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Presentation on theme: "Operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operations

2 The Commission Jan Williams, Commissioner
Jennifer Izekor, Commissioner

3 The Commission Reasons for changing:
Improving the quality of our investigations The IPCC’s own review of its investigations into deaths and the external review of the IPCC investigation into the death of Sean Rigg highlighted a number of concerns about the referral and mode of investigation (MOI) decision making process New ways of working: We are now working towards a pan-operational model

4 Operations Project Dave Ford, Operations Project Lead

5 Operations- what are we changing?
No more Casework and Investigations Pan-operational staff. Emphasis on multi-disciplinary teams involving staff with a range of different specialisms. Increased focus on the quality of our investigations and our interaction with complainants / families. Widening the range of what we independently investigate – this is part of the project – but will not happen overnight Reinvestigation of appeals rather than sending them back to the force. Investigations graded according to complexity. Increased operations support Opening of a new office in Birmingham

6 The assessment function
Single point of entry for all work Includes CCC - advice and assistance - first contact with the IPCC -triage all incoming enquiries. Receives, assesses, grades referrals on the complexity/seriousness (inc. risk assessment) and skills required. Takes MoI Passes referrals to operations. Channels other applications and appeals to right person Assessment and decision making on non-recording appeals, disapplications and discontinuances appeals and applications

7 Benefits Multi-disciplined team in the same location resulting in increased productivity and consistent decision making More resilience to deal with varying demand Increased capacity to provide more detailed rationale Capacity to undertake more analytical work.

8 Considerations - feedback
How to ensure we don’t just do more of the same? How to ensure we improve our business? How to make sure that we reflect learning throughout our investigations and appeals? How can we improve feedback between the IPCC and Forces with similar issues?

9 Next steps Move to pan-operational working
Creation of new operating model in order to increase capacity and improve our timeliness. Creation of specialist support roles such as disclosure and HOLMES. Embed quality and consistency throughout our work Establish a process to maintain business as usual and undertake new additional work.

10 Grading our investigations
Grading of cases: exploring possibilities Three grades based on resources required: 1 = High - resource intensive 2 = Medium - complex and resource intensive, but not as high profile 3 = Lower - fewer resources required

11 Grading our investigations
Should we grade cases? Pros? Cons?

12 How this will change our interaction with PSD / DPS
Increased communication – same aims – improve confidence in the complaints system Greater analytical / trend analysis More robust follow up of recommendations More timely investigations The potential end to re-investigation appeals Increased oversight on the work the IPCC does not currently see

13 Group Work The IPCC is embarking on a 3 year change programme
What do you feel the main priorities should be? What would you expect from the IPCC in the future? What should we do more of? What should we do less of?

14 Summary Assessment function Operations function
Increased operation support 3 year change plan

15 Operations work stream team
David Ford, Project Lead Jill Lodge, Operations Support work stream Lead Graham Beesley, Operations work stream Lead John Brennan, Operations work stream Challenge Lead

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