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Presentation on theme: "The NEW DEAL USHC 6.4."— Presentation transcript:


2 1932 Presidential Election
1928 1932 1936 1940

3 Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) (D-NY) Thirty-second POTUS 1933-1945
Governor of New York Crippled by polio as an adult

4 FDR’s First Inaugural Address

5 The “New Deal” The “3 R’s” R ELIEF ECOVERY EFORM

6 Bank Holiday / Fireside Chats

7 FDR’s “Alphabet Soup” SEC FDIC CCC AAA PWA

8 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

9 Agricultural Adjustment Act
THE PROBLEM: Crop prices too low THE SOLUTION: Crop subsidies


11 National Recovery Administration
Authorized the government and business leaders to develop codes of fair competition

12 Securities and Exchange Commission

13 “Make Work” Projects CCC PWA

14 Public Works Administration
Construction Projects

15 Civilian Conservation Corps
State and National Parks Table Rock State Park


17 Tennessee Valley Authority
Rural Electrification Public Utilities

18 The “Second New Deal” 1935-1936 Social Security Act
National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act Pro-labor Union Legislation National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Social Security Act (SSA) Old Age Pensions

19 Criticisms of the New Deal
From the Left: Too COLD! From the Right: Too HOT! Sen. Huey P. Long (LA) “Share Our Wealth”

20 Schechter Poultry Corp. v. U.S. 1935

21 Schechter Poultry Corp. v. U.S. 1935
9-0 In favor of the Schechters The NRA violated the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. UNCONSTITUTIONAL

22 Commerce Clause INTERSTATE “Horse and Buggy” Constitution

23 Court-packing Scheme Independent Judiciary FDR:
Add a justice for every member (up to six) over 70 years of age

24 FAIL FDR’s first major legislative defeat More Cartoons:

25 1936 Presidential Election
1928 1932 1936 1940

26 Included Southern Whites Civil Rights Legislation
FDR and Race Relations New Deal Coalition Included Southern Whites Civil Rights Legislation

27 FDR and Race Relations BUT New Deal programs (e.g., CCC) provided unemployed African Americans with work.

28 The EOC Let’s guess what the EOC makers are going to want to assess.

29 Unemployment New Deal

30 Unemployment WWII

31 GDP New Deal



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