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LEARNING TEAM PRESENTATION Guillaume Jorquera Antoine Terninck Hélène PouilleJordan Rhoum The 1st of June, 2011 ENSGSI Engineering School.

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Presentation on theme: "LEARNING TEAM PRESENTATION Guillaume Jorquera Antoine Terninck Hélène PouilleJordan Rhoum The 1st of June, 2011 ENSGSI Engineering School."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEARNING TEAM PRESENTATION Guillaume Jorquera Antoine Terninck Hélène PouilleJordan Rhoum The 1st of June, 2011 ENSGSI Engineering School

2 « C LASSIC » S YSTEM Teacher Established by the teacher Marks Limited by the establishment Aspects KnowledgeApproachEvaluationTime S ELF D IRECTED L EARNING Expert, Anyone Built by the learner Auto- evaluation Defined by the learner LEARNING TEAM BUT... LEARNING WHAT ?

3 LEARNING TEAM... WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY TEAM ? Work preferences Personalities English levels


5 Team objectives: - To define ourselves as a learning team : to create a real work system -To integrate personal development in the team working : to make a link between the personal development and the learning team. - To experiment leading situations during meetings: a group of thirteen student. WHAT DID WE WANT TO DO ?

6 Self directed learning objectives: - To be leaders in self directed learning in the GAIA team : to share our self-directed learning experience, - To have evolutive objectives : to classify all the objectives. - To develop professional English - To define the place (time, topic, resources, evaluation) of english and self directed learning in the project - To have a sustainable correction - To create an interactive and collaborative platform

7 WHAT DID WE DO ? Definition of personal and learners profiles -To define us as a learning team. We created our own work system -To integrate personal development in our approach, -To make feedback sessions -To do a work on the MP3 comments : definition of several objectives

8 -Meetings with GAIA team -To clarify the common objectives and to be team managers. WHAT DID WE DO ? -Development of a good approach of meetings -Improvement of our English skills -To share our self directed learning GAIA Team / GSI Team:

9 WHAT DID WE DO ? GAIA team: -Have an easy communication with the group and tutors -Creation of the wikispace -Building of a glossary -Everyone can share documents GSI team -Sharing of our self directed learning reports on the Wikispace -Creation of some methods to improve our communication capacity

10 -Tests (MBTI, ILS…), - Tools (Language passport), -Work sessions -Tests (MBTI, ILS…), - Tools (Language passport), -Work sessions To work on our personal and group difficulties To define our Comfort Zones, and English comfort zones THE COMFORT ZONES

11  One person in charge of English - Motivation in the GSI team:  To manage Time and Tasks for English sessions - Concerning English work:  To change the environment of working - Concerning work in general:  Importance of the Game Dimension - Concerning English : THE MOTIVATION IN A LEARNING TEAM

12 SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING AND EVALUATION  Importance and difficulty of the process  One of the most important part of the self-directed learning Glossary  Gather knowledge's and have a perennial approach Feed-backs  Be clear on decisions and avoid confusions Language passport  Position ourselves more precisely in our level in of learning Evaluation by third  One member evaluate in real time the other

13 SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING AND TIME  Difficulty on the fact that the work is less efficient in English  Importance of the alternation of the languages.  Find the time to practice during time-work without loosing efficiency  Importance of the flexibility to keep on the motivation

14 THE GAIA LEARNING TEAM… MORE THAN LEARNING ENGLISH! To know their skills and their own field of working  Time  Listening  Many surprises To teach a method to an other group  The example of the mood board To understand the approach used by a group  An example with architectural approach

15 Thank you for your attention… any questions ?

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