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The Digital Home: Challenges and Opportunities Lori McCreary REVELATIONS ENTERTAINMENT Roger Vakharia INTEL CORPORATION Nizar Allibhoy CLICKSTAR INC.

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Presentation on theme: "The Digital Home: Challenges and Opportunities Lori McCreary REVELATIONS ENTERTAINMENT Roger Vakharia INTEL CORPORATION Nizar Allibhoy CLICKSTAR INC."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Digital Home: Challenges and Opportunities Lori McCreary REVELATIONS ENTERTAINMENT Roger Vakharia INTEL CORPORATION Nizar Allibhoy CLICKSTAR INC.


3 The Digital Home: Challenges & Opportunities AVAILABILITY EASE EDUCATION ENFORCEMENT MPAA Intel/ Revelations Alliance IntelClickStar

4 In 2000, the MPA launched over 60,000 investigations into suspected pirate activities, and more than 18,000 raids against pirate operations in coordination with local authorities around the world* The MPAA/MPA directs its worldwide anti-piracy activities from headquarters in Encino, California. Regional offices are also located in Brussels (Europe, Middle East and Africa), Mexico (Latin America) Canada and Hong Kong (Asia/Pacific).* * AVAILABILITY EASE EDUCATION ENFORCEMENT

5 Consumer –MPAA does a great job of educating the consumer Industry –Intel Revelations Alliance –Intel and Revelations Open House The Open House demonstrates the capabilities of digital home technologies including examples of new content services, existing content protections technologies, and new digital home PCs and devices that can be purchased today AVAILABILITY EASE EDUCATION ENFORCEMENT

6 Intel - Standards - Platforms - Quality & Security - Opportunity AVAILABILITY EASE EDUCATION ENFORCEMENT



9 AVAILABILITY ClickStar Inc. Providing first-run, pre-DVD window films to consumers using the Internet Connecting filmmakers directly to film fans. Providing consumers a legal means to purchase premium entertainment content anytime, anywhere and on any device. Making it easier to buy than to pirate AVAILABILITY EASE EDUCATION ENFORCEMENT







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