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19 May 2015 AirGuard Protection System Protection units for compressed air.

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Presentation on theme: "19 May 2015 AirGuard Protection System Protection units for compressed air."— Presentation transcript:

1 19 May 2015 AirGuard Protection System Protection units for compressed air

2 Protection units for Compressed Air When the issue is: Protection of personnel, pneumatic tools, machinery and equipment 2 The “AirGuard“ air fuse is the answer

3 Protection! Protecting People Protecting Facilities Protecting Production Protecting investments 3 AirGuard Air Fuse

4 Electricity Fuse! When did your electricity fuse blow???? At home or at work? 4

5 Protection! We are protected in everyday life: 1.At home Electric fuses Alarms 2.Computers Firewalls, from viruses, backup 3.In our cars Safety belts Airbags Alarm 5

6 Protection But why not protect and safeguard the most valuable assets: Your employees? Your production? Your tools, equipment and plant? 6

7 Protection Already exists for ; Electricity Hydraulic Water & fluids But for compressed air? 7

8 Where Danger Lurks 8 AirGuard – air fuse can protect

9 Danger!! 9 ½” hose out of control !!

10 Danger ! 10

11 Danger!! 11 But what if one of these - (1” or 2“ hoses) was severed!

12 AirGuard System Meets Following Safety Requirements USA RegulationsISO Standards Complies with Regulations USA regulations: Excert of the OSHA regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) 1926 Safety & Health Regulations for Construction Power- operated hand tools - 1926.302 1926.302(b)(7) "all hoses exceeding 1/2" inside diameter shall have a safety device at the source of supply or branch line to reduce pressure in case of hose failure" Excert of the ISO Standards (ISO 4414 – states: " when failure of a hose assembly or plastic piping constitutes a whiplash hazard, it shall be restrained or shielded by suitable means and/or an air fuse for compressed air shall be mounted " ISO 4414 § OSHA Regulation Standards 29 CFR §1926.302 (partial) MSHA Regulation 30 CFR § 6.13021/57.13021 and § 57.1730 EU Standard EN 983 § UK Corporate Manslaughter Act TÜV Approval No. 01.02.0145 EU Registered Utility Model No. 0025 73 525 12

13 AirGuard - How It Works Function: (P) is the inlet. Air passes the piston (1) and continues through the seat (3). The air flow, passing the piston, is slowed down by means of length wise grooves on the outer side of the piston. If the flow is too high, the air cannot pass the piston quickly enough, and the piston is forced against the spring (2) and towards the seat. E.g. if the hose suddenly breaks - the air supply is automatically shut off. An integral bleed hole allows some air to flow through. This enables the line pressure to automatically reset the AirGuard once the main line break is repaired.

14 AirGuard - Technical Data

15 60 120 300 600 1200 3000 6000 12000 air flow L/min (2) (4.2) (10.5) (21) (42) (112) (210) (420) (scfm) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 hose internal diameter mm (in.) hose length – meters (feet) 1/4”3/8”1/2”3/4” 2016131086 1. Determine the internal diameter of the hose, tube or pipe being used. 2. Determine the length of the hose, tube or pipe. 3. Read the length of the hose, tube or pipe 4. Result: every flow value to the right of the vertical line would activate the Air Guard in case of a bursting hose, pipe or tube Example: How to determine the correct AirGuard for an 8mm internal diameter & 10 metre long air hose (see the 10 metre hose line above) the intersection point is to the right of the vertical line. Result: a 3/8” AirGuard can be used. AirGuard for Compressed Air Systems How to select the optimal size of an AirGuard

16 AirGuard - Stainless A stainless steel version available in ½” size Other sizes under consideration Application areas: Offshore technologies Chemical / Pharmaceutical Clean room Other similar extreme / hazardous industries 16

17 Protection Package - AirGuard 17

18 Typical Installation 18

19 Success Story - Installation 19 2” solid pipe 2” Flexible hose 25m length Manifold 1” Flexible hose 1” Flexible tube 1/4” Flexible tube

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