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Design and performance analysis of the Real-Time HCCA

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Presentation on theme: "Design and performance analysis of the Real-Time HCCA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design and performance analysis of the Real-Time HCCA
scheduler for IEEE e WLANs Claudio Cicconetti *, Luciano Lenzini, Enzo Mingozzi, Giovanni Stea Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Available online 6 February 2007 Advisor : Chao-Lieh Chen professor Speaker : Chun-Ruei Chang

2 Abstract Real-Time scheduling

3 Outline 1. Introduction 2. IEEE 802.11e and QoS support
3. Real-Time HCCA (RTH) scheduler 4. Performance evaluation 5. Conclusions

4 1. Introduction 2. IEEE e and QoS support 3. Real-Time HCCA (RTH) scheduler 4. Performance evaluation 5. Conclusions

5 Introduction IEEE e MAC Protocol


7 RTH offline (complex computation) online (As simple as possible)
In RTH, offline activities and online activities online (As simple as possible)

8 1. Introduction 2. IEEE e and QoS support 3. Real-Time HCCA (RTH) scheduler 4. Performance evaluation 5. Conclusions

9 IEEE e MAC protocol Sample HCCA frame exchange sequence

10 1. Introduction 2. IEEE e and QoS support 3. Real-Time HCCA (RTH) scheduler 4. Performance evaluation 5. Conclusions

11 3.1. Enforcement procedure(online)
3.2. Admission control(offline) 3.3. Timetable computation(offline)


13 Timetable computation
Calculated distance Between Ri and Rk Expected arrival time Updating variables Whole unfulfilled capacity


15 1. Introduction 2. IEEE e and QoS support 3. Real-Time HCCA (RTH) scheduler 4. Performance evaluation 5. Conclusions

16 Performance evaluation
4.1. System parameters and analysis tools 4.2. Traffic models and metrics 4.3. Admission control analysis


18 1. Introduction 2. IEEE e and QoS support 3. Real-Time HCCA (RTH) scheduler 4. Performance evaluation 5. Conclusions

19 Conclusions

20 Reference Wikipedia Google search engine.

21 schedule 張君睿 林聖凱 (11/1~11/7) Dynamic txop(抓取個參數值所對應關係) 一起整理相關資訊和報告排版
(11/8~11/14) 完成dynamic txop scheme, Demo txop效果,psnr or throughput. Demo txop效果 (11/15~11/21) 修正demo時所產生的問題 提供相關文獻供參考 (11/22~11/28) Project done

22 Thanks for your attention!!!

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