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Making light work. L ike all forms of energy, light has the ability to change the properties of substances. For example, sunlight can change the temperature.

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Presentation on theme: "Making light work. L ike all forms of energy, light has the ability to change the properties of substances. For example, sunlight can change the temperature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making light work

2 L ike all forms of energy, light has the ability to change the properties of substances. For example, sunlight can change the temperature of a surface and it can fade the colourful posters in shop windows over time. Light can also be transformed into other forms of energy. In your own eyes, light is transformed into chemical and electrical energy to send messages to your brain about what you are looking at. Visible light is only one small part of a type of energy called electromagnetic energy. Light is Energy

3 List the 7 types of light electromagnetic radiation

4 List the colours of the rainbow When will you normally see a rainbow?

5 The electromagnetic spectrum? T here is a range of electromagnetic energy, called the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes light we can see and light we cannot see. An example of light we cannot see is radio waves. This type of light sends energy through the air that can be collected by our radios and transformed into sound. Radio waves are low energy waves. However, some forms of electromagnetic energy, such as ultraviolet light, have enough energy to burn us.

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8 Electricity from light T he photovoltaic cells of a solar panel create useful electricity directly from light. The electrical energy from a solar panel is available because light itself is a form of energy. The light energy is transferred to electrons within the silicon wafer that makes up each solar cell. These electrons are freed from the atoms that they are part of. These `free' electrons then go on to become part of an electrical current that we can use as electrical power. List some everyday things that use a photovoltaic


10 The Hubble Space Telescope

11 Types of Light

12 Ultraviolet radiation, also called ultraviolet light, is more energetic than visible light. As a result, it can cause chemical changes in many substances, including human skin. Sometimes such changes can be harmful. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight can cause sunburn. Long-term exposure to the Sun's ultraviolet radiation increases your chances of skin cancer. Some sunscreen contains chemicals that absorb the ultraviolet light before it can damage the surface of your skin. Others, like zinc oxide, block the ultraviolet light. X-rays are more energetic than ultraviolet radiation. They can also cause chemical change and can, therefore, be dangerous to living organisms. Because x-rays have a lot of energy, they can penetrate some materials that are opaque to visible light. The soft tissues of the human body are transparent to x-rays, but bones are not. This makes x-rays a useful tool for doctors wanting to look inside our bodies. Gamma rays are the most energetic and, therefore, the most dangerous form of electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays are also very penetrating. They can pass through many materials, including many metals. It requires a thick layer of lead to absorb these rays. Some stars give out enormous amounts of gamma waves in a short burst. Astronomers call these `gamma-ray bursts'. They are among the most energetic objects in our universe, a million trillion times brighter than our Sun. Other important types of light

13 The speed of light A ll forms of electromagnetic energy move through the vacuum of space with the same speed. The speed of light; 300 000 kilometres per second. That's about seven times around the world in one second! Scientists often use the letter `c' to denote the speed of light in a vacuum. Einstein's Equation How long would it take a flash of light to travel from Australia to the UK? How long does it take light to travel from the Sun (150million Km away)

14 Instructions for making a Pin Hole Camera Make your own pinhole camera Y ou will need: a `tin' with both ends removed to make a hollow cylinder aluminium foil greaseproof or tracing paper elastic bands or sticky tape a pin. · Stretch the aluminium foil across one opening of your tin and the greaseproof paper across the other. · Fasten the foil and paper with sticky tape or an elastic band. · Make a small hole (using your pin) in the centre of the foil.


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