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Workshop on Energy Statistics, China September 2012 Electricity and Heat Statistics 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Energy Statistics, China September 2012 Electricity and Heat Statistics 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Energy Statistics, China September 2012 Electricity and Heat Statistics 1

2 2 Introduction  Overview of electricity in Canada Understanding the Canadian context  Highlights of electricity data  Electricity data collection: Capacity Electricity generation Co-generation and heat Consumption Collection issues and challenges

3 3 Electricity: the Canadian Context  Canada is a major global producer of electricity  Variety of generation methods across the country  Canada also a large consumer  Trade links are mostly north-south with USA

4 4 Map of Canada – electricity production

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7 7 Issues faced by the electricity sector  Aging infrastructure – security of supply  Trade markets – stability, diversification  New, emerging sources (wind, tidal, solar)  Environmental concerns  Deregulation of the marketplace – impact on prices

8 8 Electricity Statistics - Overview  6+ surveys  Monthly, quarterly, annual  Mail-out/mail-back  Census surveys, above threshold  Mandatory response  Sources: direct from respondents, through administrative sources  Cover capacity, generation, demand, finances

9 9 Measuring Capacity  Annual electric power generating stations survey  Covers utilities and companies with a generating capacity above 500 KW  Frame based on input from provincial licensing boards, other surveys, industry research  Objectives: to establish updated frame for other surveys; to monitor capacity utilization rates

10 10 Measuring Electricity Generation  Monthly Electricity Survey: Volumes generated by utilities and industry Imports, exports, inter-provincial transactions  Annual Electricity Supply and Disposition Survey: Volumes generated by utilities and industry Includes co-generation  Co-generation and heat Variables included in other surveys But challenges and issues with quality

11 11 Measuring Electricity Consumption  Industrial consumption of energy: Sample of establishments, by industry and geography Includes electricity consumption and generation  Annual electricity supply and disposition: Track sales to consumers by sector  Quarterly residential survey: Volumes & values sold by utilities to residential sector Proxy for residential consumption

12 12 Other Electricity Data  Electric utilities financial reports (annual) Balance sheets: assets, liabilities, equity Report taxes, employees, wages, salaries, operating revenues and expenses To feed national accounts  Electric Power Thermal Generating Station Fuel Consumption (annual) Quantity, cost, heat content of fuels consumed For electricity utilities and industry estimates

13 13 Ensuring Quality  Follow up for partial or non-response  Compare data for same respondent From same time period last year From other electricity surveys  Balance inter-provincial transactions  Compare with data from other sources  Compare with other indicators to match trends

14 14 Collection Issues and Challenges  Multiple surveys = respondent burden, conflicting data sets  Deregulation of electricity markets makes it more difficult to track production to consumption  Consumption data based on sellers, not users  Will have to move to electronic collection  Proliferation of small electricity producers

15 15 Thank you! Andy Kohut, Director Manufacturing and Energy Division Statistics Canada Section B-8, 11 th Floor, Jean Talon Building Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0T6 Telephone: 613-951-5858 E-mail:

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