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U.S. History Chapter 17 Review A:B: VirginiaMaryland #1 “…no state, upon its own mere motion, can lawfully get out of the Union…” To what state was Lincoln.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. History Chapter 17 Review A:B: VirginiaMaryland #1 “…no state, upon its own mere motion, can lawfully get out of the Union…” To what state was Lincoln."— Presentation transcript:


2 U.S. History Chapter 17 Review

3 A:B: VirginiaMaryland #1 “…no state, upon its own mere motion, can lawfully get out of the Union…” To what state was Lincoln referring? C:D: South CarolinaTennessee

4 C. South Carolina

5 A:B: Increased immigration Racial equality #2 Which best illustrates the contrast between the North and South? C:D: Economic industry Access to transportation

6 C. Economic Industry

7 A:B: Slave rebellions in Northern states Slaves were too expensive for Northern farmers #3 By the time of the Civil War, why had slavery nearly disappeared in the North? C:D: Slavery did not fit economic interests US Constitution outlawed slavery in the North

8 C. Slavery did not fit the economic interests in the North

9 A:B: Human slaveryStates’ rights #4 After the Civil War, there was no more compromising on ________. C:D: Judicial review Federal taxes

10 A. Human slavery

11 A:B: New Orleans surrenders to Union forces Lincoln issues call for 75,000 troops #5 Which event was a MAJOR turning point in the Civil War? C:D: Vicksburg surrenders to Union forces Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation

12 C. Vicksburg surrenders to Union forces

13 A:B: Second Inaugural Address Gettysburg Address #6 Which of Lincoln’s speeches began, “Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” C:D: First Inaugural Address Emancipation proclamation

14 B. Gettysburg Address

15 A:B: Retribution Reconciliation #7 Which best describes the message of the Gettysburg Address? C:D: Concession Resignation

16 B. Reconciliation

17 A:B: Saratoga: Gettysburg Cowpens: Atlanta #8 _______ is to the Revolutionary War as _______ is to the Civil War. C:D: Concord: Petersburg Trenton: Chattanooga

18 A. Saratoga: Gettysburg

19 A:B: Ulysses S. Grant Robert E. Lee #9 Jefferson Davis depended on ______ to lead his troops in the Civil War. C:D: Andrew Johnson Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson

20 B. Robert E. Lee

21 A:B: Fort SumterGettysburg #10 Lexington: Revolutionary War __________: Civil War C:D: Antietam Bull Run

22 A. Fort Sumter

23 A:B: Yorktown Saratoga #11 ___________: American Revolution Appomattox Court House: Civil War C:D: Cowpens Charleston

24 A. Yorktown

25 A:B: Homestead ActWilmot Proviso #12 Which Civil War presidential order impacted the 13 th amendment? C:D: Lecompton Constitution Emancipation Proclamation

26 D. Emancipation Proclamation

27 A:B: It shattered the will of the North to fight It concentrated Southern forces around New Orleans #13 How was the Battle of Vicksburg a turning point in the Civil War? C:D: It encouraged Britain to resupply the South It isolated the western part of the Confederacy

28 D. It isolated the western part of the Confederacy

29 A:B: South failed to produce enough food to feed soldiers Northern factory workers became soldiers #14 Which difference likely contributed to the Union victory of the Civil War? C:D: North produced more goods & materials for war effort South had fewer free laborers to produce factory goods

30 C. North produced more goods & materials for war effort

31 A:B: They marked beginning of fighting They were total war victories #15 What do the Battle of Saratoga in the Revolutionary War and the Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War have in common? C:D: They were considered turning points They encouraged involvement of foreign nations

32 C. They were considered turning points of the wars

33 A:B: North had few iron and coal deposits South had little labor for construction #16 Why did the North have more than twice the amount of rail mileage than the South? C:D: North had more industry & factories South had more difficult terrain to cross

34 C. North had more industry & factories

35 A:B: Battle of ShilohBattle of Atlanta #17 Which battle forced a Confederate retreat from Maryland & resulted in highest number of casualties for a single day in American military history? C:D: Battle of Antietam Battle of Gettysburg

36 C. Battle of Antietam

37 A:B: Union forces divided the Confederacy Union farmers used the river to sell goods #18 How did the Mississippi River contribute to the Union victory of the Civil War? C:D: Confederate farms & plantations depended on the river for irrigation Confederates defended against Indian attacks along river

38 A. Union forces used the river to divide the Confederacy

39 A:B: North collected taxes on South agriculture Small Southern farms couldn’t compete with larger Northern farms #19 How did economic differences between the North and South contribute to the beginning of the Civil War? C:D: North relied on mobile labor force; South used slave labor Cotton brought wealth to South; North suffered from tariffs

40 C. North relied on mobile labor force; South used slave labor

41 A:B: Gettysburg Address Emancipation Proclamation C:D: 1 st inaugural address Speech to Ohio regiments #20 “…all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, …shall be then…forever free.” This excerpt is from which of Lincoln’s writings?

42 B. Emancipation Proclamation

43 A:B: FederalismStates’ Rights C:D: British Mercantilism Congressional Compromises #21 In general, Sectionalism, slavery and _____ led to the Civil War

44 B. States’ Rights

45 A:B: Appomattox Courthouse Harper’s Ferry C:D: GettysburgHampton Roads #22 The Confederate Army surrendered to the Union Army and ended the Civil War at __________.

46 A. Appomattox Courthouse

47 A:B: 18751850 C:D: 18591863 #23 President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in _____.

48 D. 1863

49 A:B: More resources for war materials More talented military leadership C:D: Opportunity to fight on defensive More politically experienced leader #24 One advantage the North had over the South when the Civil War began

50 A. More resources for war materials

51 A:B: Preservation of Union under one government Control of the California territory C:D: Northern attempts at agriculture Southern attempts at industrialization #25 The Civil War originally began over _________.

52 A. Preservation of Union under one government

53 A:B: Mississippi River Pacific Ocean C:D: Rio Grande River Atlantic Ocean #26 Which body of water led to rebirth of trade between North & South following the Civil War?

54 A. Mississippi River

55 A:B: Industrial manufacturing Native American knowledge C:D: Discovery of gold Population growth #27 The North was victorious by taking advantage of what resources?

56 A. Industrial manufacturing

57 A:B: CapitalismMarxism C:D: FascismLeninism #28 What type of economic system was used by both the Union & Confederacy?

58 A. Capitalism

59 A:B: John Brown Abraham Lincoln C:D: Jefferson DavisRobert E. Lee #29 Which individual believed that the Civil War was waged “to defend & maintain the supremacy of the Constitution and to preserve the Union”?

60 B. Abraham Lincoln

61 A:B: States’ rights Representation in Congress C:D: Popular sovereignty Republicanism #30 The tariff issue of 1832 and the secession of the South were both concerned about the issue of ________.

62 A. States’ rights

63 Great Job!!!! Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!

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