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FleaNet : A Virtual Market Place on Vehicular Networks Uichin Lee, Joon-Sang Park Eyal Amir, Mario Gerla Network Research Lab, Computer Science Dept.,

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Presentation on theme: "FleaNet : A Virtual Market Place on Vehicular Networks Uichin Lee, Joon-Sang Park Eyal Amir, Mario Gerla Network Research Lab, Computer Science Dept.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 FleaNet : A Virtual Market Place on Vehicular Networks Uichin Lee, Joon-Sang Park Eyal Amir, Mario Gerla Network Research Lab, Computer Science Dept., UCLA

2 Advent of VANETs Emerging VANET applications  Safety driving (e.g., TrafficView)  Content distribution (e.g., CarTorrent/AdTorrent)  Vehicular sensors (e.g., MobEyes) What about commerce “on wheels”?

3 Flea Market on VANETs Examples  A mobile user wants to sell “iPod Mini, 4G”  A road side store wants to advertise a special offer How to form a “virtual” market place using wireless communications among mobile users as well as pedestrians (including roadside stores)?

4 Outline FleaNet architecture FleaNet protocol design Feasibility analysis Simulation Conclusions

5 FleaNet Architecture -- System Components Vehicle-to-vehicle communications Vehicle-to-infrastructure (ad-station) communications * Roadside stores (e.g., a gas station)

6 FleaNet Architecture -- Query Formats and Management Users express their interests using formatted queries  eBay-like category is provided E.g., Consumer Electronics/Mp3 Player/Apple iPod Query management  Query storage using a light weight DB (e.g., Berkeley DB)  Spatial/temporal queries  Process an incoming query to find matched queries (i.e., exact or approximate match) E.g. Query(buy an iPod)  Query(sell an iPod)

7 FleaNet Protocol Design FleaNet building blocks  Query dissemination  Distributed query processing  Transaction notification Seller and buyer are notified This requires routing in the VANET VANET challenges  Large scale, dense, and highly mobile Goal: designing “efficient, scalable, and non-interfering protocols” for VANETs

8 Query Dissemination Query dissemination exploiting vehicle mobility Query “originator” periodically advertises its query to 1-hop neighbors  Vehicles “carry” received queries w/o further relaying Q1Q1 Q2Q2 Q1Q1 Q2Q2 Yellow Car w/ Q 1 Red Car w/ Q 2

9 Distributed Query Processing Received query is processed to find a match of interests  Eg. Q 1 – buy iPod / Q M – sell iPod / Q 2 – buy Car QMQM QMQM Q2 Q2Q2 (1) Find a matching query for Q 2  No match found QMQM LocalMatch Q M  Q 1 (2) Send a match notification msg to the originator of query Q M Red car w/ Q 2 & carries Q 1 Cyan car w/ Q M Q1Q1 (1) Find a matching query for Q M  Found query Q 1

10 Transaction Notification After seeing a match, use Last Encounter Routing (LER) to notify seller/buyer  Forward a packet to the node with more “recent” encounter QMQM LocalMatch Q M  Q 1 Q1Q1 Q1Q1 Q1Q1 Q1Q1 T-1s T-5s T-10s T Encounter timestamp Current Time: T Originator of Q 1 Cyan car Red car Blue car Green car Yellow car TRX RESP TRX REQ

11 FleaNet Latency Restricted mobility patterns are harmful to opportunistic data dissemination However, latency can be greatly improved by the popularity of queries Popularity distribution of 16,862 posting (make+model) in the vehicle ad section of Craigslist (Mar. 2006) Frequency (log) Items (log)

12 FleaNet Scalability Assume that only the query originator can “periodically” advertise a query to its neighbors We are interested in link load Load depends only on average number of neighbors and advertisement period (not on network size) Example:  Parameter setting : R=250m, 1500B packet size, BW=11Mbps  N=1,000 nodes in 2,400m x 2,400m (i.e., 90 nodes within one’s communication range)  Advertisement period: 2 seconds  Worst case link utilization: < 4%

13 Simulations Ns-2 network simulator 802.11b - 2Mbps, 250M radio range Two-ray ground reflection model “Track” mobility model  Vehicles move in the 2400mx2400m Westwood area in the vicinity of the UCLA campus Metric  Average latency: time to find a matched query of interest Westwood area, 2400mx2400m

14 Simulation Results Impact of density and speed

15 Simulation Results Impact of query popularity  Popularity: the fraction of users with the same interest  For a single buyer, increase the number of sellers (e.g., N=200/0.1 = 20 sellers)

16 Simulation Results Impact of ad-station location  Given N=100, fix each node in its initial location, and set it as a “stationary” ad-station (as a buyer)  measure the average latency to the remaining 99 mobile nodes (run 99 times, by taking turns as a seller: 1 buyer  1 seller) N=100/V=25m/s avg. stationary avg. mobile Latency rank

17 Conclusions Proposed a virtual market concept in VANETs:  A mix of mobile and stationary users carry out buy/sell transactions (or any other matching of common interests) using vehicular networks Mobility-assisted query dissemination and resolution (scalable and non-interfering)  Node density/speed are closely related to the performance  Popularity of a query greatly improves the performance  Location of an ad-station is important to the performance Future work  Query aggregation to improve the performance Unpopular queries/queries from ad-stations  How to enforce cooperativeness of users?  Security: false query injection and spamming?

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