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INAUGURAL CEREMONY Inaugural Address. CHIEF GUEST: Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar (Principal director, Symbiosis) She talked about the journey of Symbiosis. Symbiosis.

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Presentation on theme: "INAUGURAL CEREMONY Inaugural Address. CHIEF GUEST: Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar (Principal director, Symbiosis) She talked about the journey of Symbiosis. Symbiosis."— Presentation transcript:

1 INAUGURAL CEREMONY Inaugural Address

2 CHIEF GUEST: Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar (Principal director, Symbiosis) She talked about the journey of Symbiosis. Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences was started in the year 2004 with an aim to start various programs in allied medical science so as to cater need of Healthcare sector in respect of providing trained and qualified paramedics. Symbiosis Centre of Healthcare(SCHC) was started 16 years ago with a motive to provide preventive and curative healthcare services to the students and faculty at Symbiosis. So also to provide distance learning programs such as hospital healthcare management, medico legal systems for busy healthcare professionals.

3 She also spoke about the expansion plan of Symbiosis which includes Symbiosis Medicity project at its Lavale university campus and a biomedical research institute. The hospital will have collaboration with Symbiosis Institute of Technology which will promote many research projects like stem cell research. It will also invite pharma companies to conduct their researches so that students and faculties of Symbiosis would get direct exposure and hands on training.

4 CHIEF GUEST : Dr. Rajani Gupte (Vice Chancellor, Symbiosis International University) She talked about the changes which the healthcare sector is undergoing globally. She briefed about the economic Liberalization took place in India in the year 1992. so also she enlightened audience on current scenario with special reference to current economy of India and growth of Indian Healthcare.

5 US and European Union market are looking at us regarding the implementation of Intellectual property laws in India. Drugs and medical equipment manufacturing cost in India is less as compared to the developed countries and pose a tough competition to the global market. She concluded with the Symbiosis expansion plan in the field of healthcare.

6 PRE-CONFERENCE SYMPOSIUM Keynote Address SIU Auditorium, Symbiosis Lavale Campus

7 Key Note Address Name of the speaker: Dr. Rajiv Yeravdekar Designation:Dean, FOHBS, Symbiosis International University Topic: Game Changers Sub-Topic: Entrepreneurship

8 SUMMARY Dr. Rajiv Yeravdekar defined Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship. He captured the audience by speaking on Game Changers in Bollywood and Cricket. He moved further by speaking on changing the ecosystem and thus started with the topic, “Healthcare and Entrepreneurship in India. He spoke on Affordability, Accessibility and Equity in Healthcare needs. Dr. Yeravdekar briefed a few Case Studies- Swasthya Slate and Cloud Computing being a few. He concluded by speaking on Symbiosis Centre for Health Care- Game Changer in Symbiosis.

9 Anchor Name : Mr. Rajen Padukone Designation : CEO & MD, Manipal Health Enterprises. Topic : Successful Healthcare Models

10 SUMMARY Sir introduced the speakers of “Successful Healthcare Models” i.e Mr. Harish Pillai, Mr. Sudarshan Jain, Mr. Sadanand Reddy & Dr. GSK Velu. Accessibility, availability & affordability are the three A’s of the Healthcare industry. Successful models include the concepts of day care & day care surgery.

11 The PPP model would be the growth drivers for the urban and rural setup. The topics to follow on were hospital, Pharma, IT and medical devices. In the setup for affordable care for equipment and devices the major factor to be considered is project cost.

12 The project cost does not change significantly across the various “ tiers” of Cities so the question is how to make it affordable. The pharma sector has to deal with Government price control and Government sponsored schemes. Technology in the form of mobiles, hand held devices & Wifi along with web healthcare portals & Telemedicine have an important role to play.

13 Name Of The Speaker: Dr. Harish Pillai Designation: CEO, Aster DM Healthcare. Topic: Successful Healthcare Models Sub-topic: Hospital Sector

14 SUMMARY He started his session by giving an overview of the journey of Aster DM Healthcare. Milestones of DM Healthcare 5 units in 1987-2001 49 units in 2002-2007 116 units in 2008-2011 168 units in 2012-2014 He talked about the vision and mission of DM Healthcare which is caring vision with a global mission

15 Aster DM at present is located in 175 different locations across 8 countries. At present Aster DM Healthcare focussing at Indian network growth Strategy mainly in South India and West India. He concluded by saying the success ingredients and the key growth drivers in Kerala.

16 Name Of The Speaker: Mr. Sudarshan Jain Designation: Managing Director, Healthcare Solutions, Abbott, India. Topic: Successful Healthcare Models Sub-topic: Pharmaceutical Model

17 SUMMARY Mr. Jain introduced the topic by stating Healthcare sector as the 4 th largest employer in India and that it currently employs more than 4 million people directly or indirectly. Mr. Jain, then moved expressed his views about Indian Pharmaceutical industry stating that, it is 15 th largest by value and 4 th largest by volume in the world and is expected to cross $22 billion by 2016.

18 He then enlightened the gathering on the evolution of the Indian Pharmaceutical Market and emphasized that accessibility still remains the core issue. He briefed certain models, among which “Alliance & Acquisition Model” and models of the domestic market grabbed attention. Mr. Jain concluded by throwing light on India’s advantages on being an Innovation Hub and also serving as a global Clinical Research platform and therefore the various opportunities.

19 As a final point, he quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson, “This time like all times is a good one, if we but know, what to do with it”.

20 Name of the Speaker: Mr. Sadananda Reddy Designation: MD, Goldstar Healthcare Private Limited Topic : Successful Healthcare Models Sub Topic: Healthcare IT

21 SUMMARY Sir introduced the topic of Healthcare IT by enlisting Solutions & Data storage as two components of it. We have come a long way from manual registers to digital spreadsheets for data storage along with a host of other technological advanced data storage techniques like DBMS(Data Base Management System) with the capability of “Query Management’’ etc.

22 SELECTION OF RIGHT PRODUCT  List of approved vendors - Minimum three  Vendor support & consistency  Functionality based on departmental input and standards  Level of customization & scalability a software solution offers  Technical specifications  Cost of product  Hidden Cost  Demo

23 It is important to create a score table once demo is created. Scale of importance 5Very high Importance 4High Importance 3Medium Importance 2Low Importance 1Very Low Importance 0No Importance

24 Name Of The Speaker: Dr. G.S.K. Velu Designation: Managing Director, Trivitron Group Topic: Successful Healthcare Models Sub-topic: Medical devices

25 SUMMARY Medical Technology in India is a 35,000 crore industry with 85% imports from foreign countries. Medical Technology offers great opportunities for studies but more innovation is required in this field. In India hospitals are not IT oriented. Therefore there is a need to relook into the working of hospitals and to make technology more available and affordable.

26 He emphasized on acquisitions and mergers of the companies which are taking place in India for the development of better technology. He also emphasized on the control which is to be taken by the government and the need for quality check. To conclude he said the Indian doctors should believe in Indian technology without compromising on quality.

27 Report Prepared By: Akhila Nayak Anisha Mehta Ebrahim Khan Nikhil Dhorepatil Shirin Khan Swati Sonik Yogita Patil (MBA –HHM 2013-15)

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