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Welcome & Setting the Scene Jack Malan & Mike Coyne, CSES.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome & Setting the Scene Jack Malan & Mike Coyne, CSES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome & Setting the Scene Jack Malan & Mike Coyne, CSES

2 2 Welcome to the Inaugural Forum of the UK SEiSMiC Network

3 3 Today’s Programme Morning : Presentations on Social Innovation & Urban Challenges Louise Pulford, Director Social Innovation Exchange Peter Baeck, Principal Researcher - Public and Social Innovation, NESTA Glen Noble, Senior Portfolio Manager for Urban Transformations, ESRC Open Discussion with Panel

4 4 Today’s Programme Afternoon: Interests and Visions: Discussion Groups Group 1: Social Innovation in City Governance Group 2: Engaging Communities in Social Innovation Group 3: Getting involved in Social Innovation Research The SEISMIC Network in the Future Co-operating with SEiSMiC’s European partners The SEiSMiC Network Work Programme Next Steps

5 5 Objectives & Themes Objectives of SEiSMiC: Develop a network in the UK & Europe focusing on Social Innovation in response to Urban Challenges Support JPI Urban Europe Provide feedback on integrating social innovation into developing urban solutions, notably through research The Themes of the SEiSMiC Network

6 Access to and redistribution & restructuring of means Redefining concepts, processes, structural approaches Infrastructure // economic apsects // governance // environment Sustainable diversity / diversity as an engine for innovation social dimension of cities New concepts to address problems // use the potential for innovation // migration // mixed generation Delivering change through participation & experimentation Impact of participation on system level New knowledge & languages // new economic models // new roles // transition processes // Adaptive, creative & resilient cities Anticipating external factors Natural hazards // environmental threats // social dynamics // economic developments Key Areas for Social Innovation

7 7 Objectives & Themes Key themes:  Reworking the available resources, improving access and better governance  Diversity in our communities as an engine for innovation  Delivering change through participation & experimentation  Developing adaptive, creative & resilient cities

8 8 Preliminary Meetings (London, Birmingham & Brighton) Some of the issues: London: interconnectedness of urban challenges an integrated approach to urban governance inequality as a major issue B/ham: role for corporate social responsibility local government & the Social Value Act metrics Brighton: the need for practical solutions inputs from cultural organisations

9 9 Questions for Today How does SEiSMiC fit into the UK Social Innovation landscape? How can SEiSMiC members best work together? What contributions can be made to JPI Urban Europe? Which issues should define the work programme over the next two years? How do we exploit the European dimension of SEiSMiC? What contributions can SEiSMiC members make to the work programme?

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