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Corporate slide master With guidelines for corporate presentations Safer Internet Day Diwrnod Rhyngrwyd Ddiogelach 10 Chwefror / February 10

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1 Corporate slide master With guidelines for corporate presentations Safer Internet Day Diwrnod Rhyngrwyd Ddiogelach 10 Chwefror / February 10


3 Support came from our Ministers Cafwyd cefnogaeth gan ein Gweinidogion

4 Dywedodd y Dirprwy Weinidog Technoleg, Julie James: “Fel rhan o’n gweithgareddau i hybu Diwrnod Defnyddio’r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel rydym wedi trefnu sesiynau e-ddiogelwch mewn ysgolion ar draws Cymru. Rydym hefyd wedi cydweithio â’r UK Safer Internet Centre i greu pecynnau dwyieithog ar gyfer ysgolion a fydd yn eu cynorthwyo â’u gwaith yn y maes pwysig hwn. Mae’r gweithgareddau hyn yn tystio i ymrwymiad parhaus Llywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc yn ddiogel ar-lein ac mae parth e- Ddiogelwch Hwb yn cynnig cyngor ac arweiniad i bobl ifanc a hefyd i athrawon a rhieni.” Deputy Minister for Technology, Julie James, said: “As part of our support for Safer Internet Day we have organised e-safety awareness raising activities in schools across Wales. We have also worked with the UK Safer Internet Centre to produce bilingual school packs to support schools in their ongoing work in this important area. These activities are part of the Welsh Government’s ongoing commitment to online safety for children and young people and the e-Safety zone on our Hwb platform provides advice and guidance not only for our young people but also for their teachers and parents”




8 The Digital Leaders were tweeting from the schools they were supporting Roedd yr Arweinwyr Digidol yn trydar o’r ysgolion yr oeddent yn eu cefnogi


10 Schools across Wales took part in the day’s activities Gwnaeth ysgolion ledled Cymru gymryd rhan yng ngweithgareddau’r diwrnod




14 Share a smile - Rhannu gwên


16 Partneriaid eraill - Other partners



19 Digital Learning Unit #hwbdysgu

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