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City of Mississauga Older Adult
Presented by Lorena Smith, Community Development Coordinator, Older Adult April 25, 2014
Mississauga Aging Demographics
Approximately 300,000 residents will be 55 years and older by 2031 Population growth forecasts for the next 20 years indicate that Mississauga will experience a demographic shift where the proportion of residents 55 years and older will increase from approximately 20% to 38% 2011 Census figures indicate a 24% increase in residents 65 and older since 2006
Mississauga… a city growing up
Total population 756,590 Population under 10 has declined since 2001 Median age increased to 38.5 (provincial average 40.4) Greatest proportionate growth in the cohort (baby boomers) Source Future Directions 35-54 years 224,710 55-64 years 84,175 65+ 81,465 Total: 390,350 (51%) Mississauga is similar to the provincial experience with respect to the growth and projected growth for its older adult population While we still have a significant child and youth market, it has declined and with 21% of the population now over 55 years with a combined total of 51% in the 35+ cohort, we have a need to consider the implications for our service delivery-keeping our population, active, healthy, engaged and ensuring a sustainable city model is going to be a key policy issue in the coming terms of council
Mississauga… a city growing up
Next 20 years indicate a demographic shift where the proportion of residents 55 years and older will increase from 20% to 38% According to our research, the new senior will: Have disposable income Be working later in life-balanced to suit personal and leisure interests Live longer but not necessarily healthier Pursue active activities, community volunteerism and give back if asked Be reflective of the diversity in the community (gender, ethno-cultural, person’s with disability, LGBTQ) Have more and sometimes competing demands with other users and uses Still expect discounts and free services as an age based entitlement Demographic profile presents an interesting picture of the future older adult-senior. Though their abilities and interests will change as they age, we will be able to retain, if not leverage the active interests of the newly retired through a myriad of recreational pursuits and community/civic engagement. With a greater desire to “age in place” meaning-to find suitable housing in one’s home community in order to maintain local ties and community/family and social connections-community centres will continue to provide an important hub for older adults Who we engage as partners in the planning and delivery of service and volunteer opportunities needs to begin to reflect the changing face and age of our primary user In Mississauga, we began to recognize this demographic shift a number of years ago and have been positioning ourselves ahead of the trends-though they are quickly catching up To inform our service planning-we developed a profile of our future customers which was validated recently in our upcoming master plan-now in final draft I am sure that by and large, this profile is a similar one for many of you in your respective communities…welcome to the new older adult!
Older Adult Plan: Council approved in 2009 Vision for Mississauga:
“As an age friendly city, older adults in Mississauga will lead purposeful and active lives, will live in their community with dignity, integrity and independence, and will experience a diverse range of lifestyle opportunities to pursue their personal interests” As we all know-without a roadmap-you often end up in the ditch…Mississauga knew it was heading into unmapped territory with respect to the aging population and undertook a planning exercise. Council approved the Older Adult Plan in. It sets out our vision for the quality of life that older adults will experience in our city . Recreation is featured prominently in the plan given our significant role in the provision of health and wellness services It was developed following significant consultation with the community, seniors clubs, staff and members of Council as well as our agency partners in health, social services, seniors support services, to name a few
Older Adult Plan Plan includes 10 principles, 32 goals and actions to address themes identified through research, promising practice review and consultation: Aging in place requires: transportation, accessible facilities, community connections, volunteerism Affordable & Sustainable services: Moving toward an ability-to-pay model Partnerships & Collaboration: Working with our local health, regional, social service & inter-departmental partners to provide holistic services without duplication Effective governance and policy: Creating the right tables to advance local policy, service reviews and space allocation practices Capital investments: Roads, sidewalks, park redevelopment, streetscapes, community facilities-older adult lens applied Service Plans: Responsive to the diversity of older adults (ages, abilities, interests, cultural, etc…) It’s principles and actions are impacting services, fee structures, partnerships, policy and our capital program. I will speak to a number of actions and successes that we have achieved to date and provide a link to the plan and the 2012 annual report we circulated to Council and our community on our successes
Did you know…….2013 facts 53 older adult groups with a total of 4,800 members meet across the City at 11 community centres offering a variety of activities to older adults. 446 volunteers of these groups contribute approximately 29,000 volunteer hours annually. 651 programs were offered across18 community libraries with almost 5,451 participants. Types of programs offered included Intergenerational Computer Buddies programs at 18 libraries and various informative topic sessions for older adults such as financial planning for retirement, health and wellness, leisure activities, social and book clubs.
Did you know…….2013 facts 10,000 activities occurred using 24,000 hours of community centre space in 2013. Mississauga Seniors’ Centre – Approximately 122 volunteers contribute more than 15,801 volunteer hours to their community annually. The city received one-time EPC funding totalling $59,100 for special projects directed to training sessions for community centre staff and older adult group members and program equipment for Square One Older Adult Centre.
Overview of Older Adult Activities /Programs
The City received Elderly Persons Centre (EPC) base funding grants from the Ontario Senior Secretariat in the amount of $219,300. The EPC grant was distributed to seven community centres and allocated to support the delivery of quality, age friendly activities. Self managed space like the Square One Older Adult Centre is a best practice, 1800 members Mississauga Seniors Centre, is a city run facility dedicated to Older Adult use, 1250 members
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
Older Adult Advisory Panel December 4, 2013, General Council endorsed the implementation of the OAAP Will be a Non Political panel 5 key staff representing divisions, 11 community older adults City wide recruit for community members began January 28, 2014, ended February 28, 2014 Currently in the selection process, 32 applicants Inaugural meeting – second quarter 2014
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
Older Adult Advisory Panel continued… Key focus areas for the panel include; Assist with the process of preparing the City of Mississauga, WHO Age Friendly City application Lead the planning for an annual Older Adult Educational Symposium Assist with the planning and facilitating of events for Seniors Month in June each year Establish a two year work plan by end of 2014
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
Pursue and achieve the designation of an Age Friendly City (WHO) Many of the Older Adult Plan recommendations support the 8 topic areas Involvement of the Older Adult Advisory Panel
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
Develop and implement training and tools for recreation staff and older adult club/group leaders, focusing on communication, relationship building and guidelines & processes for older adult clubs/groups using city facilities. The Two days of Awesome: Learning and working together training sessions were held in November and December 2013 120 recreation staff members attended 30 Older adult group leaders attended More training will be rolled out in 2014 based on evaluation
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
Establish Community Centre Older Adult Committees Leaders of older adult group and community centre staff at each of the community centres Committees will foster an overall understanding of the needs of all users and groups at the centre and create a forum for more focused communication regarding programming and space requirements A vehicle for two way communication with the OAAP Terms of reference for this committee has been drafted Pilot three Community Centre sites by end of 2014 Implementation of committees at all community centres by end of 2015.
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
As part of the community group policy review, develop an older adult group registry category Outline to include definition of group Criteria of conditions of registry Responsibilities of both parties
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
A city wide older adult space utilization strategy will be developed; Current and future space used by older adults Room rates and program fees Service delivery models to consider
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
Older Adult Website – new look Easier access to site Older adult group and community centre information Timely Older Adult Portfolio Updates, the go to place Links to informative websites and resources for Older Adult ACTIVEmississauga Older Adult Section– new look For the Fall/Winter 2014 edition – new content, listing of all community groups, information on Older Adult Continued improvements and changes as this section will be a stand alone document once the ACTIVEmississauga brochure, hard copy is phased out in 2016.
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
In collaboration with Sponsorship and Grants create a plan for ongoing financial support for older adult initiatives and events Develop a fund through corporate sponsorships that would support city run older adult events or services Pursue additional grants and funding opportunities
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
Develop a funding strategy to ensure services are sustainable Review of current room rates & fees applicable to Older Adults Consideration of a possible city wide membership Consideration of building a LOB for registered programs such as pickle ball, badminton, etc. Review current older adult group fees and memberships and begin discussions for the possibility of city wide consistent fees Review of EPC base grants, eligibility, etc. and work plan for ongoing applications for EPC special grants.
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
Financial Accountable for the MOH Elderly Persons Centres (EPC) Grants 8 Centres receive annual base funding $219,000 Additional special grants request for each of the grants for up to $15,000 annually Working with Community Centre Liaisons, develop and maintain a list of items, equipment, training, etc. that are required by the Older Adult Groups New Horizons Grants $20,000 grant for Lifelong Learning Mississauga, start up grant ending March 31, 2014
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
Older Adult Centres Association of Ontario (OACAO) $4,000 – IT FAIR – was held February 25, 2014 in partnership with Peel Senior Link and ETAG Senior Community Grants Applied for a municipal grant for the June 19th Appreciation and OAAP Kick off event Collaborated with 4 older adult groups for funding for the establishment of 4 Older Adult Community Centre Committees
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
Collaborating with Youth Portfolio and Libraries -pursue intergenerational programming opportunities at city facilities, i.e. computer buddies, Miway buddies Older Adult CD Coordinator is the Staff Liaison for Square One Older Adult Centre, Lifelong Learning Mississauga & Mississauga Senior Council
Older Adult Portfolio Initiatives
Create the discussion for services provided at community centres that would promote “holistic” “basket of services” for older adults Pursue partnership and funding opportunities for frailer/disabled older adult residents Review current operation of Mississauga Seniors Centre and make recommendations for future operation models
Thank you Questions???
Contact information Lorena Smith Community Development Coordinator, Older Adult , x 3718
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