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Géraldine Guerri Post-doc CSL

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1 Géraldine Guerri Post-doc ARC @ CSL
4 March 2011 First results of the CSL piston sensor breadboard and further application Géraldine Guerri Post-doc CSL Liège Space Center, Angleur March 2011

2 Framework : Extremely Large Telescopes (ELT)
On the ground : In space : JWST : 18 segments, 6.5m aperture, 25 kg/m² density Increasing demand for larger apertures : 20m diameter, 3 kg/m² density E-ELT (Europe) 42 m diameter 1000 segments GMT (USA) 25 m diameter 7 segments TMT (Europe) 30 m diameter 492 segments Géraldine Guerri 4 March

3 Large lightweight space telescope
Technological need : Critical issues : manufacturing wavefront error control sub-aperture coherent alignement CSL concern : Developpement of demonstrator breadboard of a cophasing sensor for space segmented mirrors made with 3 or 7 segments large diameter deployable lightweight cheap space mirrors Géraldine Guerri 4 March

4 What is a cophasing sensor ?
Measure the relative positioning of each subaperture : determination of piston and tip-tilt errors Piston : Translation along the optical axis (λ or nm) 2 phasing regimes : Coarse phasing in open loop Fine phasing in closed loop : error < λ/2 Tip/ Tilt : Rotation of the sub-pupil perpendicular to the optical axis (rad or arsec) Géraldine Guerri 4 March

5 Sensor requirements Cophasing of 3 to 7 sub-apertures
Separate measurement of piston and tip/tilt Low weight and Compacity Real-time correction Reduced hardware complexity Linearity, High range and accuracy Piston measurement Tip/tilt measurement Range: ± 1 mm Range: 100 µrad Accuracy: 0.5 µrad Accuracy: 50 nm Géraldine Guerri 4 March

6 Cophasing sensor architecture
PISTON TIP-TILT COARSE PHASING Cf JF Simar presentation FINE COPHASING Error < λ/2 Phase retrieval real-time algorithm (Baron et al., 2008) Shack-Hartmann Sensor or Phase diversity real-time algorithm (Mocoeur et al., 2008) Géraldine Guerri 4 March

7 Why phase retrieval technique ?
Phase error extracted from one focal image Baron et al., 2008 : For fine cophasing (error < λ/2), analytical and real-time solutions exists Only ONE FFT computation needed Object Focal plane image Phase retrieval algorithm ? Géraldine Guerri 4 March

8 Phase retrieval algorithm
Without Piston error Differential Piston errors can be determined from the intensity of peaks of the phase of the OTF OTF Modulus OTF Phase PSF 3 aperture pupil With Piston error Géraldine Guerri 4 March

9 Piston sensor validation breadboard
Géraldine Guerri 4 March

10 Piston sensor breadboard optical setup
Laser He-Ne λ= 633 nm P1 Creation of collimated beam O1 3 sub-apertures Pupil mask These mirors reflect only 2 sub-pupils over 3 MP M4 M5 Delay line to compensate the OPDs between the 2 paths M1 M2 M3 L1 O2 M6 CCD PZT S1 Miror + PZT : Introduction of a piston error on 1 sub-aperture Beamsplitter : re-formation of the pupil with 3 sub-apertures Piston sensor components Géraldine Guerri 4 March

11 Piston sensor experimental results
Application of a piston ramp on a sub-aperture : Géraldine Guerri 4 March

12 Piston sensor experimental results
Metrological standards obtained from measurements : Results presented at SPIE conference « Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010 » Measurement range [ -λ/2 , λ/2 ] Linearity >0.92 (best 0.96) Resolution < 20 nm Deviation around zero point < 10 nm Absolute error ±25 nm Géraldine Guerri 4 March

13 Feedbacks from experimental tests
Dependance of the phase measurements accuracy on : the wavefront error of each beam until the common path (<λ/10 rms) the set-up stability (vibration and drift during the measurement) the PSF pattern (‘‘fringe’’) contrast The beam coherence The image quality of the imaging lens Géraldine Guerri 4 March

14 Future prospects Experimental feasibility tests of the Phase Retrieval technique with a 7 sub-apertures system Study and design of a system to introduce various and precise piston values Design and implementation of the coarse piston sensor (cf JF Simar PhD) Design and implementation of the tip-tilt measurement Géraldine Guerri 4 March

15 Application Cophasing of 3 silicon bimorph mirors developed at ULB (Rodrigues et al., 2009) Géraldine Guerri 4 March

16 Cophasing demonstrator principle
3 segments deformable mirror demonstrator Collimated beam (Φ=130mm) Piston sensor Illuminating system Géraldine Guerri 4 March

17 Optical simulation of the cophasing demonstrator
Development of an end-to-end simulation (Matlab, ASAP) Illuminating system Piston sensor Illuminating system 1 pupil mask with 3 sub-apertures 1 beamsplitter (90/10) 1 pupil imaging camera 1 imaging lens 1 focal image camera 1 computer 1 He-Ne Laser (λ=633 nm) 1 Microscope objective 1 Pinhole (Φ=15 µm) 1 Off-axis parabola Piston sensor Géraldine Guerri 4 March

18 3 segment cophasing demonstrator
Calibration tests in progress in Liège … Validation tests in Bruxelles very soon .. Illuminating system Piston sensor Géraldine Guerri 4 March

19 Thanks for your attention
Géraldine Guerri 4 March

20 3 segment cophasing demonstrator
3 segments mirror Illuminating system Piston sensor 1 pupil mask with 3 sub-apertures 1 beamsplitter (90/10) 1 pupil imaging camera 1 imaging lens 1 focal image camera 1 computer 1 He-Ne Laser (λ=633 nm) 1 Microscope objective 1 Pinhole 1 Off-axis parabola Calibration tests in progress in Liège… Validation tests in Bruxelles very soon Géraldine Guerri 4 March

21 Géraldine Guerri 4 March

22 Sensor techniques selection
Work plan Survey of state of the art of cophasing sensor Sensor techniques selection Validation by numerical simulations Experimental validation Feasibility demonstrator of the cophasing of 3 sub-apertures with standard optical components Study and Design of a space-compatible breadboard Géraldine Guerri 4 March

23 Géraldine Guerri 4 March

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