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Dilepton spectroscopy with HADES: now and then
g* l+ Dilepton spectroscopy with HADES: now and then Tetyana Galatyuk for the HADES Collaboration Technische Universität Darmstadt / GSI
The mission Search (in this region) for new states of matter with rare and penetrating probes Stage I (2002 – 2008) light collision systems limited granularity of time-of-flight system Stage II ( ) Heavy collision-systems p-induced reactions Stage III ( …) Reference measurements Lepton pair excitation function up to 8 GeV/u (medium-heavy systems) and (multi-)strange particle heating compression
Baryonic matter at 1-2 AGeV Beam Energy
l- g* l+ K, L, f, X, Rare and penetrating probes HADES Evolution of average rB Composition of a hot pDN gas Elab=30GeV Elab=11GeV Rapp, Wambach, Adv.Nucl.Phys. 25 (2000) Elab=2GeV t >10 fm/c Moderate densities but long lifetime: max/r0 = 1-3, ~10 fm/c Baryon dominated: p densities a factor ~10 lower as compared to SPS regime! Matter enriched by baryonic resonances (~30%), N/Apart ≈ 10%
„If you want to detect something new, build a dilepton spectrometer“ S
„If you want to detect something new, build a dilepton spectrometer“ S. Ting
The hades at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
SIS HADES strategy: Excitation function for low-mass lepton pairs and (multi-)strange baryons and mesons Various aspects of baryon-resonance physics Beams provided by SIS18: p, proton, nuclei Full azimuthal coverage, 18 to 85 degree in polar angle Hadron and lepton identification Event-plane reconstruction e+e- pair acceptance 35% Mass resolution 2 % (r/w region) ~ channels 50 kHz event rate p+p 3.5 GeV
Hades event reconstruction
Recorded data sets Particle identification by means of: dE/dx in the MDC and ToF Velocity vs. momentum Operational at GSI since 2002 Upgrade 2008 – 2010 e+ e- p- p+ K+ p d,4He t 3He RICH rings Vertex reconstruction
Particle spectra in 1.23 AGeV Au+Au collisions
HADES Preliminary Rapidity: 0.065 – 1.165 Dy = 0.05 HADES Preliminary Circles: KaoS Ph.D. thesis A.Forster Squares: HADES K+ p Fitted with: f(F)=1+2v1*cos(F)+2v2*cos(2F)) F = FK+ – FRP Open symbols: W. Reisdorf et. al. FOPI collab. Nucl. Phys. A 876 (2012)
hadron production in 1.23 AGeV Au+Au collisions
PhD Timo Scheib K0s First measurements at such low beam energy! HADES Preliminary HADES Preliminary HADES Preliminary K0s L HADES Preliminary L L HADES Preliminary
Strangeness production in 1.76 AGeV Ar+KCl collisions
High-statistics measurement of p+, p-, K+ and K-, K0s, L, f, - HADES Collab., PRL.103:132301,2009 Eur.Phys.J.A40:45-59,2009 Phys.Rev.C80:025209,2009 Eur. Phys. J. A 47:21, 2011 Thermal equilibrium also at low energies (high mB)? Production mechanism of multi-strange baryons? No OZI suppression of f. Can be described with SHM (THERMUS) -- THERMUS fit: J.Cleymans, J.Phys.G31(2005)S1069 HADES Ar+KCl 1.76 AGeV
Surprises in strangeness production
Jan Steinheimer Experimental challenge: at SIS energies strangeness produced sub-threshold Ar+KCl 1.76 AGeV - produced at √s-√sth = -630 MeV SHM: factor of <20 below the measured yield UrQMD: dominant process: YY strangeness exchange, but remains short of explaining data p+Nb 3.5 GeV - produced at √s-√sth = -70 MeV Strong constraints on production mechanism SHM fit in progress (Apart, p0, p-, h, L, K0s, f, w, -) Stay tuned ;) UrQMD: arXiv: analysis by R.Kotte and C.Wendisch paper in preparation
f production as source of K-
Au+Au 1.23 AGeV HADES Preliminary √s-√sth = GeV First measurements at such low beam energy! PhD Heidi Schuldes K- f Ar+KCl 1.76 AGeV Enhanced f production at low beam energy 18±7% of K- originates from f decays! Different inverse slope parameters K- freezes out later compared to K+? Unique freeze-out criteria when f decay kinematics is taken into account support for SHM HADES Collab., Phys.Rev.C80:025209,2009 analysis M. Lorenz
Can we establish the qcd phase diagram with dileptons?
LQCD: Z. Fodor et al., hep-lat/ Condensate: B.J. Schaefer and J. Wambach, private comuniction HADES data: M. Lorenz et al., Nucl. Phys. A (2014) QM14 A. Andronic et al., Nucl. Phys. A 837 (2010) 65 J. Cleymans et al. , Phys. Rev. C 60 (1999) FOPI data: X. Lopez et al., Phys. Rev. C 76 (2007)
Virtual photon radiation from hot and dense QCD matter
Model: Ralf Rapp STAR: QM2014, NA60: EPJC 59 (2009) 607, CERES: Phys. Lett. B 666 (2006) 425, HADES: Phys.Rev.C84 (2011) Highly interesting results from RHIC, SPS, SIS18 lepton pairs as true messengers of the dense phase mB
Characteristics of the dilepton rates ( cocktail )
Characteristic features of dilepton invariant mass spectra Low mass: Continuum enhancement In-medium modification of vector mesons Intermediate mass: QGP thermal radiation Heavy-flavor modification Chiral mixing High mass: J/ suppression (enhancement) Drell-Yan, primordial emission Figure: T. Ullrich Low mass Intermediate mass High mass
Fixing important components of the hadronic cocktail
Au+Au HADES Preliminary PhD Claudia Behnke p0 h p0 and h from full conversion method meson mT-scaling p0 HADES p+Nb Phys. Rev. C 88, (2013) Crucial component of the cocktail h cross section provides constraint on D and N* contributions HADES low mass spectrometer Segmented target RICH: X/X0 < 1%! MDC: X/X0 ≈ 0.42% specially optimized to minimize conversion and multiple scattering
p0/ pT distribution / yields compared to transport
HADES p+Nb 3.5 GeV: 0
Lepton pairs from pp and np (tagged n) reactions at 1.25 GeV
Exclusive channel pp ppe+e- Goal Reference measurement for Au+Au at 1.23 AGeV Exploring hadron electromagnetic structure Results Remarkable isospin effect! First measurement of the D transition form factor in the time-like region Branching ratio (D+pe+e-) = 4.42×10-5 (analysis W. Przygoda, paper in preparation) Role of p EM form factor Double D excitation plus "final state" interaction VDM QED HADES data: PLB 690 (2010) 118 M. Bashkanov et al., Eur. Phys. J. A50, 107, (2014)
jLab / mami / mit results on baryonic resonances
Magnetic transition form factor Excitation of a baryon can be carried by the meson cloud Pion electro-production: g*p D(1232)P33 pN Strong hint for dominant contribution to the GM(Q2) from the meson cloud (30% at GM(0) near the photon point) „Meson cloud” Quark core „Meson cloud” q g* l+ l- I.G. Aznauryan, V.D. Burkert Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 67, 1 (2012)) 1846
“r meson” in pp and pNb at 3.5 GeV
Vacuum: p+p ppe+e- 3.5 GeV Vacuum: p+p 3.5 GeV (GiBUU) Cold matter: p+Nb 3.5 GeV Pee < 0.8 GeV/c HADES: Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50 J. Weil et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 48 (2012) 111 HADES: Phys.Lett. B715 (2012) R N g* e+ e- r “r”-line shape “modified” already in elementary reactions! Due to production mechanism via resonances NN NR NNr, NN ND NNpr Strong broadening of w in cold nuclear matter! Decay of off-shell r formed in the meson cloud?
”if you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor” A
”if you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor” A. Einstein Perspectives of the p beam experiments
Pion beam run in 2014: Measurement combined with machine developments for SIS100
pA experiments: In-medium effects (strange and vector mesons) pp experiments Resonance-Dalitz decays Hadronic final states, 1p, 2p to control resonance excitation Special interest to sub-threshold vector meson production f July’14: p- + W/C at 1.7 GeV/c August-September: p- + Pe/C at 0.69, 0.656, 0.748, 0.8 GeV/c
e+e- exclusive Online spectra from AuG/sep’14
Inv. mass > 120 GeV/c2 Missing mass ( GeV/c2) ONLINE p- (0.69 GeV/c) Pe p- (0.69 GeV/c) Pe ONLINE = 32 MeV/c2 N signal =570 (C=260) Missing mass (GeV/c2) Mee (GeV/c2) Crucial to control the interpretation of medium effects from SIS to LHC Unique chance to study time-like electromagnetic structure of higher lying resonances!
Low-mass Dileptons at 1 – 2A GeV
Phys.Lett. B 690 (2010) 118 Phys.Rev.C 84 (2011) PhD S. Harabasz, T. Kunz, P. Sellheim C+C: After h subtraction, coincides with (pp+np) Ar+KCl: First evidence for radiation from the “medium” in this energy regime! Rapid increase of relative yield reflects the number of D‘s/ N*’s regenerated in fireball
Measuring life-time of the hot and dense fireball
Na60 data: EPJC 61 (2009) 711 HADES: Phys.Rev.C84:014902,2011 “r clock” “R clock” p+Nb (Apart=2.7): F = 1.7 Ar+KCl (Apart=38): F = 2.5 – 3 Au+Au (Apart=180): F = 8 – 10 In+In 158A GeV Excess “counts” number of r regenerations! D/N* regeneration!
In-medium self energy of the rho
SPS, RHIC, LHC π N-1 Δ > N* r l+ l- p+ p- N* N r l+ SIS18 l- Data: EPJC 59 (2009) 607 Model: Rapp, Wambach, van Hees - /N* couplings play substantial role in r melting observed in UrHIC connection to elementary process of baryon-resonance Dalitz-decays Thermal Dilepton Production Rates:
Low-Mass e+e- Excitation Function: 19.6-200 GeV
compatible with predictions from melting r meson STAR data: P. Huck et al., QM14 Model: Rapp/Wambach/Hees
"Central-cell Trajectory" from UrQMD AuAu at 1.23 AGeV
Master Florian Seck "Central-cell Trajectory" from UrQMD AuAu at 1.23 AGeV beam axis t = 2 fm/c t = 30 fm/c
Dileptons at HADES UrQMD-medium evolution + RW rates
[Endres,van Hees, Weil+Bleicher, in prep] Thermal rates folded over coarse-grained UrQMD medium evolution Supports baryon-driven medium effects at SPS and RHIC! Measure excitation function and… expect the unexpected! Fate of hadrons chiral restoration (yet in model dependent way!)
Precision Dileptons at SPS (17.3 GeV)
Why measuring dileptons in Intermediate Mass Range: 1 < Mll < 3 GeV/c2? Precision Dileptons at SPS (17.3 GeV) Fireball thermometer (no Doppler!) Measure excitation function and… expect the unexpected! Onset of QGP radiation 4p mixing: p + w, a1 m+m- is a dominant hadronic source… but may be identified in v2, Teff vs. mass Correlated charm contribution (decrease with lower the beam energy) Drell-Yan (is negligible at low beam energy)
The “Money plot” Unique temperature measurement
√sNN (GeV) T (MeV) Unique temperature measurement Look for non-monotonic behavior of T (Note, T < Tinitia) as a function of √sNN Appearance (disappearance) of QGP radiation Track 1st order phase transition? What would pp and pA give? Concluding remarks, TG, 24 May 2013
TPD workshop, August 2014
Dilepton Excitation Functions
Ralf Rapp October 2014 Low-Mass Excess Intermediate-Mass Slope √s ≤ 10 GeV very promising regime for dileptons!
Future explorations
Phase space coverage for e+e- from r decays
yCM yCM yCM Ebeam = 3.5 AGeV Acc ≈ 20% Shift towards backward rapidity Ebeam = 11 AGeV Acc ≈ 20% Ebeam = 1 AGeV Overall acceptance for di- electron pairs Acc ≈ 35% With nice mid-rapidity coverage
HADES at SIS100: challenges, opportunities
Occupancy in tracking chambers (bmax = 1 fm) F=2 Cell size is factor of 2 larger y – radial coordinate in drift chamber Challenge: limited granularity sophisticated tracking algorithm Au+Au 1.23 GeV/u measured Nb+Nb 3.5 GeV/u ≈ Au+Au at 1.23 GeV/u Elementary (pAu): occupancy factor of 10 smaller Au+Au 4 GeV/u occupancy increases by factor of 2! Mission possible?
J/y production in pp and pA collisions (Ebeam = 29 GeV)
Full analysis is required before any conclusion made! e/p separation using EM calorimeter
Encouraging prospects for studying QCD matter in the region of finite mB
Explore unknown territory of the nuclear matter phase diagram with HADES at SIS18: Unique possibility to characterize properties of baryon dominated matter with rare probes: contributions from the dense/early phase a quite featureless strong broadening of in-medium states!(?) interesting observations in strangeness production this state of matter might be much more exotic than a hadron gas HADES and CBM at FAIR: establish a complete excitation function of dilepton production up to energies of 40 AGeV: baryon dominated to meson dominated fireballs! from "transport" to "thermal expansion" models! from "no QGP" to "QGP”? The program needs reference measurements for which HADES is an ideal detector system (beams at GSI in 2017 – 2020!)
The hades collaboration
Catania, Italy Coimbra, Portugal Cracow, Poland GSI Damstadt, Germany TU Darmstadt, Germany Dresden, Germany Dubna, Russia Frankfurt, Germany Giessen, Germany Lisboa, Portugal München, Germany Milano, Italy Moscow, Russia Nicosia, Cyprus Orsay, France Rez, Czech Rep. Santiago de Compostela, Spain 18 institution partners ~100 collaborators
Thank you!
And … RHIC (BES) + CBM + HADES! allows for overlap and independent confirmation of results SIS100 HADES meets CBM Only at SIS300 CBM meets RHIC BES!
motivation Experimental test
Mass de-generation and deconfinement are closely related to the fate of the QCD condensates in the medium! Establish the nature of phase transitions Understand generation of mass in strong interactions establish connections between chiral order parameters and vector-isovector spectral function S. Borsanyi et al. [Wuppertal-Budapest Collaboration], JHEP (2010) 073. Experimental test
Dileptons, hadronic resonances and phase diagram of matter
P. Hohler and R. Rapp, PLB 731 (2014) 103 In-medium r spectral function Temperature dependence of the chiral quark condensate S. Borsanyi et al., JHEP 1009, 073 (2010) Thermal Lattice QCD -- Hadron resonance gas effective hadronic theory 1. h = mq h|qq|h > 0 contains quark core + “pion cloud” π N-1 Δ > N* r + q qq - q + 2. Excitation of the vacuum (melting of condensate) matches spectral medium effects
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