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USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project USAID-SEIO Consultative Monitoring under USAID Assistance Agreement: 169-AA-10-DG/001 Rob Force,

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Presentation on theme: "USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project USAID-SEIO Consultative Monitoring under USAID Assistance Agreement: 169-AA-10-DG/001 Rob Force,"— Presentation transcript:

1 USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project USAID-SEIO Consultative Monitoring under USAID Assistance Agreement: 169-AA-10-DG/001 Rob Force, USAID/Serbia Senior Rule of Law Advisor February 28, 2012

2 USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project SEIO Aid coordination sector: Justice Sector Budget and Duration Total Life of Project funding: $21.8 million May 2011 – May 2016 Implementing Partner National Center for State Courts ObjectiveGovernment Operations Improved Agreement169-AA-10-DG/001 ComponentsJudicial Reform Government Accountability USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project 2

3 CONSULATIVE PROCESS TO DATE During project design and current implementation phases, USAID consulted widely with senior GoS officials to: –ensure responsiveness –optimize partnership opportunities –identify potential areas of need, cooperation and assistance. Date of USAID-GoS work plan reviews: Last review: August 2011 Next review: May 2012 USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project 3

4 STATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Commencement of assistance to courts Inaugural meeting of Misdemeanor Judges after integration into court network Establishment of working groups: –transparency and access to courts –service of process and enforcement of court orders and judgments –case management. Technical assistance to Independent Agencies –Anti-Corruption Agency –State Audit Institution –Ombudsperson’s Office. USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project 4

5 INDICATORS USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project 5 IndicatorBaseline20112012 Number of Justice Sector Personnel that Received USG Training 0400800 Number of USG Assisted Courts with Improved Case Management 0 NA (commencing in 2012) 6 Number of government officials receiving USG supported anti- corruption training 0155300

6 KEY CONTRIBUTIONS FROM GOS PARTNERS FOR YEAR ONE Active and close involvement by senior GoS and court officials in developing court assistance strategy Court participation in working groups –Misdemeanor Courts – three groups –Ministry of Justice – two groups Independent agencies begin implementing workplans/outreach: –ACA develops and begins implementation of training for political finance monitors –Increasing public awareness –Developing inter-agency communication and cooperation USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project 6

7 IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES Judicial Reform/Re-appointment Process –HCC, MOJ, others under scrutiny by press, NGOs, EU –USAID continues to assist judicial reform efforts; results may be affected if re-appointment process is protracted. The Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) is still building its institutional capacity. –ACA’s workload and growing capacities may limit utilization of USAID support. –Possibly adjust USAID expectations and focus of assistance efforts. USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project 7

8 OUTLOOK USAID and its GoS counterparts have developed a strong partnership for future cooperation. Key program milestones in the year ahead: –Successful renovations of selected partner courts –Implementation of court improvement plans –Implementation of policies and procedures developed by working groups –Building upon the current work with the Independent Agencies. USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project 8

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