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CSULA-COH Collaborative Progress to Date April 19, 2007.

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1 CSULA-COH Collaborative Progress to Date April 19, 2007

2 Overall Program  Inaugural meeting of Internal Advisory Committee held at CSULA on October 24, 2006  attended by IAC members, the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies & Research, Deans/Associate Deans from the College of Natural & Social Sciences and the College of Health & Human Services  Co-PIs presented overview of program  IAC discussed overall program design, how to recruit faculty into the Cancer Research Program, how to recruit students and mentors into Cancer Training Program  next steps and follow-up meetings were outlined  Co-PIs hold bi-weekly meetings by phone to plan programmatic details, agree on action items, and assign responsible party to each  Program Coordinator and Web Developer hired at CSULA; website is up and running

3 Cancer Research Program  Dr. Momand attended meetings with Chairs of HHS and NSS to enlist their assistance with faculty recruitment at CSULA  interested faculty identified and contacted by Dr. Momand  Dr. Kane worked with Dr. Smita Bhatia, Chair of Population Sciences at COH to identify COH faculty interested in the program  prospective faculty contacted by Dr. Kane  Meeting of interested research faculty convened at CSULA on February 20  presentation of ongoing research programs by COH faculty leaders  discussion of general scope of programs that might be developed  Faculty are working independently to forge collaborations and develop project ideas; follow-up meetings will be held  RFP for first round of Pilot Projects will be released in April  August 1, 2007 deadline

4 Cancer Training Program  Drs. Momand and Kane have recruited faculty from both institutions who are interested in serving as co-mentors and collaborators on student projects  Meeting of faculty held at COH on January 22  abstracts of research interests from all faculty  discussion of research interests and cancer connection from CSULA faculty  potential collaborators, projects, available facilities identified  Faculty are working independently to forge collaborations and define projects for student trainees  two projects already posted on website  4-5 additional projects anticipated  Student applications will be solicited in May/June/July

5 Career Development Program  Junior faculty in the Cancer Research Program have been identified from both CSULA and COH  Details of career development activities and mentoring relationships will await development and funding of specific Pilot Projects  Junior faculty in the Cancer Training Program have been identified from CSULA  Career development will occur in the context of collaborative student projects -- increasing involvement in cancer research, developing capacity for R01-level funding

6 Distinguished Speaker Series  Cancer Research Faculty polled for their ideas on potential speakers for the inaugural event – three top candidates emerged  Faculty polled for their rankings of the top candidates – a clear consensus emerged: Dr. Nancy Krieger, Harvard School of Public Health “Dr. Nancy Krieger's work focuses on social inequalities in health. She is a social epidemiologist, with a background in biochemistry, philosophy of science, history of public health, and involvement as an activist in issues involving social justice, science, and health.”  Dr. Krieger has been invited and she is checking her availability “Great to learn about your program -- and thanks for the kind invitation!”  Inaugural Distinguished Speaker event is tentatively planned for January, 2008 at CSULA

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