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Protecting Vulnerable Consumers and Promoting Marketplace Justice NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER INC  NCLC, 77 Summer St, 10th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 Phone:

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Presentation on theme: "Protecting Vulnerable Consumers and Promoting Marketplace Justice NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER INC  NCLC, 77 Summer St, 10th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 Phone:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Protecting Vulnerable Consumers and Promoting Marketplace Justice NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER INC  NCLC, 77 Summer St, 10th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 Phone: (617) 542-8010 Fax: (617) 542-8028 Charlie Harak Email: Winning & Enforcing State Utility Consumer Protections National Community Action Foundation St. Petersburg, FL November 13, 2007

2 Protecting Vulnerable Consumers and Promoting Marketplace Justice NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER INC  NCLC, 77 Summer St, 10th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 Phone: (617) 542-8010 Fax: (617) 542-8028 Charlie Harak Email: Overview of Presentation  General discussion, w. some ex’s (CH)  Ingredients of success (CH)  State-specific examples (Jami, Cynthia)

3 Protecting Vulnerable Consumers and Promoting Marketplace Justice NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER INC  NCLC, 77 Summer St, 10th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 Phone: (617) 542-8010 Fax: (617) 542-8028 Charlie Harak Email: Successes: Example 1  Iowa: payment plans, IA Adm. Code 199-19.4(10) (p. 95 “Rights”)  Plans must be “reasonable” (p. 96)  2 nd plans can be LONGER than 1 st  RESOURCE: Jerry McKim

4 Protecting Vulnerable Consumers and Promoting Marketplace Justice NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER INC  NCLC, 77 Summer St, 10th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 Phone: (617) 542-8010 Fax: (617) 542-8028 Charlie Harak Email: Example 2  MO winter moratorium rule, tit. 4, § 240- 13.055: waived late pmt. fees, reduced pmt. needed to avoid disconnect. Upheld in MO Ct. App. (2006).  RESOURCE: AARP

5 Protecting Vulnerable Consumers and Promoting Marketplace Justice NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER INC  NCLC, 77 Summer St, 10th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 Phone: (617) 542-8010 Fax: (617) 542-8028 Charlie Harak Email: Example 3  TLSC and TexasROSE petitioned for waiver of deposit rules, post-Katrina.  RESOURCE: Randy Chapman

6 Protecting Vulnerable Consumers and Promoting Marketplace Justice NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER INC  NCLC, 77 Summer St, 10th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 Phone: (617) 542-8010 Fax: (617) 542-8028 Charlie Harak Email: Example 4  Nevada Fund for Energy Assistance, NRS 702.050 -.280 --- 3.6% of inc. std.  RESOURCE: Fall 04 “Update”

7 Protecting Vulnerable Consumers and Promoting Marketplace Justice NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER INC  NCLC, 77 Summer St, 10th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 Phone: (617) 542-8010 Fax: (617) 542-8028 Charlie Harak Email: Example 5  MA vendor agreement: 25% down  Serious illness, winter, elderly, infant: 220 CMR 25.03  RESOURCE: CH

8 Protecting Vulnerable Consumers and Promoting Marketplace Justice NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER INC  NCLC, 77 Summer St, 10th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 Phone: (617) 542-8010 Fax: (617) 542-8028 Charlie Harak Email: Lessons Learned  “90% of life is just showing up” –Woody Allen (e.g., 25% down)  “I found allies that I never thought I’d find, including utility people, regulators, and others. You’ve got to find the right people and work with them to make things better.” - Elliott Jacobson

9 Protecting Vulnerable Consumers and Promoting Marketplace Justice NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER INC  NCLC, 77 Summer St, 10th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 Phone: (617) 542-8010 Fax: (617) 542-8028 Charlie Harak Email: Lessons Learned  Potential allies include leg., util. cos., PUCs, press, other low-income groups  Facts/data play a key role: arrearage and terminations esp. Document the need!  Build a network/Assurance 16

10 Protecting Vulnerable Consumers and Promoting Marketplace Justice NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER INC  NCLC, 77 Summer St, 10th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 Phone: (617) 542-8010 Fax: (617) 542-8028 Charlie Harak Email: A Word About Enforcement  Most states have under-utilized rules and protections: payment plans, term. rules.

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