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1 MASTER OF CEREMONY Asih Sigit Padmanugraha Workshop on MC and Public Speech 9-10 October 2006 MTs YAPI Pakem Yogyakarta.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MASTER OF CEREMONY Asih Sigit Padmanugraha Workshop on MC and Public Speech 9-10 October 2006 MTs YAPI Pakem Yogyakarta."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MASTER OF CEREMONY Asih Sigit Padmanugraha Workshop on MC and Public Speech 9-10 October 2006 MTs YAPI Pakem Yogyakarta

2 2 Master of Ceremony A person in charge of certain social occasions who masters and controls the whole program and is the most responsible person for the success of a program

3 3 We need MC to … make the occasion –in good order –well arranged –run well

4 4 Types of occasion Formal Semi Formal Informal

5 5 Formal Occasions Inaugural ceremony Graduation ceremony Anniversary of a certain university, school, etc. (very restricted by protocol, such as agenda, personnel, language and clothes)

6 6 Semi-formal Occasions A visit of a government official A farewell party of a senior official A welcoming party of a certain official, etc. (less restricted in organizing the occasion and using the language)

7 7 Informal occasions Entertainment programs Inaugural night Birthday party, etc. (free in organizing the program arrangement, personnel, language, and clothes) The MC is very free in expressing him/herself, but s/he still has to kep the ethics

8 8 A good MC must have… Fluency in speaking Fluency and politeness in using the language Qualified voice Skill in controlling the audience Skill in communicating ideas and feelings Mastery of what the occasion is about

9 9 Continued … Mastery of the arrangement of all items and everything related to the occasion Good coordination with any personals involved in the occasion Good personality Good appearance

10 10 Before on duty, an MC should be... Mentally prepared (involving to the occasion) Physically prepared (health, appearance) Materially prepared (topic, duration, details, the guests, and s/he writes note cards, joins rehearsals)

11 11 When on duty, an MC should… Recheck the program arrangement Recheck the invited and present guests Recheck the readiness of the personals involved Recheck the microphone and testing the voice

12 12 Continued… Have the narration on note cards Have blank paper and ballpoints Have communication with the protocol/stage manager Keep the quality of voice and appearance

13 13 Language aspects Good voice: stress, intonation, pronunciation, volume, rate/speed Vocabulary Grammar

14 14 Others… Appropriate expressions Concise, but rich in improvisations Stimulate the audience to focus on the program Good at using different languages for heterogeneous audience Cultural literacy Do not comment too much on the item performed before moving to the next

15 15 Addresses … To a king or a queen: –His most Gracious Majesty, King … –Her most Gracious Majesty, Queen … –His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales –Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of York

16 16 Continued… To a president, minister, and other government officials –The Honorable … …, the president of …… –The Honorable … …, united States District Judge. –The Honorable Senator/Governor … –The Honorable …, the Minister of … of … –Your Excellency, Admiral… Commanding US NAVY

17 17 Continued… To an ambassador and other embassy officials: –The Honorable …, the …. Ambassador to…. –His Excellency …, the …. Ambassador to…. –The Honorable Colonel …, the Military Attaché of …

18 18 Continued… To common people: –Ladies and gentlemen, … –Dear friends, … –Dear Brothers and Sisters,… –Distinguished guests, …

19 19 Greetings Good morning, …. Good afternoon, … Good evening, … or Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

20 20 Opening (Introduction) An MC tells the audience what the occasion is and the program arrangement briefly

21 21 Closing Thank the audience Thank the speakers or any other personals Before saying goodbye, close by apologizing for any shortcomings in holding the program

22 22 Continued Retell the audience the occasion in summary briefly (the benefits, the aims, etc.) Tell the audience the hopes of the committee in the end of the program (criticisms, suggestion, and the hope that the audience are satisfied with the program)

23 23 Continued NOTE: –After saying goodbye, the MC should stay in the same position just to escort the guests politely. –Try not to disappear as soon as the program is over –Respect the guests till the end of the program.

24 24 Giving Announcements Give them after closing the program Don’t tell the announcements in between the items of the program, or before the closing Just tell the audience that there will be announcements after the closing

25 25 Have a fruitful workshop

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