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Presentation on theme: "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"— Presentation transcript:



3 The USA: geography The third largest
… in the world after Russia and Canada … population after china and India Its border to the… …north: Canada …east: Atlantic Ocean …west: Pacific Ocean …South: gulf of Mexico and Mexico

4 The USA: geography map reading
Main mountain chains? Main lakes? Lowest point? Longest river and its tributary? Time difference from east to west? APPALACHIAN MTS, ROCKY MTS, SIERRA NEVADA GREAT LAKES: SUPERIOR,MICHIGAN, HURON, ERIE, (NIAGARA FALLS) ONTARIO– GREAT SALT LAKE (UTAH) DEATH VALLEY – NEVADA MISSISSIPPI – MISSOURI 6 HOURS

5 The USA: Geography Capital city: Washington DC (District of Columbia)
Currency: US dollar Government: Presidential Republic Language: no official language English and Spanish Climate: varied; hurricanes and tornadoes Varied landscape: gentle slopes, prairies, snow-covered mountains, deserts, sandy beaches, densely populated urban areas along coasts

6 The USA: a “superpower”
A leading industrial nation in Manufacturing Electronics Trading Science Technology

7 The American flag “Stars and Stripes” or “Old Glory”
Meaning 13 stripes= first colonies 50 stripes= US states today Flag day 14 June Since 1777 Where In all public buildings

8 The National Anthem Oh, say can you see,by the dawn’s early light…
Title: The Star-Spangled Banner (“vessillo/stendardo”), covered with tiny shiny points of light Composed in 1814 Offically chosen in 1931

9 Every morning, before lessons, children stand up and “salute the flag”
I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

On US money and government documents THE EAGLE = national symbol “ e pluribus unum” = may different nationalities formed one nation

11 Makes sure the laws are obeyed
THE GOVERNMENT OF THE USA democratic presidential Federal Republic the Consitution (1787) specifies the system of Government THREE BRANCHES Legislative (CONGRESS) branch Makes laws Executive Carries out the laws Judicial Makes sure the laws are obeyed

12 The legislative branch
The Capitol, Washington DC National laws Congress House of Representatives - 435 - Elected every 2 years 2 FOR EACH STATE SENATE 100,

13 The US Executive President Barack Obama First Lady Michelle Obama
When people ask First Lady Michelle Obama to describe herself, she doesn't hesitate to say that first and foremost, she is Malia and Sasha's mom. Vice President Joe Biden The Cabinet The secreatry of State: John Kerry

14 e.g. department of education
The executive The Vice- President The President The Cabinet - Heads of departments (Secretaries) -chosen by President -appoved by Senate e.g. department of education Agencies e.g. -Information agency - CIA central intelligence agency (foreign gov.) - Safety - FBI federal bureau of investigation (safety from foreign enemies) Secretary of State (head of the Department of State - foreign affairs)

15 The White House in Washington,
the President’s residence

16 The judicial branch Lower courts with federal judges:
The supreme court building in Washington The Supreme Court: Final authority in interpreting the Constitution Lower courts with federal judges: -appointed by the President - In charge for life

Tend to be concerned with social welfare DONKEY REPUBLICAN: More conservative Mainly supported by the upper classes ELEPHANT

18 Elections - everyone aged 18 can vote
they have to register if they want to vote - people elect representatives (Congress) senators governors the president People vote during the state primaries and caucuses. That helps each party decide who to choose as their candidate.

19 1. The political parties choose a candidate at their conventions or caucus (a closed meeting of the members of one party in a legislative chamber, etc, to coordinate policy, choose candidates, etc) 2. Then the candidate picks their Vice Presidential running mate. 3. The members of the party choose the ideas they think are important 4. The candidates begin to campaign.

20 On the first Tuesday, after the first Monday in November, people all over the United States go to a polling location and vote their choice for President. …punching a hole in a card, …computers with touch screens, … paper ballots.

21 Each state has a certain number of electoral votes
Each state has a certain number of electoral votes. (Can you see why candidates would spend a lot of time in California, Texas, Florida, and New York?) In 48 of the states, the candidate that gets the most votes gets, all the electoral votes for that state. Nebraska and Maine, do not follow the winner-take-all rule. In those two states there could be a split of electoral votes among the candidates. The first candidate to win 270 electoral votes becomes the President!

1 .Primary elections in every state - People register with their party - Parties choose their Presidential candidate (one for each state) 2. Summer: NATIONAL CONVENTION - Delegates from each state choose final candidates for President and vice-president

3. Election Day (Tuesday in November) People are called to the polls to vote for one of the official candidates 4. December The electoral college in each state elects President and Vice president officially, considering the results of the vote in November 5. Inauguration Day - January 20th Oath of office => President and Vice-president Inaugural Address => the President expresses his plans for the future

24 On January 20, the President is sworn in, in Washington, D. C
On January 20, the President is sworn in, in Washington, D.C.  He recites an oath: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." 

25 After the inauguration, the President nominates people to be in charge of the different departments of the federal government. The heads of the departments of the federal government make up the President's cabinet. There are many jobs to be filled and they are all important. The Senate must approve each nominee.


27 The 2008 election was a historic election
The 2008 election was a historic election. Can you tell from the map who won?


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