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Lecture 3: Nocturnal (Stably Stratified) Boundary Layer.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 3: Nocturnal (Stably Stratified) Boundary Layer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 3: Nocturnal (Stably Stratified) Boundary Layer

2 ; Stable Stratification – Ri > 0

3 Stable flows Richardson Number

4 Thermally Driven Slope Flows Reproduced from Mountain Meteorology (2000). Courtesy of Dr. Whiteman, PNNL.

5 Thermally Driven Valley flows Reproduced from Mountain Meteorology (2000). Courtesy of Dr. Whiteman, PNNL.

6 Salt Lake City


8 A Typical Urban Experiment

9 VTMX ASU Equipment

10 Theta profile in the valley

11 VTMX Measurements

12 Downslope – Field Data

13 Flow Analysis

14 Idealized Slope Flow Analysis Entrainment Coefficient, Ri =  bh/U 2 X X X X XXXXXX

15 Downslope flow - Pulsation Linearized governing equations with neglected flux divergence and the entrainment-rate, have oscillatory solution with the frequency or period

16 Downslope flow - Pulsation T=55 min ACS  = 4.7 deg: T=20 – 50 min SS  = 1.8 deg: T=50 – 130 min

17 Other Observations –the Riviera valley (Gorsel et al., ICAM/MAP proceedings, 2003) –Cobb Mountain (Doran and Horst, JAM, 20(4), 361- 364, 1981) –Phoenix valley (Keon, Master Thesis, ASU, 1982) –Slope and ACS sites of the VTMX campaign in Salt Lake City (Doran et al., BAMS, 83(4), 537-554). American Scientist 2004

18 Manin and Sawford’s (1978) Solutions (Combining with Briggs formula) For (  is the slope angle, the stabilizing buoyancy flux driving the flow and s the along-slope distance measured downward, h I integral scales of katabatic layer depth, U I velocity and Db I buoyancy )

19 Flow Velocity High Ri Entrainment is Unimportant Low Ri Entrainment is dominant

20 High Ri Entrainment is Unimportant


22 Low Ri Entrainment is dominant

23 Parameterization of Vertical Mixing PB D Flux Richardson Number Gradient Richardson Number Diffusion Coefficientse.g..

24 Flux versus Gradient Richardson Numbers J. Fluid Mech. 2002

25 Eddy Coefficients for the entire range of Rig; for Rig < 1 and for Rig > 1

26 Normalization of the eddy coefficients in the VTMX J. Atmospheric Sci., 2003

27 Eddy Diffusivity (Semi Empirical) for Rig < 1 and for Rig > 1

28 Eddy Diffusivity Ratio Inverse Prandtl Number J. Physical Oceanography 2001 Boundary layer Meteor. 2005


30 Temperature & Wind comparison

31 (averaged over 1- h, at 10 km inland versus simulations) RAMS uses Therry and Lacarrere’s (1983) parameterization (200x200 km domain, including Rome)

32 Entrainment -- Encroachment of nearby fluid across a boundary Boundary entrainment velocity (rate of propagation of a bounding surface due to turbulence). Entrainment Coefficient U Characteristic velocity Due to a normal mean flow Flux entrainment velocity (characteristic velocity the scales cross across an interface – boundary stationary).

33 Downslope flow - Entrainment Entrainment coefficientRichardson number

34 Entrainment Velocity Ellison and Turner, JFM, 1959

35 Ellison & Turner Results

36 Oquirrh Mountain

37 ASU Doppler Lidar


39 Entrainment Coefficient J. Fluid Mech. 2005, Mixing Transition -- above a certain critical Reynolds number, entrainment increases


41 Re vs. E

42 Hydraulic Adjustment

43 Steady state, small angle Ri < 1 Hydraulic Equation Ri > 1


45 a) α= (10˚, 20˚)b) α= (0˚, 26˚)

46 Applications Power plant emissions

47 Phoenix Terrain




51 Dispersion of Air Pollutants

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