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Antony and Cleopatra Second lecture. The political world Pompey’s reasons for opposing Octavius and Antony are high minded (II.6). He, like the conspirators.

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1 Antony and Cleopatra Second lecture

2 The political world Pompey’s reasons for opposing Octavius and Antony are high minded (II.6). He, like the conspirators of Julius Caesar, would “Have one man but a man.” I.e., the political values of the Roman republic. Which Gnaeus Pompey supported. But the triumvirate have offered him Sicily and Sardinia – and he must rid the sea of pirates and send wheat to Rome. He’d take the offer, except he’s still annoyed with Antony – he never said “thank you”! Antony’s reply. Oh, alright then! Roman republican principles? In reply to Octavius, Pompey says Fortune will never alter his heart. Yeah, right! Menas, the pirate, later remarks (l. 83) that Pompey’s father would never have take this bargain. And Menas and Enobarbus admit to being great thieves by sea and by land.

3 And its fragility Scene (II.7) on Pompey’s barge: a big moment, the whole triumvirate plus advisers. Clip from RSC production with Richard Johnson, Janet Suzman, Patrick Stuart. Lepidus dead drunk. Menas approaches Pompey with his plan. “Wilt thou be lord of all the world?” Simple job for a pirate. But Pompey’s “honor” won’t allow it. Menas should just have done it, then told Pompey. And Menas, the pragmatist? is simply disgusted. Lepidus, a third of the world, is carried off. And what’s the effect of their being placed hand in hand to hear the song?

4 The triumvirate, R.I.P Was it simply doomed? III.4 Antony’s reports about Octavius. III.5 Octavius tosses Lepidus aside. III.6 Octavius hears of Antony’s enthronement of himself and Cleo in Alexandria. And Octavia comes to Rome without pomp or fanfare.

5 Antony’s generalship Allows Cleopatra to join in the battle. See Enobarbus’ opinion of that III.7. Will fight by sea. Why? “For that he dares us to’t.” III.7. Enobarbus’ opinion, 34-40. Octavius’ generalship, III.8 The result: III.10. Why did she flee? Why did he follow? “Fall not a tear, I say: one of them rates/ All that is won and lost.” And he sends his schoolmaster, who hasn’t a clue how to negotiate.

6 What’s Cleo’s game? Why does she admit Thidias? And why does she seem to admit Octavius’ offers? And let him kiss her hand? Antony’s wonderful anger in having Thidias whipped. And his insults to Cleo: 116. All because Thidias kissed her hand. Cleo: “Not know me yet?” What is to know? Ll. 158-67. Antony satisfied? But Enobarbus is not.

7 Enobarbus A kind of chorus-like figure in the play? Able to appreciate the delights of Egypt. But understands the demands of Rome. Half in love with Cleo himself? After Cleo admits Thidias, speaks an aside: “Mine honesty and I begin to square [quarrel]./ The loyalty well held to fools does make/ Our faith mere folly...” “... yet he that can endure/ To follow with allegiance a fallen lord/ Does conquer him that did his master conquer/ And earns a place in the story.” The story? What finally determines Enobarbus’ decision to leave Antony? And how does Antony react? IV.6. And E’s reaction to that: “This blows my heart.” And imagines that “thought will do’t.” Can one die of thought? IV.9: E. addresses himself, and repents, to the moon. Why the moon? And dies with Antony’s name on his lips.

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