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˝Leonardo Da Vinci – Internship Network: A Path to Intercultural and Vocational Competences.

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Presentation on theme: "˝Leonardo Da Vinci – Internship Network: A Path to Intercultural and Vocational Competences."— Presentation transcript:

1 ˝Leonardo Da Vinci – Internship Network: A Path to Intercultural and Vocational Competences

2 Participants  Colegiul Economic ˝Ion Ghica˝ Bacau, Romania  Berufskolleg Ostvest des Kreises Recklinghausen, Schule der Sekundarstufe II, Berufliches Gymnasium, Datteln, Germany  Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota, Slovenia  Eötvös Loránd Müszaki Szakközépiskola, Szakiskola és Kollégium, Kaposvár, Hungary  Görele Çok Programlı Lisesi, Giresun, Turkey

3 1st meeting – Bacau, Romania 11-11- 2012 – 16-11- 2012  Presentation of countries  There were following countries:  Romania,  Turkey,  Germany,  Hungary and  Slovenia

4  Tour around the school  Visit at the University George Bacovia in Bacau

5  Visit of Colegiul Tehnic de Comunicatii  Dinner at the restaurant

6  Chamber of Commerce in Bacau

7  Prefectura in Bacau

8  Visiting a monastery

9  Visiting a nature reserve of bisons and other animals

10  The Tirgu Neamt

11  The Romanian Parliament in Bucarest

12 2nd meeting – Datteln,Germany 9-3-2013-13-3-2013  Visiting the football stadium of Dortmund

13  Visiting the boat lifting (Schiffshebe-werk)

14  Farewell party

15 3rd meeting – Murska Sobota, Slovenia 29-9-2013 – 4-10-2013  Working on the project Group photo

16  Visiting the company Carthago

17 Visiting the company Ocean Orchids

18  Presentation to media

19  Farewell party

20  The Postojna Cave

21  The capital city of Slovenia - Ljubljana

22 4th meeting in Kaposvár, Hungary 23-2-2014 – 28-2-2014  Group photo

23  Pannon Equestrian Academy

24  Visit the Enterprise Agency of Somogy County

25  The Rippl- Ronai Museum …

26  Videoton Elektro-Plast Kft.

27  The castle in Keszthely and the museum

28  Guiness world record … and the doll museum

29  The Balaton Lake

30 Our final product: the GUIDE!

31 5th mobility: TURKEY 11-5-2014 16-5-2014

32 Province of Giresun

33 Thank you to the Turkish hosts for their hospitality:

34 Thank you for your attention!

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