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HIST 202 – U.S. HISTORY.  Evaluate the Progressive’s record. Was progressivism really progressive? Be sure to explain three (3) social and three (3)

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Presentation on theme: "HIST 202 – U.S. HISTORY.  Evaluate the Progressive’s record. Was progressivism really progressive? Be sure to explain three (3) social and three (3)"— Presentation transcript:


2  Evaluate the Progressive’s record. Was progressivism really progressive? Be sure to explain three (3) social and three (3) political reforms as part of the progressives’ policies.

3  Gather the following information from sources:  Interpretation of the documents  Evidence of progression or regression  Evaluation of progressivism  ***These documents/events are fair game for Exam #2 - HINT

4  Grew out of:  Industrialization  Immigration  Urban Expansion  Progressivism is PROGRESS!!

5  National movement born out of state reforms  Progressive presidents:  Theodore Roosevelt  William Howard Taft  Woodrow Wilson

6  Country was changing RAPIDLY!  Industrialized  Non-agrarian  Melting pot of immigrants  Innocence was lost

7  Participants were extremely diverse:  Women  Liberal educators  Early civil rights crusaders  Middle-class reformers

8  Middle-class  Shop owners  Lawyers  Doctors  Ministers  Religious  Social Gospel  Liberals

9  Frederick W. Taylor  Conducted research in factories  Timed output cycles  Discovered ways to organize people in efficient manner  Progressives…govt. can be more efficient

10  Made Americans wake up!!  Origins  Henry Demarest Lloyd  Wealth Against Commonwealth (1894)

11  Magazines  McClure’s  Collier’s  Cosmopolitan  Authors contributed stories  Books  Lincoln Steffans – The Shame of the Cities  Jacob Riis – How the Other Half Lives

12  Reasons:  Some stories were hard to beat  Magazines were asked to tone down the stories  Corporations had public relation departments  Legal problems

13  Secret ballots (“Australian Ballot”)  Direct election of Senators – 17 th Amendment (1913)  Direct primaries  Robert LaFollette (Wis.)  Let the people decide

14  Initiative  Method that voters could compel legislators to consider a bill  Referendum  Allowed voters to vote on the issue  Recall  Allowed voters to get rid of corrupt officials

15  Settlement house reformers  Jane Addams  Believed in social justice  Better schools  Better courts  Divorce laws  Criminal reform

16  Get rid of political machines and bosses  Get control of public utilities  Voters elect city managers and commissioners

17  Governors  Battled with corporate interests  Fraudulent companies  Corrupt railroads  Tax reform  Robert LaFollette

18  Triangle Shirtwaist Fire  March 25 th 1911  146 women perished in flames  71 injured  Blamed poor working conditions  No fire plans  Fire escapes were damaged or locked!!!

19  Progressivism shot into gear under Teddy  1902 Coal Strike  Expanded T.R.’s power as president  Standard Oil trust  “Bad trusts”  “Good trusts”

20  Consumer protection  Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)  Meat Inspection Act (1906)  Environmental protection  Newlands Reclamation Act (1902)  U.S. Forest Service (1908)  150 million acres of land for parks

21  Won election of 1908  Defeated William Jennings Bryan  Busted the most trusts in history  U.S. Steel  Angered Teddy  Split Republican party  Progressives  Republicans


23  Woodrow Wilson – D  William Howard Taft – R  Theodore Roosevelt – P/BM  Eugene V. Debs – S  Split in Republican Party  Economic policies  First time “3 rd Party places 2 nd in polls

24  Pledged “New Freedom”  Attacked the “triple wall of privilege”  Tariffs  Underwood Tariff (1913)  Banking  Federal Reserve Act (1914)  Trusts  Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)  Federal Trade Commission (1914)

25  2 nd rate citizens  “Separate but equal”  Progressive presidents paid little mind to  Thought there were more pressing issues  Shared in the racist sentiment

26  Authorized in 1912 – still governor of NJ  Appointed doctors to determine if “lesser beings” should procreate  Stripped freedoms away from those who didn’t understand  Mentally retarded, criminals, “idiots”, African Americans in South

27 DuBoisWashington

28  Mass migration of blacks from South to northern cities  1910-1930  Aided by the Urban League (1911)  Causes  Deteriorating race conditions  Crops decimated by boll weevil  Job opportunities in cities

29  1905 – Niagara Movement  Dubois  Met at Niagara Falls, Canada  1908 – NAACP  1920 – 100,000 members

30  Liberal thinkers - educated  Wanted equal rights as men  Suffragist Movement  Carrie Chapman Catt – National American Woman Suffrage Assn. (NAWSA)  Alice Paul – National Woman’s Party

31  Wilson was VERY reluctant  1920 – guaranteed women’s right to vote  Aided in women’s rights for  Property  Divorce  Birth control

32  WWI ends Progressivism  Worried about the war  Many reforms were in place  Reformers thought their jobs were done

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