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Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines, and Emissions – Program Update and Business Plans.

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines, and Emissions – Program Update and Business Plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines, and Emissions – Program Update and Business Plans

2 West Virginia University’s Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines and Emissions (CAFEE) is committed to becoming a worldwide leader in the research and development of the concepts and technologies necessary to improve transportation and power system efficiency, while working toward a cleaner environment. CAFEE believes combining energy innovation with environmental responsibility is key to creating and maintaining a successful economy. CAFEE Vision Statement

3 Originality - Customized Laboratories Business-like Atmosphere in an Academic Environment –Dedication to quality, time, and delivery Multifaceted Approaches to Projects –Research and Development, Modeling, Evaluation Self-Supporting for 20+ Years CAFEE Strengths


5 CAFEE Funding vs. Expenditures

6 CAFEE Staff Reductions/Displacement

7 CAFEE Proposal Submission & Funding

8 FYDA Energy Certification ($300K)AQMD ($239K) Dinex TRU ($174.5K)NS Additive Review ($180K) Johnson Mathey ($140K)AQMD DDC Review ($105K) MTU Certification ($85K)Rypos TRU ($78.9K) Brookville Equipment ($66K)MTU Scoping ($66K) Cartential Fuel Economy ($36.7K)CARB Data Analysis ($35K) John Deere ($25)Hybrid 60 ($22K) FYDA Energy PEMS ($20K) CAFEE Projected Funding

9 Advances in Tailpipe Sensors: Research and Development Inaugural Workshop in Collaboration with ASME ICE Division Provides an international discussion platform for engineers and scientists across the internal combustion engine industry, academia, and research organizations working in the fields of exhaust aftertreatment system controls, OBD, and emissions sensors development. Event will address technical advancements and development efforts in tailpipe sensors for particulate matter (PM) emissions from internal combustion engine systems. Such sensors are essential for monitoring the health and efficiency of PM filters and for effective control of aftertreatment systems. Unlike tail-pipe NOx sensors and wide-band lambda sensors, tailpipe PM sensors are still in their early R&D stages.

10 Laboratory Employees Engage Students with Research and Data Analysis (Hands-On) Support Students into Graduate Opportunities Encourage/Identify Internship and Cooperative Programs Where We are Lacking Educational Research Targets (NSF-REU) Involvement of Staff and Infrastructure with Student Projects CAFEE Undergraduate Involvement

11 Professional development for faculty careers Resume building Journal/Conference targets and associated requirements Journal paper opportunities Job interview questions and preparation Synergistic activities to stimulate data opportunities Guest lecturers Research assistance requests/teaming strategies Proposal development/ opportunity identification Presentation preparation for conference proceedings CAFEE Graduate Student Presentation Series Developed to engage students to become more active within the Center, promote more efficient research, and, overall, foster a more unified front among students and faculty.

12 INCREASE PROPOSAL SUBMISSION – BE INTERDISCIPLINARY Standard Laboratory Fee Organizational restructuring – Increase the responsibility of staff engineers to management roles for the engine dynamometer facilities and the chassis dynamometer facilities – funding/fiscal responsibility Temporary assistance from Research Office – overhead return, travel funds, consultants Pursue federal programs at the Congressional and Executive branch levels. Become PROACTIVE rather than REACTIVE Request support and engagement from the development office to indentify alumni who will assist in developing new research opportunities and synergistic relationships abroad Assess opportunities and, if they exist or can be developed, request further support and engagement from the Advanced Energy Initiative Future Initiatives for Growth

13 Critical Mass of Faculty, Staff, Students and Facilities- Promote CAFEE as a Center of Excellence Paradigm Shift from Service-Oriented to Research-Oriented Faculty is Committed to Working TOGETHER Diversify Research Portfolio Strive to Develop Interdisciplinary Opportunities – Reaffirm Existing Relationships & Cultivate New Partnerships Effective & Efficient Resource Management, Budget/Fiscal Responsibility for Sustainability CAFEE Review Panel Closing Thoughts

14 Thank You! 304-293-0650 (office) 304-288-7917 (cell)

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