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Presidential Inauguration January 20, 2005. The next president… George W. Bush Currently President of The United States Ready to begin his second term.

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Presentation on theme: "Presidential Inauguration January 20, 2005. The next president… George W. Bush Currently President of The United States Ready to begin his second term."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presidential Inauguration January 20, 2005

2 The next president… George W. Bush Currently President of The United States Ready to begin his second term

3 What is an Inauguration? Ceremony in which the president officially takes office Held January 20 th at noon after the election President takes the oath of office

4 The Oath of Office A promise to carry out the presidential duties honestly and faithfully Said with right hand raised and left hand on the Bible Every President since George Washington has repeated these words

5 The Presidential Oath of Office I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God.

6 Inauguration Events On Inauguration Day the President gives an Inaugural Speech A parade is held on Inauguration Day Inauguration Day is followed by an Inauguration Ball

7 Inauguration Trivia George Bush used the same Bible as George Washington at his swearing-in George W. Bush’s Inaugural Parade will contain 14 floats and 45 marching bands In 2001, more than 500,000 people watched the swearing-in ceremony To play a trivial game visit the Time for Kids web siteTime for Kids web site

8 Congratulations Mr. President… George W. Bush

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