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Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites Don Klosterman 1 Chyi Shan Wang Brian Rice Khalid Lafdi University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI) 300 College Park.

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Presentation on theme: "Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites Don Klosterman 1 Chyi Shan Wang Brian Rice Khalid Lafdi University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI) 300 College Park."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites Don Klosterman 1 Chyi Shan Wang Brian Rice Khalid Lafdi University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI) 300 College Park Dayton, OH 45469-0160 937-229-2528 (phone) 937-229-3433 (fax) 1 presenter

2 UDRI: Who We Are Not-for-profit research organization More than 340 full-time engineers, scientists, technicians, and support staff Synergistic teaming of full-time UDRI staff with UD faculty & students Facilities located on the University of Dayton campus Off-campus operations including on-site R&D contracts at Wright-Patterson AFB; Warner Robins ALC, Georgia; and in Ogden, Utah In FY 2003 UDRI performed $53 M of sponsored R&D on 1100 accounts, totaling nearly $53 million (89% government, 11% industrial)

3 Polymers are light weight, corrosion-resistant materials with a wide variety of industrial and military uses. Three classes of polymer resins: –Thermoplastic (rigid, meltable, e.g. polyethylene) –Elastomer (stretchable, e.g. rubber) –Thermoset (rigid, not-meltable, e.g epoxy) Polymers are generally NOT good conductors of electricity However, electrical conductivity is desired in various polymer applications: –Electrostatic dischage, electostatic painting, EMI shielding,lightning strike protection, etc. Conductive Polymers

4 Prior Art Making Plastics Conductive 10  m Carbon nanofibers Carbon nanofibers: –Highly conductive, but nonuniform dispersion and/or degraded aspect ratio 10  m Aluminum powder Conductive powders : micro-sized metal filings, carbon black, etc. –Mixes well, but high loading is required Melt Blending or High Shear Melt Compounding Heated, high shear mixer

5 UDRI Technology Description “Method of Forming Conductive Polymeric Nanocomposite Materials and Materials Produced Thereby” (U.S. Patent Application 2003/0039816 A1) Solvent removal Filaments Coatings Thin or thick films Tubes Panels Composites carbon nanofibers Polymer resin Affordable carbon nanofibers Solvent Ambient Temperature Dispersion process

6 Advantages 2-3 orders of magnitude more conductive than that produced by melt blending Electronic percolation threshold < 1% Use of affordable carbon nanofibers Large aspect ratio retained Uniform dispersion achieved

7 Example Conductivity of thermoplastic polyurethane film

8 Applications & Markets Electromagnetic inerference (EMI) shielding Electromagnetic pulse applications Electrical signal transfer Electrostatic painting of panels Electrostatic discharge Lightning Strike Protection Electro-optical devices (photovoltaic cells) Conductive Paints, Coatings, Caulks, Sealants, Adhesives, Sheets, Tubes, and Structural Components Industries: Space, Aerospace, Electronic, Automotive, Chemical

9 Development Stage Practiced regularly on laboratory scale at UDRI, ~ 1 lb. batches (polymer + nanofiber) Data collected on wide variety of thermoplastic, elastomer, and thermoset polymers 2000 ft 2 pilot plant and new equipment being installed; scale-up studies underway at UDRI; expect 10-50 lb. batch capacity by spring 2004 –Dry nanomaterial powder handling and storage –Nanoparticle dispersion and solvent removal –Preform fabrication: film extrusion and prepregging –Composite lay-up and filament winding –Composite molding processes, including VARTM, press, and autoclave –Post cure ovens –Extrusion and fiber spinning.

10 Go To Market Strategy Nanosperse is working with early adopter companies, resin suppliers, and nano materials manufacturers to develop applications Pilot scale product, samples, and R&D support will be provided initially by UDRI and Materials Research Institute (Dayton, OH) through Nanosperse, LLC Future production by Nanosperse according to customer requirements Exclusive patent license to

11 Support Capability Contact Art Fritts at Nanosperse, 330-670-6849, UDRI has a 40+ year history of polymer and composite R&D. We have a staff of full-time engineers and technicians; we are customer oriented and respect client confidentiality. Pilot plant production and R&D Custom compounding Standard Master Batch material Production of films, fibers, plaques, prepregs Curing Testing The following capabilities will be available to industrial clients through Nanosperse:

12 Currently Available Product Forms “By The Pound”, December 2003 Custom compounded resin/nanofiber batches See us at the UDRI booth (#24) !! Letting-down master batch material Master Batch concentrate material Liquid and Paste Master Batch Material –Epoxy –Elastomers Molded nano- composite plaque Molded nanocomposite plaques Thin Film Composites

13 Also Under Development Thermally conductive nanocomposites Structural reinforcement Tailored functionalization of carbon nanofibers Continuous fiber composites containing carbon nanofibers

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