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Removing Camera Shake from a Single Photograph 报告人:牟加俊 日期: 2013-12-13 In ACM SIGGRAPH, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Removing Camera Shake from a Single Photograph 报告人:牟加俊 日期: 2013-12-13 In ACM SIGGRAPH, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Removing Camera Shake from a Single Photograph 报告人:牟加俊 日期: 2013-12-13 In ACM SIGGRAPH, 2006.

2 Content (1)Introduction Image Restoration (2) Introduction the method in this paper (3) Experiments

3 Image Restoration Restoration 客观过程 (an objective process) “ 图像恢复 ” 是根据某最优准则,使 得恢复后的图像是对理想图像的最 佳逼近。

4 Image blurs and PSF Global blurs: camera shake Local blurs: object moving What ‘s motion blur? Motion blur results from relatively large motion between the camera and the object. 相对运动

5 Image blurs and PSF Total exposure=  (instantaneous exposure) 模糊图像=理想的局部积分 Point Spread Function:If the ideal image would consist of a single intensity point or point source  (x,y)=1, this point would be recorded as a spread-out intensity pattern 。

6 Model of the Image Degradation

7 Image Restoration Blind image deconvolution ( BID 盲去卷积):在 模糊核未知的条件下恢复出清晰的图像。 Non-blind image deconvolution ( NBID 非盲去卷 积): inverse filtering ( 逆滤波 ) 、 Wiener filtering ( 维纳滤波 ) 、 Richardson-Lucy 方法等。 Image restoration Image deblurring Image deconvolution = =

8 Inverse Filtering Ignore noise N(u,v) Drawback :

9 Wiener filtering 求 Wopt(u,v) 使得均方差 =min Wiener filtering ( 维纳滤波 )= 最小均方差滤波 已知 Wiener 给出的解是 : 退化函数 噪声功率谱 理想图像功率谱

10 Example Inverse filtering Inverse filtering with cut-off frequency 70 Wiener filtering

11 Image model B : blurred input image K : blur kernel L : latent image N : sensor noise Two main steps: 1: estimate blur kernel; 2:deblur.

12 estimate blur kernel The distribution over gradient magnitudes obey heavy-tailed distributions; The distribution can be represented with a zero mean mixture-of-Gaussians model

13 estimate blur kernel Given the grayscale blurred patch, estimate K and the latent patch image N and E denote Gaussian and Exponential distributions respectively

14 estimate blur kernel maximum a-posteriori (MAP) solution:finds the kernel and latent image gradients that maximizes Using Miskin and MacKay's algorithm : Minimizes the distance between the approximating distribution and the true posterior.

15 Multi-scale approach perform estimation by varying image resolution in a coarse-to-fine manner

16 Multi-scale approach At last, reconstruct the latent color image L with the Richardson-Lucy (RL) algorithm

17 Experiments

18 Conclusion There are many improvements spaces: 1) ringing artifacts occur near saturated regions and regions of significant object motion. 2) There are a number of common photographic effects that we do not explicitly model, including saturation, object motion, and compression artifacts. 3) this method requires some manual intervention.

19 Conclusion Solution: 1) Make use of more advanced natural image statistics 2) applying modern statistical methods to the non-blind deconvolution problem. 3) employing more exhaustive search procedures, or heuristics to guess the relevant parameters

20 Thank you

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