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Published byAileen Newman Modified over 9 years ago
This PowerPoint/Keynote presentation is part of the apologetics course entitled An Unshakeable Faith. Copyright 2011 Way of Life Literature P. O. Box 610368 Port Huron, MI 48061 866-295-4143 In Canada Bethel Baptist Church, 4212 Campbell St. N., London, Ontario N6P 1A6 519-652-2619
Before viewing the slide presentations on evolution, the teacher should first present the introduction to the evolution section from the apologetics course “An Unshakeable Faith.”
Icons of Evolution Fables in Textbooks and Museums
Icons of Evolution are evidences that are commonly offered for evolution in textbooks and natural history museums.
They should actually be called MYTHS OF EVOLUTION, because they provide zero scientific evidence for Darwinian evolution. In fact, they refute evolution!
“Evolution does not warrant being called a theory or a hypothesis.” This is why we evolution cannot rightly be called a “theory.” David Stone, Ph.D. physics
“A theory arises when a hypothesis has stood up to repeated tests under a wide variety of conditions and cannot be broken. Evolution warrants neither term. Evolution qualifies as a philosophical, even a religious idea, void of scientific support, and intended to replace biblical truth with stories.” David Stone, Ph.D. physics
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto FABLES” 2 Timothy 4:3-4 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto FABLES” 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Vestigial Organs
Vestigial organs are supposed to be hang-ons from man’s evolutionary past that no longer have a purpose.
Charles Darwin used this myth as proof of his theory. He listed wisdom teeth, the appendix, the coccyx (kock- six) or tailbone, body hair, and other things.
Robert Wiedersheim, a Darwinist in Germany, broadened the list to 180 in his book The Structure of Man. He added the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, the tonsils, the thymus, among others.
The concept was so popular as an evolutionary icon that Ernst Haeckel gave it the name Dysteleology or “the science of rudimentary organs.”
The number of vestigial organs has been reduced to zero.
Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. in human biology, stated in his paper “Do Vestigial Organs Exist in Humans,” that the number of vestigial organs had shrunk to zero by 1999.
Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D. in physical chemistry, also refutes the myth of vestigial organs in his book “By Design.”
TONSILS It is now known that the tonsils are important for the growth of the immune system. They help establish the body’s defense capabilities by producing antibodies. Once these develop, the tonsils shrink to a smaller size in adults. TONSILS It is now known that the tonsils are important for the growth of the immune system. They help establish the body’s defense capabilities by producing antibodies. Once these develop, the tonsils shrink to a smaller size in adults.
APPENDIX It is now known to be a safe house for “good bacteria” so the intestine can be repopulated after flushing out a pathogen. APPENDIX It is now known to be a safe house for “good bacteria” so the intestine can be repopulated after flushing out a pathogen.
COCCYX David Menton, Ph.D. in cell biology from Brown University, says that unlike tails, the coccyx has no muscles associated with movement and no bones that are an extension of the vertebral column. COCCYX David Menton, Ph.D. in cell biology from Brown University, says that unlike tails, the coccyx has no muscles associated with movement and no bones that are an extension of the vertebral column.
The myth of vestigial organs teaches us that evolution does not qualify as a scientific theory of even a hypothesis.
The Embryo Chart
The embryo chart was developed by Ernst Haeckel, the German disciple of Charles darwin.
It is based on Haeckel’s “law of recapitulation” (or biogenetic law), which says that the human embryo repeats its “evolutionary cycle.”
thus, the embryo supposedly progresses from a single cell to a fish to an amphibian to a reptile to a mammal to an ape to a human.
Haeckel summarized this law with the saying “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.” Ontogeny refers to the growth of the embryo, while phylogeny refers to evolution.
Supposedly, the human embryo goes through a stage in which it has fish gills and a tail.
The influence of the embryo chart has been incalculable.
Carl Werner, M.D., encountered it during medical training. “These drawings were extremely compelling to me, especially the ‘fact’ that humans had gills and a tail. After this lecture, I found myself rapidly accepting evolution” (Evolution: The Grand Experiment). Carl Werner, M.D., encountered it during medical training. “These drawings were extremely compelling to me, especially the ‘fact’ that humans had gills and a tail. After this lecture, I found myself rapidly accepting evolution” (Evolution: The Grand Experiment).
1. It was exposed as a fraud in Haeckel’s day.
Ludwig Rutimeyer, professor at the University of Basel, called the drawings “a sin against scientific truthfulness.”
Haeckel had used the same woodcut of a dog embryo three times to depict the supposed “wormlike” stage of a dog, a chicken, and a tortoise.
Haeckel was convicted at a university tribunal but in his confession he claimed that the blunder was the mistake of his draughtsman – not acknowledging that he was the draughtsman!
Wilhelm His, Sr., professor of anatomy at the University of Leipzig, also proved that Haeckel had doctored his embryo charts.
Haeckel mislabeled embryos; he changed the size of embryos; he deleted parts, added parts, changed parts.
For his “Embryo of a Man in the fish stage” he either removed or doctored more than half of the embryo’s organs.
In spite of this, Haeckel continued as a professor at the University of Jena and continued to publish his embryo chart.
Haeckel also doctored his ape to man chart by making the apes look more human and the humans look more ape-like
There are no apes that look like this!
Haeckel, like most early Darwinists, was a great racist. He depicted a black man sitting in a tree like an ape because he considered him much inferior to whites.
Haeckel’s hoax was publicized in 1915 in “Haeckel’s Frauds and Forgeries” by Joseph Assmuth and Ernest Hull.
Haeckel’s fraud was exposed in the 1990s by a scientific team led by Michael Richardson, embryologist at St. George’s Hospital Medical school, London.
An international team of scientists photographed embryos of 39 different species.
Richardson called it “one of the worst cases of scientific fraud.”
“What Haeckel did was to take a human embryo and copy it, pretending that the salamander and the pig and the others looked the same at the same stage of development. They don’t.... These are fakes” (Michael Richardson, The Times, Aug. 11, 1997).
“Haeckel’s oldest ‘fish’ image is made up of bits and pieces from different animals--some of them mythical” (Richardson).
2. The human embryo has no “gill slits.”
“The so-called ‘gill slits’ are really wrinkles in the throat region. This body tissue becomes the palatine tonsils, middle ear canal, parathyroid gland, and thymus” (Dr. Alan Gillen, Body by Design).
“They are merely inward folds, or wrinkles, in the neck region resulting from the sharply down-turned head and protruding heart of the developing embryo” (Dr. Alan Gillen, Body by Design).
3. The only “evidence” for evolution in the embryo chart is the assumption of evolution.
The embryo chart is actually a vain exercise in homology.
Consider the following statement: “In their early stages of development, chickens, turtles, and rats look similar, providing evidence that they shared a common ancestry” (Prentice Hall biology, 2002). Consider the following statement: “In their early stages of development, chickens, turtles, and rats look similar, providing evidence that they shared a common ancestry” (Prentice Hall biology, 2002).
Why is this “evidence” of “common ancestry”? Actually this is ZERO evidence of evolutionary descent. Remove the assumption and the “evidence” disappears! Why is this “evidence” of “common ancestry”? Actually this is ZERO evidence of evolutionary descent. Remove the assumption and the “evidence” disappears!
4. Haeckel’s law is still taught.
“The biogentic law has become so deeply rooted in biological thought that it cannot be weeded out in spite of its having been demonstrated to be wrong by numerous subsequent scholars” (Walter Bock, 1969).
“I have taught Jr. High Science for over 35 years. Every textbook from every major publisher I have ever seen has had Haeckel’s embryo pictures and the text usually claims this is a proof for evolution” (
Benjamin Spock “A baby starts off in the womb as a single tiny cell, just the way the first living thing appeared in the ocean. Weeks later... he has gills like a fish” (Baby and Child Care, 1957). Benjamin Spock “A baby starts off in the womb as a single tiny cell, just the way the first living thing appeared in the ocean. Weeks later... he has gills like a fish” (Baby and Child Care, 1957).
Carl Sagan “... in human intrauterine development we run through stages very much like fish, reptiles, and nonprimate mammals before we become recognizably human” (Dragons of Eden, 1977). Carl Sagan “... in human intrauterine development we run through stages very much like fish, reptiles, and nonprimate mammals before we become recognizably human” (Dragons of Eden, 1977).
Prentice Hall Biology (2002) “In their early stages of development, chickens, turtles, and rats look similar, providing evidence that they shared a common ancestry.” Prentice Hall Biology (2002) “In their early stages of development, chickens, turtles, and rats look similar, providing evidence that they shared a common ancestry.”
5. Haeckel’s law has justified the murder of unborn children.
“We can justifiably charge this evolutionary nonsense of recapitulation with responsibility for the slaughter of helpless, pre- natal children--or at least for giving it a pseudo-scientific rationale” (Henry Morris, The Long War against God).
Haeckel believed that the embryo is still in the evolutionary stage and not fully human. He said it is “completely devoid of consciousness” and is a “pure reflex machine, just like a lower vertebrate” (From Darwin to Hitler).
Haeckel taught that even a newborn child has no soul and therefore infanticide “cannot rationally be classed as murder” (haeckel, The Wonders of Life, 1904, p. 21).
For physically or mentally handicapped infants, Haeckel recommended “a small dose of morphine or cyanide.”
In 1990, Carl Sagan and his wife argued that abortion is ethical on the grounds that the fetus is not fully human. They called the embryo “a kind of parasite” that changes into something like a fish and then becomes reptilian and finally mammalian (Parade magazine, April 22, 1990).
While some have tried to downplay the significance of the widespread use of the embryo drawings, Stephen Jay Gould, one of the most influential evolutionists, admitted that it was shameful.
“We do, I think, have the right to be both astonished and ashamed by the century of mindless recycling that has led to the persistence of these drawings in a large number, if not a majority of modern textbooks!” (Natural History, March 2000).
The embryo chart and the myth of recapitulation expose the bankruptcy of the doctrine of evolution.
NOTE TO TEACHERS There are review questions and summaries to this material in the book An Unshakeable Faith.
This presentation is abbreviated from the book “Seeing the Non-Existent: Evolution’s Myths and Hoaxes.” This book has about many more icons of evolution.
This PowerPoint/Keynote presentation is part of the apologetics course entitled An Unshakeable Faith. Copyright 2011 Way of Life Literature P. O. Box 610368 Port Huron, MI 48061 866-295-4143 In Canada Bethel Baptist Church, 4212 Campbell St. N., London, Ontario N6P 1A6 519-652-2619
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