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U.S. Cold War Policy in Latin America Neglect -> rediscover -> resist -> military or covert action…repeat?

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Cold War Policy in Latin America Neglect -> rediscover -> resist -> military or covert action…repeat?"— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Cold War Policy in Latin America Neglect -> rediscover -> resist -> military or covert action…repeat?

2 Truman’s Four Point Program 1949 Inaugural address Post-colonialism problem Successes Shortcomings

3 Nixon Visit to Venezuela, 1958

4 Alliance for Progress 1961 -Social, economic and political reform through infusion of foreign aid -Success? -Failures?

5 Johnson Doctrine U.S. troops in the Dominican Republic -LBJ faced a series of minor crisis in LA -Cuba and Panama -Dominican Republic – “prevent another Cuba”

6 Reagan and the Caribbean Basin Initiative 1982 Followed the premise of 4 Point Program and Alliance for Progress 6 elements Eligibility for aid? Sucess/Failures

7 Grenada Invasion Oct. 25, 1983 -US sought to remove Cuban military presence -Operation Urgent Fury -Anti-American dictatorship -Cubans evicted -Soviets blamed -Old school containment …a Soviet-Cuban colony being readied as a major military bastion to extort terror and undermine democracy - Reagan

8 Nicaragua: The Contras Defined: A group of counterrevolutionaries opposed to the ruling Sandinista government Background: The Sandinista Liberation Front came to power in 1979 Damage by Contras led to counterinsurgency tactics by Sandinistas Boland Amendment - 1984

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