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God Completely good = holy Created everything → good.

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Presentation on theme: "God Completely good = holy Created everything → good."— Presentation transcript:

1 God Completely good = holy Created everything → good

2 God

3 X → sin Wanting to do things our way instead of God’s way.

4 God X → sin I deserve the penalty for sin = death + separation

5 God X → sin penalty for sin

6 U = Jesus came to die for YOU God X → sin penalty for sin

7 U = Jesus came to die for YOU God X → sin penalty for sin

8 U = Jesus came to die for YOU God X → sin penalty for sin Jesus was put on a cross with a sinner on each side.

9 U = Jesus came to die for YOU God X → sin penalty for sin Jesus died on a cross

10 U = Jesus came to die for YOU God X → sin penalty for sin Jesus died on a cross When you trust Jesus as your Savior, you are born into God’s family. John 1:12

11 U = Jesus came to die for YOU God X → sin penalty for sin Jesus died on a cross

12 U = Jesus came to die for YOU God X → sin penalty for sin Jesus died on a cross God wants His children to grow by…

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