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1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction1.

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2 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction1

3 1/23/082 Improving Broadcast Coverage With DRM Charlie Jacobson and John Wineman HCJB Global Technology Center 5/8/2008

4 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction3 NVI Tropical Band Shortwave Advantages –Coverage 100 to 300 Miles Disadvantages:

5 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction4 NVI Tropical Band Shortwave Advantages –Coverage 100 to 300 Miles Other Considerations: –Frequency schedule required –Audio Quality –Transmitter, Receivers and antennas are: More expensive Less available More complex

6 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction5 NVI DRM Tropical Band Shortwave Advantages –Coverage 100 to 300 Miles Other Considerations: –Frequency schedule required –Audio Quality –Transmitter, Receivers and antennas are: More expensive Less available More complex

7 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction6 NVI DRM Tropical Band Shortwave Advantages –Coverage 100 to 300 Miles –Audio Quality Other Considerations : –Frequency schedule required –Transmitter, Receivers and antennas are: More expensive Less available More complex

8 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction7 FM Advantages –Audio Quality –Transmitters, Receivers and Antennas are: Less expensive More available Less complex Easier to maintain Other considerations: –Typical coverage 35 Miles –Requires a network of FM stations for greater coverage

9 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction8 FM Network Advantages –Audio Quality –Receivers are: Less expensive More available Less complex Easier to maintain –Larger audience –Programming can include local languages and events Other considerations: –Requires more transmitters for the same coverage as Tropical Band Shortwave –The broadcast network is More expensive More complex Harder to maintain

10 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction9 FM & NVI Tropical Band Shortwave Advantages –Larger audience –Greater coverage Other considerations: –The broadcast network is More expensive More complex Harder to maintain

11 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction10 FM Network interconnections Required for networks with a master studio Sends program audio to remote transmitters Studio

12 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction11 FM Network Interconnections: Tape Distribution Simplest (Snail mail, motorcycle, foot) Precludes real time program content Minimal capital investment May be be more expensive in the long term Studio

13 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction12 Requires stations every 30 miles or closer Only as good as the weakest link in the chain Requires a more complex license Studio FM Network Interconnections: FM Relay

14 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction13 FM Network Interconnections: Other methods Phone lines Internet Point to multipoint link (studio/transmitter link) Satellite DRM Studio

15 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction14 Advantages –100 to 300 mile coverage –Works over the horizon –Works in mountains –Clear audio –Program is received on: Fm Shortwave –Larger Audience Other considerations: –Increased network complexity –Additional equipment required HF transmitter near the studio DRM Receiver at each remote FM transmitter –Shortwave propagation vs. frequency still an issue Studio FM Network Interconnections: Using DRM FM

16 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction15 Advantages –100 to 300 mile coverage –Works over the horizon –Works in mountains –Clear audio –Program received on: Fm Shortwave Frequency 1 Shortwave Frequency 2 –Larger Audience –Higher reliability Other considerations: –Increased network complexity –Additional equipment required HF transmitter near the studio Diversity DRM Receiver at each remote FM transmitter A Second HF transmitter near the studio Studio FM Network Interconnections: Using a Diversity DRM Receiver SW Freq. 1 SW Freq. 2 FM

17 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction16 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Team Project partners: –HCJB Global Technology Center’s International Broadcast Team – Elkhart IN –Letourneau University – Longview TX –Rockwell Collins – Cedar Rapids, IA

18 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction17 –R efined DRM receiver requirements & specifications –Developed specifications for the DDC modules (Preselector, VGA, ADC and FPGA) –Developed the module interface requirements & specifications –Developed test plans for each DDC Module ‘07-’08 Achievements:

19 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction18 –Designed hardware for the DDC modules –Conducted Design Review and periodic status review meetings –Built Prototypes of each DDC module –Tested DDC modules –Documented final design, project results & lessons learned ‘07-’08 Achievements:

20 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction19 –Finalize and publish DRM receiver demodulator requirement specifications –Publish design documentation for each component –Integrate the existing hardware components –Investigate, design, and begin implementation of digital demodulator –Research hardware and software diversity techniques ‘08-’09 Objectives:

21 1/23/08 Diversity DRM Receiver Project Introduction20 Questions? Diversity DRM Receiver Project

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