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21 st ANNIVERSARY MEDIA PRESENTATION Park Hyatt Hotel 23 rd April 2013.

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1 21 st ANNIVERSARY MEDIA PRESENTATION Park Hyatt Hotel 23 rd April 2013

2 2 INTRODUCTION ■ A celebration on receiving a key ■ Recollection of achievements over the past 21 years ■ Not looking at current on-going issues ■ Invitation to stakeholders who have assisted us and worked with us ■ Media a critical partner

3 3 HISTORY OF THE ORGANISATION ■ 1992: Council of South African Banks (COSAB) ■ Association of Mortgage Lenders ■ Merchant Bankers Association ■ Clearing Bankers Association ■ Association of General Banks ■ March 1998: Bob Tucker appointed CEO and Banking Council of SA established, as an executive-driven organisation. ■ 7 March 2005: Name changed to The Banking Association South Africa (BASA) and Cas Coovadia appointed Managing Director.

4 4 ACHIEVEMENTS ■ October 1994: Critical player in development of National Housing Accord under leadership of Minister Slovo, and signatory to accord. ■ 1995: Record of Understanding, which marked beginning of bank finance, at scale, of affordable housing. ■ 1995: After signing of Accord partnered government in establishment of Servcon, to manage mortgage holders in default in low-income market. ■ 1996: Facilitated participation of banking sector in formation of Business Against Crime (BAC), through National Business Initiative (NBI).

5 5 ACHIEVEMENTS (1) ■ 1998: Established the SADC Banking Association (SADCBA), and continue to be the Secretariat: ■ 2002: partnered Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) to implement Public Private Partnership (PPP) Capacity Building Project in 6 SADC countries. ■ 2006: Developed on-line PPP training programme, accredited by Institute of Public Private Partnerships inc. – in UK Programme still running. ■ 10th November 2008:SADCBA awarded “PPP Champion of the Year” award by African Infrastructure. ■ Managing development and implementation of integrated payments and settlements system for SADC, under auspices of SADC CCBG, to be piloted in May 2013.

6 6 ACHIEVEMENTS – (2) ■ 1998: Finalisation of the new Code for Banking Practice, used by the Ombuds to oversee bank interaction with customers, under new independent Ombuds structure. ■ May 2000: Established Office of Banking Ombuds, as an independent voluntary Ombuds, chaired by Advocate John Myburgh. Prior to this, Charl Cilliers was an Ombuds from 1997, appointed by BASA. ■ 2002: Established SABRIC, as separate company to deal with initiatives to combat bank-related crime. This activity was undertaken through a department of the Banking Council before this. ■ March 2002: Instrumental in establishment of FinMark Trust, as a separate and independent entity. This initiative was located in the Banking Council prior to this, as a partnership between the Banking Council and DFID (UK).

7 7 ACHIEVEMENTS – (3) ■ August 2002: Volunteered Financial Sector Charter at end of NEDLAC Financial Sector Summit. Charter implemented from 2003-2008 as voluntary instrument. Finally gazetted as a sector code on 26 November 2012. ■ March 2007: Facilitated and signed Code of Conduct on Credit Extension, now incorporated into Code for Banking Practice. ■ 1 January 2008: Implementation of BASEL II. BASA worked extensively with SARB to enable regulatory process to achieve this. ■ April 2008: Prime mover behind establishment of National Debt Mediation Association (NDMA), to provide debt mediation services in terms of the Credit Industry Code of Conduct to Combat Over-Indebtedness.

8 8 ■ 2008: Launched Teach Children to Save SA (TCTSA) in partnership with American Banker’s Association, Citi Bank and Operation Hope. Completed 5 th year in 2012 and has reached over 500 000 school children. Also adopted by SADCBA. ■ 2008: Evidence before Jali Commission, with a good outcome for efficiency and competitiveness of industry. ■ January 2009: First sector to sign an Accord with SARS to manage relationship between sector and SARS and ensure ethical tax practice and efficient servicing by SARS. ■ October 2009: Hosted with United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), its Sustainable Finance Initiative Global Roundtable in Cape Town. First time hosted on African continent. ACHIEVEMENTS – (4)

9 9 ■ March 2010: Agreed Code for Social and Environmental Risk Management to guide bank practice. ■ 1 January 2011: Signed Credit Industry Code to Combat Over-Indebtedness to guide conduct in credit extension. ■ 16 April 2012: Launched first edition of Banker magazine. Now in its fifth edition. ■ September 2012: Hosted Inaugural Financial Inclusion Indaba. ■ October 2012: Signed agreement with National Treasury to address inefficiencies and bad practice in unsecured credit environment. ACHIEVEMENTS – (5)

10 10 ACHIEVEMENTS – (6) ■ BASA only African Banking Association to be a member of International Banking Federation (IBFed). ■ BASA only African Banking Association to contribute to the International Institute of Bankers Global Survey of Regulatory and Market Developments. ■ BASA has lead engagement on behalf of sector, on critical legislative and regulatory issues, including: ■ National Credit Act ■ Companies act ■ Consumer Protection Act ■ Home Loans Mortgage Disclosure Act ■ Various matters in Human Settlements ■ Various matters in Sustainability and Energy areas

11 11 OTHER MATTERS and the FUTURE ■ BASA achievements on back of sterling rating of SA banking sector in Global Competitive Report: ■ Ranked 2 nd for soundness of banks ■ Banking sector role in broader socio-economic growth strategy of country: ■ National Development Plan (NDP) ■ Transformation in sector ■ Role of sector in broader economic transformation

12 12 OTHER MATTERS and the FUTURE (1) ■ Banks on African continent: ■ Barclays Africa Retail and Business banking (incl. ABSA) pre-tax profit of £330 million of total group £5,9 billion (3rdQ to end of September 2012). ■ FirstRand offer to buy 75% of Merchant Bank Ghana for R746 million. ■ Nedbank loan of $285 million to Eco Bank, with option to take 20% stake. ■ Standard: R844 million of total headline earnings of R7,4 billion from rest of Africa (y/e June 2012). ■ Implementation of SADC payments and clearing system and implications

13 13 CONCLUSION ■ Positioned as credible organisation ■ Taken seriously by all relevant stakeholders ■ Has confidence of members ■ Will continue to be relevant to members and in role of sector in issues of national interest ■ Thank you to all stakeholders, particularly: ■ SARB, and in particular office of Registrar of Banks and National Payments Systems Division (NPSD) ■ National Treasury and Minister of Finance ■ Parliamentary portfolio committees, particularly DTI and Finance ■ JSE ■ FSB ■ Other regulators ■ Relevant government departments and ministries ■ Fellow trade associations ■ Our members ■ Our staff

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