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God Loves You.

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Presentation on theme: "God Loves You."— Presentation transcript:

1 God Loves You

2 If the mountain was smooth, you couldn’t climb it.

3 Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. Robert Frost

4 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. II Timothy 3:16-17 (KJV)

5 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. II Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)

6 What is a Biblical model for dealing with conflict?
How do you handle the stress/annoyance of having someone being wrong? How do you react when you discover (after being a pain) that you were wrong? What does mercy “look” like in real life (examples)? What did the church learn to do during its formative years with conflict? What are some of the lasting effects from the Nicean Council? 6

7 Chp 4 Chp 5 7

8 Zechariah none Malachi a) Major Prophet b) Apocalypse c) Gospel
d) Book of the Law e) Minor Prophet f) Letter by ... (author) g) History h) Poetry i) Letter by Paul

9 Daniel Joel Hosea a) Letter by ... (author) b) Letter by Paul
c) Minor Prophet d) Apocalypse e) Poetry f) Book of the Law g) History h) Major Prophet i) Gospel

10 Nehemiah Job Esther a) Letter by ... (author) b) Letter by Paul
c) Minor Prophet d) Apocalypse e) Poetry f) Book of the Law g) History h) Major Prophet i) Gospel

11 What was it like in the world at this time?

12 Why was it called “the Dark Ages”?
Why does Rome collapse? a) Repeated raids by surrounding tribal people b) They taxed the people too heavily c) The arches finally collapsed from the weight Why was it called “the Dark Ages”? a) Candles provided the only light sources (no electricity) b) Because it comes before the “Enlightenment” c) Former learning/civilization was forgotten

13 Conversion of Constantine

14 Council of Nicea, AD 325 14

15 15

16 God Loves You

17 Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.
Oliver Goldsmith

18 How was the gospel to spread among a disintegrating Europe?

19 What is tribal ancestry name of France?
The Anglo-Saxon tribe took over what country? a) France b) England c) Spain What is tribal ancestry name of France? a) Visogoths b) Lombards c) Franks Spain’s power came from what tribe? a) Visogoths b) Ostrogoths c) Iberians Rome began to assert itself again as . . . a) The center of religion b) The inspiration/education of architecture c) The home of poets and learned men

20 I Kings I Chronicles II Kings a) Major Prophet b) Apocalypse c) Gospel
d) Book of the Law e) Minor Prophet f) Letter by ... (author) g) History h) Poetry i) Letter by Paul

21 none Exodus Genesis a) Letter by ... (author) b) Letter by Paul
c) Minor Prophet d) Apocalypse e) Poetry f) Book of the Law g) History h) Major Prophet i) Gospel

22 Esther Psalms Job a) Letter by ... (author) b) Letter by Paul
c) Minor Prophet d) Apocalypse e) Poetry f) Book of the Law g) History h) Major Prophet i) Gospel

23 23

24 God Loves You

25 Cow and Boy 25

26 Sunset and sunrise are like opportunity and adversity: it all depends on your perspective.

27 Proverbs Ecclesiastics Song of Songs a) Major Prophet b) Apocalypse
c) Gospel d) Book of the Law e) Minor Prophet f) Letter by ... (author) g) History h) Poetry i) Letter by Paul

28 Leviticus Deuteronomy Numbers a) Letter by ... (author)
b) Letter by Paul c) Minor Prophet d) Apocalypse e) Poetry f) Book of the Law g) History h) Major Prophet i) Gospel

29 Jeremiah Ezekiel Lamentations a) Letter by ... (author)
b) Letter by Paul c) Minor Prophet d) Apocalypse e) Poetry f) Book of the Law g) History h) Major Prophet i) Gospel

30 Judges I Samuel Ruth a) Letter by ... (author) b) Letter by Paul
c) Minor Prophet d) Apocalypse e) Poetry f) Book of the Law g) History h) Major Prophet i) Gospel

31 II Kings II Chronicles I Chronicles a) Letter by ... (author)
b) Letter by Paul c) Minor Prophet d) Apocalypse e) Poetry f) Book of the Law g) History h) Major Prophet i) Gospel

32 Habakkuk Haggai Zephaniah a) Major Prophet b) Apocalypse c) Gospel
d) Book of the Law e) Minor Prophet f) Letter by ... (author) g) History h) Poetry i) Letter by Paul

33 33

34 God Loves You

35 True courage is not the absence of fear—but the willingness to proceed in spite of it.

36 Need a 6+ verse chapter for next week!


38 Jeremiah Isaiah Song of Songs a) Major Prophet b) Apocalypse c) Gospel
d) Book of the Law e) Minor Prophet f) Letter by ... (author) g) History h) Poetry i) Letter by Paul

39 Amos Jonah Obadiah a) Letter by ... (author) b) Letter by Paul
c) Minor Prophet d) Apocalypse e) Poetry f) Book of the Law g) History h) Major Prophet i) Gospel

40 Ezekiel Hosea Daniel a) Letter by ... (author) b) Letter by Paul
c) Minor Prophet d) Apocalypse e) Poetry f) Book of the Law g) History h) Major Prophet i) Gospel

41 Chp 4 Chp 5 41

42 L4: ITB L5: FQ 2-4 42

43 43

44 God Loves You

45 Only when it is dark can you see the stars.

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