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Relational Model CMSC 461 Michael Wilson. What is a relation?  A relation is a set of tuples  (d 1, d 2, d 3, …, d n )  Where each element d i is a.

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Presentation on theme: "Relational Model CMSC 461 Michael Wilson. What is a relation?  A relation is a set of tuples  (d 1, d 2, d 3, …, d n )  Where each element d i is a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relational Model CMSC 461 Michael Wilson

2 What is a relation?  A relation is a set of tuples  (d 1, d 2, d 3, …, d n )  Where each element d i is a member of D i, which is the data domain for d i  The order of the tuples in the set is irrelevant  A data domain describes all unique values that a particular data element may contain  Corresponds to data types  Each element is called an attribute value

3 A picture jacked shamelessly from Wikipedia

4 An example UMBC IDAgeFNameLNameGPA SM1111120Mario 4.0 SM1111219LuigiMario3.9 MT1111121SamusAran4.0 FF1111321SnowVilliers0.2 SW1123418SnowWhite3.5

5 Relation schemas  Relation schemas are basically groups of named attributes along with any constraints on the data housed by the attribute  For the previous example, the relation schema would be:  UMBC ID, Age, FName, LName, GPA  String, Integer, String, String, Double

6 Translating to database terminology  A relation looks a lot like a table  An attribute looks a lot like a column  A tuple looks a lot like a row  Finally, a database contains many tables  A database can be thought of as a set of relations

7 Differences between relations and tables  Very minor stuff  A table can have duplicate rows, whereas a relation cannot have duplicate tuples  Tables have some metadata associated with them for programmatic reasons

8 Identification of tuples  To identify a tuple, typically we’ll take a subset of the values in the tuple in order and refer to it that way  Any subset of values that can uniquely identify the tuple is called a superkey  Uniquely identifying a tuple requires that the superkey be unique  As long as the subset itself is unique, it works  Even if one or more values are shared between superkeys

9 Superkeys! UMBC IDAgeFNameLNameGPA SM1111120Mario 4.0 SM1111219LuigiMario3.9 MT1111121SamusAran4.0 FF1111321SnowVilliers0.2 SW1123418SnowWhite3.5

10 Superkeys! UMBC IDAgeFNameLNameGPA SM1111120Mario 4.0 SM1111219LuigiMario3.9 MT1111121SamusAran4.0 FF1111321SnowVilliers0.2 SW1123418SnowWhite3.5

11 More superkeys! Record IDPatientNameDate of VisitDiagnosis 14233Mario 04/28/1991Leg injury 174342Snow Villiers12/05/2012Brain damage 189232Lara Croft12/05/2012Powder burns

12 More superkeys! Record IDPatientNameDate of VisitDiagnosis 14233Mario 04/28/1991Leg injury 174342Snow Villiers12/05/2012Brain damage 189232Lara Croft12/05/2012Powder burns

13 More superkeys! Record IDPatientNameDate of VisitDiagnosis 14233Mario 04/28/1991Leg injury 174342Snow Villiers12/05/2012Brain damage 189232Lara Croft12/05/2012Powder burns

14 More superkeys! Record IDPatientNameDate of VisitDiagnosis 14233Mario 04/28/1991Leg injury 174342Snow Villiers12/05/2012Brain damage 189232Lara Croft12/05/2012Powder burns

15 What use is a superkey?  In the previous examples, we’ve got multiple possible superkeys  What use are they?  Allows us to introduce a secondary concept, really

16 Candidate keys  A candidate key is a superkey that contains the fewest number of values that can uniquely identify a tuple  A relation can have multiple candidate keys

17 Candidate keys? Record IDPatientNameDate of VisitDiagnosis 14233Mario 04/28/1991Leg injury 174342Snow Villiers12/05/2012Brain damage 189232Lara Croft12/05/2012Powder burns

18 Choosing a candidate key  A candidate key is a superkey that contains the fewest number of values that can uniquely identify a tuple  A relation can have multiple candidate keys  How do you know which one to choose?

19 Choosing a candidate key  This is actually somewhat of an art  The answer, really, is to choose the one that best suits your data  Looking at ER Diagrams can help you decide

20 Primary keys  When you’ve chosen a candidate key to use, you’ve chosen a primary key  The primary key is the way you reference items in your relation  There will be much more on this later

21 Some examples  phpBB -  phpBB uses 63 tables

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