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 Literacy now is not only in text, but also extends to multiple formats online. Our aim needs to be moving students toward becoming active participants,

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3  Literacy now is not only in text, but also extends to multiple formats online. Our aim needs to be moving students toward becoming active participants, rather than passive receivers of information.  The big idea is that everything connects. ~ Will Richardson (Educator, Author and Blogger)

4 -Math stories - Journaling about number concepts and strategies -Debates - Responses - Justifying/providing opinions - Podcasts - Research -Readers theatre - Poetry readings - Storytelling West Dalhousie Philosophy  Generativity  Making connections across curricular areas  Literacy is embedded within all of our work

5 Immersion in rich literature Spelling Purposeful writing & seeing self as a writer What you can do at home Cross Grade Focus

6 Immersion In Rich Literature  Quality literature and variety of materials to hook students on reading and being motivated to develop their reading skills  Read aloud novel studies and picture books with broad connections across the curriculum

7  Individual novel study  Reading strategies  Comprehension  Quiet Reading  Supporting students through small group focus, home reading, individualization, shared reading, assistive technology

8 The more our vocabulary is controlled, the less we will be able to think for ourselves. We do think in words, and the fewer words we know, the more restricted our thoughts. ~ L’Engle, 1972

9 The more limited our language is, the more limited we are; the more limited the literature we give to our children, the more limited their capacity to respond, and therefore, in their turn, to create. ~ L’Engle, 1972

10 Purposeful Writing and Seeing Self as a Writer  For an audience  Responses to rich experiences  Directed lessons for skill development  Support students through:  a scribe  assistive technology  individualization  debriefing  shared writing  small group support



13 Story Board Symbol Story

14 Spelling Addressing words in a context  Word families  Phonics  Syllabication  Rules and exceptions in English  Personal and published dictionaries  Message of the day  Question of the day


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