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MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 GOSPEL : General Olfaction and Sensing Projects on a European Level Projects on a European Level A Network.

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Presentation on theme: "MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 GOSPEL : General Olfaction and Sensing Projects on a European Level Projects on a European Level A Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 GOSPEL : General Olfaction and Sensing Projects on a European Level Projects on a European Level A Network of Excellence (NoE) under funding of the European Commission in the 6th framework programme

2 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 WHAT IS GOSPEL? GOSPEL Artificial Olfaction GOSPEL is a European network of excellence in Artificial Olfaction. Its primary objective is to make Europe the world leader in Artificial Olfaction and related science 25 European partners and technology. Its mandate charges the 25 European partners to ensure technological development and commercial exploitation of Artificial Olfaction and emerging advanced gas sensing technologies, creating a world class industry in the field.

3 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 Network Objectives Integrate  Integrate a consortium of first class research groups into Centres of Excellence Ensure  Ensure lasting integration through the formation of ERIG – A European Research Interest Group Ensure  Ensure industrial relevance to the cutting edge research produced by the Centers of Excellence Perform  Perform industry support activities Support  Support feasibility studies Provide  Provide a comprehensive training and exchange programme

4 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 Main scientific focus of GOSPEL Understand Understand the biological sense of smell and mimic its relevant functions Provide Provide an objective, quantitative assessment of odour Target Target also technically relevant and non- odorant gases even in complex mixtures

5 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 Centers of Excellence … GOSPEL The network of GOSPEL researchers is integrated into three Centers of Excellence: ☼ Hardware nanomicro Work involves the development of robust nano and micro – systemslow power consumptioncost effective systems with low power consumption to create cost effective, intelligentreliable intelligent and reliable gas sensors. ☼Software ☼ Software complex data analysis The prime focus of the research is complex data analysis for pattern recognitioncomputational mechanisms pattern recognition and bio-inspired computational mechanisms olfactory signal processing for enhanced olfactory signal processing.

6 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 ☼Biomimetics ☼ Biomimetics The understanding of the biological process of olfaction is crucial for the development of olfaction technology. An important aspect GOSPEL of GOSPEL’s work is to bring together biologists investigating olfaction and researchers developing models mimicking the biological olfactory process. …Centers of Excellence

7 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 Why Artificial Olfaction?... Artificial Olfaction Artificial Olfaction advances societal needs and improves the quality of life by enabling cost-effective advanced gas sensing solutions impacting areas including: Healthcare Healthcare e.g. non – invasive diagnosis of disease through breath analysis Built environment Built environment e.g. air quality monitoring, fire detection Security Security e.g. detection of explosives and chemical agents

8 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 … Why Artificial Olfaction? Transport Transport e.g. the hydrogen economy, controlling exhaust emissions Food safety Food safety e.g. contaminants and residues in food and feed Manufacturing Manufacturing process and quality control

9 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 The GOSPEL approach to Artificial Olfaction… GOSPEL The role of GOSPEL is to ensure the creation of all the elements needed for the full cycle that starts with the basic research and knowledge- building in the field, continues with the elaboration of the technologies needed for the solving of relevant applications and the technology transfer towards the ones which will build the products elaborated on those technologies…

10 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 …the GOSPEL approach to Artificial Olfaction This role is made possible by the assembly of research, integration and spreading excellence activities elaborated GOSPEL for the fulfilling of GOSPEL objective. Through all these GOSPEL activities GOSPEL will ensure the restructuring of the European research from an assembly of almost non-coordinated groups towards an effective scientific and technological powerhouse able to realise its goals and to be a relevant partner for all stake holders interested in various aspects of AO: developers of new applications, policy makers, companies interested in the commercial exploitation etc…

11 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 …the GOSPEL approach to Artificial Olfaction

12 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 GOSPEL Activities… Ensure industrial relevance Ensure industrial relevance to the research produced by the GOSPEL Centers of Excellence Provide services Provide services to enhance the exploitation of Artificial Olfaction technology Develop legal structures Develop legal structures for the exploitation of intellectual property

13 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 …GOSPEL Activities Provide training Provide training at different levels – from doctoral studies to the advanced education of senior scientists Conduct Conduct exchange programmes Disseminate information Disseminate information through workshops, conferences, exhibitions

14 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 GOSPEL Associate Membership GOSPEL Complimentary Associate Membership of GOSPEL is open to any individual or organisation active in the fields of Artificial Olfaction and advanced gas sensing and sensor systems.

15 MIcro-NanOSystems ECAD Laboratory 07.04.2006 GOSPEL Associate Membership GOSPEL Benefits of GOSPEL Associate Membership Access to information from GOSPEL Centres of Excellence Opportunities to participate in research and collaborative projects to develop the next generation of cost-effective micro-systems for Artificial Olfaction Participation in feasibility studies and application demonstrations Access to advanced technical training Secondments to and from leading European research groups

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