadiformes, Percopsiformes –Ctenoid scales, spines on dorsal, pelvic, and anal fins –Maxilla separated from premaxilla, but not protractile

8 Family Salmonidae Most thrive in cold water Native only to northern hemisphere (but widely introduced) Have an adipose fin and axillary process Order: Salmoniformes

9 Salmon and Trout Family: Salmonidae 3 Genera in our collection –Oncorhynchus (Pacific salmon and trout) (2) –Salmo (Atlantic salmon and trout) (1) –Salvelinus (Chars) (2) Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)

10 Telling Trout from Chars

11 Whitefishes & Cisco Genus: Coregonus Unknown number of species (at least 50) Great Lakes used to have lots of species, many endemic…only a few remaining. Many species were not even named. Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis)

12 Brook trout Brown trout Rainbow trout WI DNR & Wisconsin Aquatic Gap Mapping Application



15 Smelt Family: Osmeridae 7 genera, 16 species; only 1 species in Wisconsin Generally a coastal, anadromous fish Have adipose fin, but don’t have axillary process rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax)

16 Pikes Family: Esocidae 1 genera (Esox), 6 species; 3 in Wisconsin Circumpolar (esp. northern pike) All species are extremely piscivorous Fins in primitive position, have duck-like bill Northern pike (Esox lucius)

17 Mudminnow Family: Umbridae 3 genera, 5 species; 1 in Wisconsin Found only in N. America and Siberia Known for their ability to survive low oxygen levels Separated from minnows by round caudal fin Central mudminnow (Umbra limi)

18 Superorder Paracanthopterygii

19 Trout-Perches Family: Percopsidae 1 genera, 2 species; 1 in Wisconsin Have adipose fin, but have weak fin spines Ctenoid scales Trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) ? =

20 Pirate perches Family: Aphredoderidae 1 genus, 1 species Characterized by anus under their chin Pirate perch (Aphredoderus sayanus)

21 Burbot Family: Lotidae 6 genera, 21 species; only 1 in Wisconsin Mostly marine and brackish water species No spines Thoracic pelvic fins Single barbel under chin burbot (Lota lota)

22 FIRST PLACE 'POUT! Carl Shimer won this year's event with a 13.55 pound eelpout!

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