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Ashok Tailor Teacher Recruitment and Workforce Development Manager Jacky Richardson Teacher Recruitment and Workforce Development Assistant.

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Presentation on theme: "Ashok Tailor Teacher Recruitment and Workforce Development Manager Jacky Richardson Teacher Recruitment and Workforce Development Assistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashok Tailor Teacher Recruitment and Workforce Development Manager Jacky Richardson Teacher Recruitment and Workforce Development Assistant

2 A Big and Very Warm Welcome to Luton NQT INDUCTION 2

3 Luton Borough Council The school structure:  6 nursery  9 Infants +10 Juniors  26 primary  6 high (for the moment)  3 special  Academies  2 Infants  1 Primary  1 High  1 Federation - Denbigh High and Challney Boys  Barnfield – 3 Academies  Luton Sixth Form College  Teaching Schools 3

4 Opportunities to work across school clusters Strong Induction and CPD programme Chance to meet and network with other NQTs Relatively Small Authority Wide range of schools Good Facilities Why be an NQT in Luton? 4

5 Facilities  Luton Learning Resource Centre (LLRC)  E-learning  Luton Culture  Putteridge Bury Conference Centre  Music Service  Advisory Service  Active Luton  Dell Farm Residential Educational Centre 5

6 Statutory induction period (3 terms / 195 days) Termly assessment against the teachers’ standards, informed by half termly formal observations and progress meetings At end of period, school recommends outcome LA decides NCTL ratifies What does being an‘NQT’ mean? 6

7 What’s in it for me? You are entitled to:  Regular (i.e. at least fortnightly) meetings with a mentor / induction tutor in school  10% release time (‘NQT time’) on top of PPA etc  A programme of support  Regular contact with the same class(es) and experience of teaching across the whole curriculum  Professional development opportunities (e.g. observation of experienced colleagues, training)  ‘No unreasonable demands’  ‘No surprises!’ 7

8 Demonstrate that you have gained QTS and passed the skills test Accumulate evidence towards meeting the teachers’ standards Have met the teachers’ standards by the end of the induction period Make a comment on your termly assessment form Keep a portfolio of the CPD Received So what do I have to do? 8

9 Register you with Ashok at the start of the year Support, challenge, assess Formal observations at regular intervals Arrange regular mentor meetings Hold half-termly progress review meetings Keep records and submit termly assessment forms to Ashok on deadline What does the school do? 9

10 Register you with the NCTL and keep records of your assessment Identify a named contact with whom to raise concerns. If your school Ashok Tailor, Teacher Recruitment and Workforce Development Manager, 01582 548078 QA the induction support programme provided by the school Intervene where there are issues Decide in the light of the Head teacher’s recommendations whether you have satisfactorily completed the induction period and inform all concerned of the decision Carry out observations of a random sample of NQTs Provide guidance, support and assistance to schools on induction The Role of the Appropriate Body 10

11 What if things aren’t going to plan? Don’t suffer in silence – Talk to your mentor – Talk to your head – Talk to Ashok – Seek Union advice Procedure – School action plan – Monitoring visit(s) from Ashok – LA observation 11

12 We are here to support you 12

13 For more information: The National College for Teaching and Leadership DfE, – Statutory Guidance on Induction for Newly Qualified Teachers in England – Moved to Professional Association (NUT, NASUWT, ATL etc) 13

14 Professional Development Portfolio for Newly Qualified Teachers Click on Resources Section Search for NQT 14

15 Contacts Ashok Tailor Teacher Recruitment and Workforce Development Manager 01582 548078 Jacky Richardson Teacher Recruitment and Workforce Development Assistant 01582 548013 15

16 Have a Fantastic Year! 16

17 NQTs in Luton Make the most of opportunities Use the facilities Talk to your peers Observe good practice Reflect Keep records (portfolio) 17

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