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National Council of Social Studies - 2007 Presented by Craig Howat.

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Presentation on theme: "National Council of Social Studies - 2007 Presented by Craig Howat."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Council of Social Studies - 2007 Presented by Craig Howat

2 What is Geocaching?  Game of “high tech hide and seek” using a GPS.  A GPS user hides a “treasure” and publishes the coordinates for others to find.  A GPS user follows those published coordinates to find the “treasure”.

3 The Envelope Open the envelope. Read instructions. Complete the tasks. Place a sticker on their map. Rotate jobs & move to the next cache.

4 1. Read the sign on the wall of the Cathedral. What happened to the original building in 1788? Record a complete sentence and pedometer distance in your handheld. 2. Go inside the Cathedral and take a picture of a piece of artwork. How does this artwork reflect the culture of New Orleans? 3. Use your MP3 player and your interviewing skills to meet someone who makes money from tourists. Ask them if business has returned to pre-Katrina levels and ask them why they love New Orleans. Example of tasks at a cache…

5 Tasks - Cartographer

6 Sony Voice Recorder Ease of use Functions Cost Tourist Steam Boat



9 Tasks - Navigator

10 GPS - Garmin E trex Ease of use Functions Cost




14 Tasks - Journalist

15 HP iPAQ Handheld Device Ease of use Functions Cost


17 Tasks - Photographer

18 Sony Cybershot Ease of use Functions Cost



21 High / Low Tech Tools High Tech Low Tech GPS UnitStreet map & ruler Digital CameraDisposable Camera Handheld ComputerClipboard MP3 playerTape recorder Pedometer

22 Final Product Using Microsoft Photo Story Insert photos Insert audio Insert MS Word, Excel or PowerPoint Example: Final MovieFinal Movie MS Photo Story Tutorial

23 Online Resources NCSS Social Studies Standards ISTE Technology Standards Photo Story Download Google Earth Download Service Learning Jordan Fundamentals Grant Best Buy Teach Award


25 Funding Partners

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