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Primary One Literacy Phonics – Starting sounds Making the Links between the Classroom & Sports Hall.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary One Literacy Phonics – Starting sounds Making the Links between the Classroom & Sports Hall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary One Literacy Phonics – Starting sounds Making the Links between the Classroom & Sports Hall

2 The “Big Picture” of the Curriculum at Foundation & Key Stages 1 Curriculum Aim … The Northern Ireland Curriculum aims to empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives… How can we use curricular subjects through PE to achieve this?


4 Learning To Move & Moving To Learn ClassroomSports Hall SittingMoving – Spatial Awareness Fine Motor SkillsGross & Fine Motor Skills Left Hemisphere Cognitive Learning - TellingLeft & Right Brain Cognitive & Physical – Doing Through Action Traditional Teaching Style - DidacticCoaching Style – Questioning – Kinaesthetic – Remember more through Doing Social – Low self esteemSocial – High Self Esteem through Social & Emotional Learning Educational – LiteracyNew ways of learning – Maths, handwriting, alphabet, vocabulary Pens - Paper, Words, SentencesBody – Floor - Actions - Sequences

5 Learning Through Movement Why do some children do so well and others fail? How do we keep our pupils in the most receptive state for learning? We teach children what to learn but do we teach children How To Learn? Do we use different teaching styles to suit different learning methods? How might we use the sports hall to reinforce curricular skills?

6 Primary One Literacy Phonics Starting sounds

7 Objective Linking physical literacy with starting sounds Connective learning between the classroom and gymnasium ‘Children to associate a visual picture with the starting sound of word while being physically active.’


9 How we as coaches linked what teachers were doing in class to the gymnasium Visual aids 10% - Hear Sounds 50% - See C 90% - Do

10 P.E. Activity

11 t m s c a t o a

12 Lets have a go

13 Conclusion Classroom PE Hall Making the link

14 Making the Links between the Classroom & Sports Hall














28 The Arts: Role play – Pirates. Make – Pirate Hats, telescope. Famous People – Black Beard, Henry Morgan etc. Use a range of materials, tools and processes to realise their ideas and intentions. Develop a sense of the world by engaging in a range of creative and imaginary role play situations. The Arts: Role play – Pirates. Make – Pirate Hats, telescope. Famous People – Black Beard, Henry Morgan etc. Use a range of materials, tools and processes to realise their ideas and intentions. Develop a sense of the world by engaging in a range of creative and imaginary role play situations. Key Stage 1: P3. Teacher: Mr Paddy Hardy. Date: December/January 2012

29 Making the Links between the Classroom & Sports Hall P4 – Classroom to PE Hall & Visa Versa - Owen Mooney

30 Aim Connect Learning through the Topic of Numeracy from the classroom to the PE Hall with a Focus on Multiplication & Angles Linking PE to the Classroom through All Cross Curricular Topics

31 Objective Develop Methods for Reinforcing the Topic of Multiplication through Classroom & Physical Activity Based Interactive Activities Linking Angles through the medium of Physical Actions in the PE Hall

32 Background Thought Provoking, Creative & Innovative School/Teacher/Children & Coach Relationships

33 Why Multiplication Topic Being Covered by Mary & The Class Multiplication – Interactive Whiteboard Multiplication Story Multiplication & Scoring in PE – 3 Videos

34 Why Angles Complicated Linking Attacking & Defending Questioning Use of Space The Defenders Back - 3 Videos

35 Angles - Task

36 Connecting Learning to PE Connecting PE to the Classroom Teacher & Coach Relationship

37 The Future… The belief is that we now live in an intelligence economy, not a knowledge economy. It is how well people can think, solve problems, communicate and work in teams that are more important than simply how much you know. We must provide opportunities for developing children’s Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities If we do not act, the obesity epidemic will continue, helping to fuel the looming health-care crisis and lowering the quality of educational achievement of our children. There is abundant evidence that regular physical activity benefits the brains and bodies of school-aged children.

38 Go Raibh Maith Agat Any Questions

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