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SE301: Numerical Methods Topic 6 Numerical Differentiation Lecture 23

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Presentation on theme: "SE301: Numerical Methods Topic 6 Numerical Differentiation Lecture 23"— Presentation transcript:

1 SE301: Numerical Methods Topic 6 Numerical Differentiation Lecture 23
KFUPM Read Chapter 23, Sections 1-2 CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

2 Lecture 23 Numerical Differentiation
First order derivatives High order derivatives Richardson Extrapolation Examples CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

3 Motivation How do you evaluate the derivative of a tabulated function.
How do we determine the velocity and acceleration from tabulated measurements. Time (second) Displacement (meters) 30.1 5 48.2 10 50.0 15 40.2 CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

4 Recall CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

5 Three Formulas CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

6 The Three Formulas CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

7 Forward/Backward Difference Formula
CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

8 Central Difference Formula
CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

9 The Three Formulas (Revisited)
CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

10 Higher Order Formulas CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

11 Other Higher Order Formulas
CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

12 Richardson Extrapolation
CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

13 Richardson Extrapolation
CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

14 Richardson Extrapolation Table
D(0,0)=Φ(h) D(1,0)=Φ(h/2) D(1,1) D(2,0)=Φ(h/4) D(2,1) D(2,2) D(3,0)=Φ(h/8) D(3,1) D(3,2) D(3,3) CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

15 Richardson Extrapolation Table
CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

16 Example CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

17 Example First Column CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

18 Example Richardson Table
CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

19 Example Richardson Table
This is the best estimate of the derivative of the function. All entries of the Richardson table are estimates of the derivative of the function. The first column are estimates using the central difference formula with different h. CISE301_Topic6 KFUPM

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