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Brainwave 3 unit 1 Grammar. Halloween Song Listen and Answer W rite down the answers on mini-white board. 1. Where is the party? 2. When is the party?

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Presentation on theme: "Brainwave 3 unit 1 Grammar. Halloween Song Listen and Answer W rite down the answers on mini-white board. 1. Where is the party? 2. When is the party?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brainwave 3 unit 1 Grammar

2 Halloween Song

3 Listen and Answer W rite down the answers on mini-white board. 1. Where is the party? 2. When is the party? 3. What is Jane going to wear? 4. What is Jane going to take? 5. What color is her face going to be? 6. What color will she put on her lips and fingernails? 7. Does she like her costume? Why? 8. What is she going to be?

4 1. Exchange your board with another group and talk about the answers. 2. The group with the correct answers wins!

5 Dear Diary, 1. We ’ re going to have a Halloween party at school tomorrow. 2. I ’ m going to wear an old black dress, a black cape, and a witch ’ s hat. 3. I ’ m going to take my mom ’ s broom, too. 4. My mom is going to paint my face green. 5. I ’ m going to put on black lipstick and long black fingernails. 6. I ’ m going to look great.

6 Dear Diary, 1. We ’ re going to have a Halloween party at school tomorrow. 說明事件 :what, when, where 2. I ’ m going to wear an old black dress, a black cape, and a witch ’ s hat. 說明如何裝扮 :How 3. I ’ m going to take my mom ’ s broom, too. 從服裝到配件 4. My mom is going to paint my face green. 再縮小範圍,從衣著到化妝 5. I ’ m going to put on black lipstick and long black fingernails. 再更縮小範圍,說明畫什麼樣的妝 6. I ’ m going to look great. 抒發心情 ( 由外在事件到自我裝扮 由具體裝扮到抽象的心情 )

7 Homework Write down the text and memorize it.


9 What do you need for a vampire costume?

10 You need fake teeth and a broom for a vampire costume.

11 What do you need for a pirate costume?

12 You need a beard, an eye patch, wings, a parrot, and a hat for a pirate costume.

13 What do you need for a fairy costume?

14 You need, a wand, fake teeth, and wings for a fairy costume.

15 What do you need for a witch costume?

16 You need a broom, a hat, and a beard for a witch costume.

17 Halloween was a disaster. 用一個誇張的 形容詞 disaster 說明她過的萬聖節的心情。 以下都是解釋為甚麼是 disaster. At first, everything was fine. I got up early. I put on my black dress, my black cape, and the witch’s hat. My mom painted my face green. I put on the black lipstick and the long, black fingernails. I took my mom’s broom. I looked great. 用過去式說明事情的開端,也 就是如何為萬聖節做準備。

18 My mom took me to school. I got out of the car and everyone stopped and looked at me. I was so embarrassed! I wanted to go home but my mom was gone. 想一想,當所有人都停下腳步看你的時候, 你有甚麼感覺 ? 是不是想鑽個洞躲起來 ? 她沒有地洞可以躲,所以她想回家,可是回 得去嗎 ? 為甚麼 ?My mom was gone 是甚 麼意思 ?

19 I looked at the other students. They were all laughing. They were wearing their school clothes. No one was wearing a costume. 為什麼這裡用了三句 過去進行式 ? Just then, Ms. Marsh came over to me. “Ms. Marsh,” I asked. Why didn’t they have their costumes on?” “Janie,” she said, “the party is in the afternoon. The other children are going to put their costumes on after lunch. 這裡 用的是甚麼時態 ? 為什麼 ?

20 But you look great. Come in, you can be the early witch!” 想一想 : 為什麼同學笑她 ? School clothes 可以用哪一個字代替 ? Just then 是甚麼意思 ? You can be the early witch 是甚麼意思 ? 你覺得老師說的話能不能安慰她 ? 你覺得從老師是怎麼樣的人 ?

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