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Overview 1. TOPICS  Mission  Calendar  Points – Time Commitment  Dollars - Financial Commitment 2.

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1 Overview 1

2 TOPICS  Mission  Calendar  Points – Time Commitment  Dollars - Financial Commitment 2

3 MISSION  Young men and women in high school are offered the opportunity for cultural, leadership and social growth through service and financial support to the Symphony, the League and the community  Debs and Honor Guards are poised representatives of the RSL at community service functions and as escorts at the symphony concerts.  Highlight of the year is the Richardson Symphony Ball.  Service + Arts + Leadership = College Resume Winner 3

4 COMMITMENTS  Young men and women must be active participants and earn the required points through service participation and meeting attendance  Each debutante and honor guard must be sponsored by an Active Member of the Richardson Symphony League. A parent is preferred, but other adults may serve as sponsors.  A primary purpose of RSL is to raise money for the RSO. Financial obligations by the debs/honor guards and RSL members are necessary. 4

5 CALENDAR TENTATIVE 2011-12  Service – points for each (pick 2 or more) September – UTD Sounds of Class Face Painting booth (Sat.) October – Fundraising Walkathon (Sat) November – Richardson Women’s Club Tour Tea Room Servers (2 nd Saturday) December – Santa’s Village Symphony House (various shifts Thurs - Sundays) 5  General Meetings - Usually 1 st Sundays Belle Grove Community Room  Concert Door Greeters (must pick two) October 8, December 3, February 11, March 10, April 14 January – Lennox Competition at UTD (one Saturday) February – Honor Guard Texas Hold ‘em Tournament (Friday) February – Council of PTAs Book Fair  Symphony Ball – March 2012 (TBA) Must work a shift during morning setup or evening cleanup Must attend a practice that morning and the ball that evening

6 POINTS 6  Attend at least 3 General Meetings - 3 or more points  Greet for at least two RSO concerts – 2 or more points  Work 2-hour shift for at least 2 Service Events – 2 or more points  Fulfill fundraising obligation – 1 point  Work 2 ball shifts – 2 points  Signet Opportunities Recruit a new deb or honor guard Make donation for non-working service event like food bank donation Work extra shifts or concerts or attend extra meetings Required: 12 for seniors /10 for others / 15 to earn Signet Pin (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond) Due by February. Carry over up to 2 earned after February

7 FINANCIAL COMMITMENT RSL SPONSOR (PARENT)  Total Commitment for the Year = approx. $550 7  Summer (by Aug 21) - $300 Dues - $100 Friend of League donation - $50 (listed in ball program) Name tag - $10 Symphony Season ticket - $140 (avg)  Spring (by Feb 1) - $250 1 Ball Ticket - $100 - $120 Silent Auction Donation - $100 (could be solicited) Raffle Postage - $10 Wine Donation - $20 Raffle Tickets - $50 (optional) Additional Ball Tickets (optional) - $100-$120 ea.

8 FINANCIAL COMMITMENT FIRST YEAR NON-SENIORS  Total Commitment for the Year = approx. $600 8  Summer (by Aug 21) - $300 Dues - $50 Symphony Season student ticket and parking pass - $60 Deb polo - $25 Name tag - $10 Black concert dress and closed toe black shoes – varies – approx. $150  Fall (by Dec 1) - $165 Fundraising - $150 Non-service event donations - $15 (optional)  Spring (by Feb 1) - $135 Ball Ticket - $100 - $120 Dance-a-thon - $25 (optional) Raffle Postage - $10

9 FINANCIAL COMMITMENT RETURNING NON-SENIORS  Total Commitment for the Year = approx. $410 9  Summer (by Aug 21) - $110 Dues - $50 Symphony Season student ticket and parking pass - $60  Fall (by Dec 1) - $165 Fundraising - $150 Non-service event donations - $15 (optional)  Spring (by Feb 1) - $135 Ball Ticket - $100 - $120 Dance-a-thon ticket - $25 (optional) Raffle postage - $10

10 FINANCIAL COMMITMENT SUMMARY FOR NON-SENIORS ESTIMATED 10 RSL Sponsor (Parent)First Year DebutanteTotal August$300 $600 December0$165 February$250$135$385 TOTAL$550$600$1,050 RSL Sponsor (Parent)Returning debutanteTotal August$290$110$400 December0$165 February$250$135$385 TOTAL$540$410$950

11 FINANCIAL COMMITMENT SENIORS AND PARENTS  Total Commitment for the Year = approx. $3,200 - $4,000 11  Summer (by Aug 21) - $400 Deb Dues - $50 Symphony Season student ticket and parking pass - $60 Parent RSL Dues - $100 Name tags - $20 (if new member) Friend of League donation - $50 (listed in ball program) Symphony Season ticket - $140 (avg)  Fall (by Oct 1) - approx. $500 Ball Gown, gloves, tiara - $500 (varies)  Fall (by Dec 1) - approx. $900 Photos - $200 (varies) Fundraising - $150 Non-service donations - $15 Presentation Fee - $500 - $950  Spring (by Feb 1) – approx. $1,400 Ball Table - $1,000 - $1,200 Dance-a-thon ticket - $25 (optional) Raffle Tickets - $50 (optional) Raffle and invitation postage - $50 Ball DVD - $35 (optional) Wine Donation - $20 Silent Auction Donation - $100

12 FINANCIAL COMMITMENT SUMMARY FOR SENIORS ESTIMATED 12 RSL Sponsor (Parent)First Year DebutanteTotal August$300 $600 Oct - Dec0$1,850 February$1,290$110$1,400 TOTAL$1,580$2,260$3,850 RSL Sponsor (Parent)Returning debutanteTotal August$290$110$400 Oct - Dec0$1,400 February$1,290$110$1,400 TOTAL$1,580$1,620$3,200

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