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Youth Summer School – an intervention linked to Widening Access Kelly McCarthy University of Wales, Newport ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2013 DURHAM UNIVERSITY Who.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Summer School – an intervention linked to Widening Access Kelly McCarthy University of Wales, Newport ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2013 DURHAM UNIVERSITY Who."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Summer School – an intervention linked to Widening Access Kelly McCarthy University of Wales, Newport ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2013 DURHAM UNIVERSITY Who and what are universities for?: Local communities, global competitiveness and the part-time student 20 to 22 MARCH 2013 Calman Learning Centre, Durham

2  Research Aims  Rationale  Research Methodology  Partners  Funding  Delivery Timeline  Anticipated outcomes  Summing up Overview

3  To measure the impact and effects of engagement with a HE Summer School for young people in Newport. Indicators  Individual & Collective Aspiration  Accreditation  Progression  Employability Research Aims Tracking

4  Widening access agenda – Child Poverty  Recognition of Summer School success (UWN/ Sutton Trust)  Exclusive or inclusive?  Development & Engagement  Rationale – the purpose of HE Rationale

5  Opportunity for social and human exchange  A community of interest - free-flow of ideas  Contributes to the social fabric of society  Engagement in HE has links to wellbeing and a sense of identity (McCarthy & Richardson, 2012).  Wellbeing, employability, social justice - Universities are there to serve the public (Turk, 2012).  Students as partners Rationale - what is HE for?

6  Case Study - Mixed method data collection  Surveys, one to one interviews & group interviews  Data collection on the aspirations, perceived barriers and perceptions of HE Research Methodology

7 Internally  CCL Partners Research & Development Unit (RDU) First Campus 14-19 Pathways  Centre for Excellence of Learning & Teaching (CELT)  School of Health & Social Sciences (SHASS) - Youth & Community Programme Partners Externally  Newport Youth Service (NYS)  Barnardos  Social Services  Women’s Aid  Heads of the Valleys (HOV) Young People’s Partnerships (tentative) Development Meetings across January – April 2013

8  First Campus Initial Engagement sessions Subsistence at Summer School  Tentative sources – TBC Childcare Transport  Learning Innovation Grant – CELT Funding

9  May 2013 Open Event – recruitment (hosted jointly by NYS& CCL)  May –June 2013 Enrolment onto Research Skills Training module 10 credits, delivered at NYS venue  June – August 2013 Progression to City Campus  August 2013 Summer School / intervention Delivery Timeline

10  Strengthen links internally & externally  Widened Access/ Participation  Raised Aspirations  Accreditation 10 credit level 4  Opportunities for work experience  Retention / Progression - pathway progression though Cert. HE or Foundation Degrees.  Increased capacity/ Employability  Mentoring Opportunities  Raise the profile of RDU (publications, future funding) & CCL Anticipated Outcomes

11  Who and what are Universities for? - HE has a role to play for local communities and social justice. Summing Up

12  Sutton Trust Grants PDF 1997-2003  Richardson, M and McCarthy, K (2012) Understanding the challenge of a widening access framework within mental health – widening access for social justice 18-20 March 2012 University of Cambridge Higher education for the social good? The place of lifelong learning. References

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