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Published byRebecca Cross Modified over 9 years ago
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 1 Relativistic Nuclear Physics from SPS to NICA O.V. Rogachevsky for NICA/MPD working group
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 2 Physicists have long thought that a new state of matter could be reached if the short range repulsive forces between nucleons could be overcome and if squeezed nucleons would merge into one another. Present theoretical ideas provide a more precise picture for this new state of matter: it should be a quark-gluon plasma (QGP), in which quarks and gluons, the fundamental constituents of matter, are no longer confined within the dimensions of the nucleon, but free to move around over a volume in which a high enough temperature and/or density prevails. This plasma also exhibits the so-called "chiral symmetry" which in normal nuclear matter is spontaneously broken, resulting in effective quark masses which are much larger than the actual masses. For the transition temperature to this new state, lattice QCD calculations give values between 140 and 180 MeV, corresponding to an energy density in the neighborhood of 1 GeV/fm3, or seven times that of nuclear matter. Temperatures and energy densities above these values existed in the early universe during the first few microseconds after the Big Bang. Quark Gluon Plasma
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 3 Phase transitions the end point of a 1st order line = a critical point of the 2nd order (at the critical point the phases start to be indistinguishable) Phase diagram of water Phase diagram of nuclear matter critical point 1st order phase transition cross-over The qualitative shape of the equation of state for hot hadronic matter at zero chemical potential. Fig. (a) refers to a first order phase transition with metastable states (dashed parts of the curves), Fig. (b) corresponds to a smooth transition. L. Van Hove Z. Phys. C 27, 135-144 (1985)
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 4 Phase transition in hadronic matter Theoretical phase diagram of nuclear matter for two massless quarks as a function of temperature T and baryon chemical potential µ K. Rajagopal, Acta Phys. Polon. B31 (2000) 3021 Lattice QCD results for the energy density ε/ T 4 as a function of the temperature scaled by the critical temperature T C. The arrows on the right side indicating the values for the Stefan-Boltzmann limit. F. Karsch, Lect. Notes Phys. 583 (2002) 209
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 5 CERN lead beam programme Time: from 1994 to 1999 Seven large experiments: NA44, NA45/CERES, NA49, NA50, NA52/NEWMASS, WA97/NA57, and WA98 There were multipurpose detectors to measure simultaneously and correlate several of the more abundant observables and dedicated experiments to detect rare signatures with high statistics
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 6 NA49
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 7 Evidence for a New State of Matter: Results From the CERN Lead Beam Programme A common assessment of the collected data leads us to conclude that we now have compelling evidence that a new state of matter has indeed been created, at energy densities which had never been reached over appreciable volumes in laboratory experiments before and which exceed by more than a factor 20 that of normal nuclear matter. The new state of matter found in heavy ion collisions at the SPS features many of the characteristics of the theoretically predicted quark-gluon plasma. The evidence for this new state of matter is based on a multitude of different observations. Many hadronic observables show a strong nonlinear dependence on the number of nucleons which participate in the collision. Models based on hadronic interaction mechanisms have consistently failed to simultaneously explain the wealth of accumulated data. On the other hand, the data exhibit many of the predicted signatures for a quark-gluon plasma. Even if a full characterization of the initial collision stage is presently not yet possible, the data provide strong evidence that it consists of deconfined quarks and gluons.
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 8 Striking New STAR Results STAR Pedestal&flow subtracted In central Au+Au collisions: Strong suppression of inclusive hadron production Disappearance of the away-side jet d+Au looks like p+p Jet quenching in the dense medium
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 9 RHIC 2005 White papers Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the PHENIX collaboration. arXiv:nucl-ex/0410003 Experimental and Theoretical Challenges in the Search for the Quark Gluon Plasma: The STAR Collaboration’s Critical Assessment of the Evidence from RHIC Collisions. arXiv:nucl-ex/0501009 The PHOBOS perspective on discoveries at RHIC. Nuclear Physics A Quark–gluon plasma and color glass condensate at RHIC? The perspective from the BRAHMS experiment. Nuclear Physics A 757 (2005) 1–27 The theory-experiment comparison indicates that central Au+Au collisions at RHIC produce a unique form of strongly interacting matter, with some dramatic and surprisingly simple properties. A number of the most striking experimental results have been described to a reasonable quantitative level, and in some cases even predicted beforehand, using theoretical treatments inspired by QCD and based on QGP formation in the early stages of the collisions.
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 10 M.G.Gorenstein JINR Winter school, 2006
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 11 Nu Xu “Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinment”, GSI, July 2007 STAR Low Energy Commissioning √s NN = 9.2 GeV Au+Au Collisions taken on June 7, 2007 RHIC at 9.2 GeV - Au+Au Collisions at √s NN = 22, 9.2 GeV are done. - Next: ~ 5 GeV, in 2008!
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 12 Compressed Barionic Matter Dynamical trajectories for central (b = 2fm) Au + Au collisions in T − nB (left ) and T −µB (right) plane for various bombarding energies calculated within the relativistic 3-fluid hydrodynamics. Numbers near the trajectories are the evolution time moment. Phase boundaries are estimated in a two-phase bag model. Y.B. Ivanov, V.N. Russkikh and V.D. Toneev, nucl-th/0503088.
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 13 FAIR at GSI Construction costs: 1187 M €
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 14 Compressed Barionic Matter (CBM)
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 15 CBM Physics
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 16 Research Program & Expert's Report Organizing Committee Photographs ProgramProgram Talks Talks Round Table Discussion Searching for the mixed phase of strongly interacting matter at the JINR Nuclotron July 7 - 9, 2005
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 17 Round Table Discussion II Searching for the mixed phase of strongly interacting matter at the JINR Nuclotron: Nuclotron facility development JINR, Dubna, October 6-7, 2006 Conceptional project Design and construction of Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) and Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD)
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 18 NICA/MPD goals and physics problems the second stage ♣ Electromagnetic probes (photons and dileptons) Study of in-medium properties of hadrons and nuclear equation of state, including a search for possible signs of deconfinement and/or chiral symmetry restoration phase transitions and QCD critical endpoint in the region of √s NN =4-9 GeV by means of careful scanning in beam energy and centrality of excitation functions for the first stage ♣ Multiplicity and global characteristics of identified hadrons including multi-strange particles ♣ Fluctuations in multiplicity and transverse momenta ♣ Directed and elliptic flows for various hadrons ♣ HBT and particle correlations
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 19 NICA general layout Circumference 251.2 m Averaged luminosity (1-1.5) 10 27 cm -2 s -1 Cost saving factors: No new buildings, no additional power lines. No extra heat, water cooling power.
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 20 NICA scheme Booster (30 Tm) 5 single-turn injections, storage of 8 × 10 9 at electron cooling bunching & acceleration up to 590 MeV/u Nuclotron (45) Tm) injection of one bunch of 3 × 10 9 ions, acceleration up to 3.5 GeV/u max. Collider (37 45 Tm) Storage of 20 bunches 2.5 10 9 ions per ring at 3.5 GeV/u max., electron and/or stochastic cooling Injector: 2×10 9 ions/pulse of 238 U 30+ at energy 5 MeV/u IP-1 IP-2 Stripping (eff. 40%) 238 U 32+ 238 U 92+ Two collider rings 2x20 injection cycles
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 21 Preinjector + Linac Cost estimates Conceptual design ~ $ 10 k Design, manufacturing at IHEP and assembling at JINR ~ $ 10 M Injector concept KRION suspended up to 200 kV RFQ pre-accelerator Linac (unique design, “H-wave” type) Equipment to be delivered by IHEP 1) RFQ + Linac structures 2) RF generators 3) Diagnostic system 4) Control system 5) Water cooling system
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 22 Booster “Warm” booster on base of the Synchrophasotron B = 30 T m, C = 210 m 1)5 single-turn injections 2)Storage of 8 × 10 9 238 U 32+ at electron cooling 3) bunching 4) Acceleration up to 590 MeV/u 5) Extraction & stripping Nuclotron Booster
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 23 Booster (Contnd) Cost estimate, $ M (the Central Machinery Workshop of JINR) 1) One dipole magnet of 1.36 T max field 0.315 2) 70 dipole magnets 2.2 3) Total cost of the booster ~ 8.0
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 24 Collider Electron cooling system MPD
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 25 Collider parameters Ring circumference, m251.2 Ion kinetic energy, E [GeV/u]3.5 Particle number per bunch, N ion/bunch 2.0×10 9 Bunch number, n bunch 20 Horizontal emittance, [ mm mrad] 0.7 Momentum spread, p/p 0.001 IBS life time [sec] 100 Beta function at interaction point, * [m] 0.5 RF voltage, U_rf [kV]200 Laslett tune shift, Q 0.0044 Beam-beam parameter0.009 Peak luminosity, L [cm -2 s -1 ]2×10 27 Average luminosity, L [cm -2 s -1 ] (1 1.5)×10 27
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 26 NICA Cost Estimates ($M) KRION + HV “platform” 0.25 Injector (IHEP design) 10 Booster 8 Collider 2 x 10 Total ~ 40
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 27 TOF F Silicon Vertex System TPC Zero Degree Calorimeter TOF MPD general layout Simulated tracks from U+U collision with √s NN = 9 GeV energy with UrQMD model.
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 28 350 cm 25 cm TOF Start TOF RPC TOF Start Tracker (TPC) SVD 4 planes ECal Interaction region ~50 cm Forward ECAL 30 cm ZDC 300 cm 200 cm Multi-Purpose Detector
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 29 MPD cost estimate ($M) ~ 25 Silicon vertex detector 4.8 Time projection chamber 5.0 TOF system 4.0 EM calorimeter barrel 3.5 Required MPD parameters |y|<2 acceptance and 2π continuous azimuthal coverage High track reconstruction efficiency Adequate track length for tracking, momentum measurement and particle identification Momentum resolution Δp/p<0.02 for 0.1< p<2 GeV/c Two-track resolution providing a momentum difference resolution of few MeV/c for HBT correlation studies Determination of the primary vertex better than 200 m for high momentum resolution to be able to identify particles from the primary interaction Determination of secondary vertices for detecting the decay of strange particles such as Λ, Κ 0 s, Ξ ±, Ω - The fraction of registered vertex pions > 75%
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 30 Stage 1: years 2007 – 2008 - Upgrate and Development of the Nuclotron facility - Preparation of Technical Design Report - Start for prototyping of the MPD and NICA elements Stage 2: years 2008 – 2012 - Design and Construction of NICA and MPD detector - Design and Construction of the Booster Accelerator Stage 3: years 2010 – 2013 - Assembling Stage 4: year 2013 - Commissioning The Project Milestones Round Table Discussion III, Searching for the mixed phase of strongly interacting QCD matter at the NICA/MPD (JINR,Dubna) January, 2008
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 31 NICA
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 32 heat NICA compression
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 33 Ion Source Ion Sources comparison (Experimental results) Ion sourceKRION, Au 30+ ECR, Pb 27+ Peak ion current, mA1.20.2 Pulse duration, s 8200 Ions per pulse 2 10 9 1 10 10 Ions per sec 2.5x10 8 5x10 7 Norm. rms emittance 0.15 0.3 Repetition rate, Hz6030 Crucial parameter: Ions per sec! Thus, KRION has very significant advantage!
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 34 Booster (Contnd) Booster Base of the Synchrophasotron
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 35 Injector: Ion Source + Preinjector + Linac d 238 U 32+ 5 MeV/u 31 m
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 36 NICA scheme (Contnd) 2 x 4 10 10 ions of 238 U 92+ t Time Table of The Storage Process 3.5 GeV/u 590 MeV/u 5 MeV/u 300 keV/u 20 keV/u 8 s 0.1s 1s 3s 2 min electron cooling 5 cycles of injection 2x20 cycles of injection KRION RFQ LINAC Booster Nuclotron Collider E ion /A
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 37 Assembling of the ZDC at INR (Troitsk)
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 38 The Nuclotron 6 A·GeV synchrotron based on unique fast-cycling superferric magnets, was designed and constructed at JINR for five years (1987-1992) and put into operation in March 1993. The annual running time of 2000 hours was provided during the last years.
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 39 Preinjector + Linac Negotiations at IHEP (Protvino) 21-22 June 2007 Prototype of the linac for CERN
APMP, Belarus Gomel, July 26, 2007 40
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