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Data Analysis Team since GSI Since GSI: Monte-Carlo to investigate GRID / Database systems Development of interface between analysis framework Web services.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Analysis Team since GSI Since GSI: Monte-Carlo to investigate GRID / Database systems Development of interface between analysis framework Web services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Analysis Team since GSI Since GSI: Monte-Carlo to investigate GRID / Database systems Development of interface between analysis framework Web services for software organisation Before GSI: Mainly development of  -ray events Monte-Carlo

2 Experiment:  -ray spectroscopy Agata data analysis framework Results, conferences, Papers

3 Agata data analysis framework Root/TTree Blue/StrasDB Cube/4D Raw files (Disk/DLT) DB systems MIDAS PSA/tracking GEANT PSA/tracking Fast MC Radware ROOT Spectres Physics generator

4 Agata Data Analysis challenge ROOT advantages: Demonstrator phase: fraction of AGATA & ancillaries Coincidences  -ancillaries Data are stored compressed, separated Full AGATA (ancillaries) : Large datasets  GRID ? Tasks* : Investigate/develop database Investigate GRID Define how much parallel access and CPU are needed (*) Defined in the first Data Analysis workshop

5 PROOF – Parallel Root Facility ROOT do it for you ! Gerris Ganis, ROOT workshop 2005

6 First application with GEM 2.8 GHz (x2) Linux SL, SCSI 2.8 GHz Linux SL, SATA 2.8 GHz Linux RH9, IDE 250 MHz (x2) Solaris, SCSI 800 MHz Linux RH9, IDE 3.0 GHz (x2) Linux RH9 Simu.C

7 Repository gw trunk branches tags Software organisation Development version Release 0.2 Import/export from other framework level scheme from ENSDF Release 0.1 Monte-carlo level scheme (Radware) Documentation automatically generated - doxygen Informations / news Weblog / forum / syndication (rss) Bugtracker Developer side User side SVN Sharing files History of changes


9 Documentation

10 Informations / news

11 Software life: bugtracker

12 Futur Developments Root/TTree Blue/StrasDB Cube/4D Raw files (Disk/DLT) DB systems MIDAS PSA/tracking GEANT PSA/tracking Fast MC Radware ROOT Spectres Physics generator

13 Conclusions The work is going on slowly The community should be more involved: Requests should be known Feedbacks are needed Workers are welcome

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