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Parallelism Connecting ideas smoothly. What is Parallelism? Parallelism means that all of the ideas in your sentences line up logically. When sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "Parallelism Connecting ideas smoothly. What is Parallelism? Parallelism means that all of the ideas in your sentences line up logically. When sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallelism Connecting ideas smoothly

2 What is Parallelism? Parallelism means that all of the ideas in your sentences line up logically. When sentences are parallel, they flow smoothly and have symmetry. The next few slides present examples of parallel vs. non- parallel sentences.

3 Parallelism in a series Whenever you present a series, each item should line up logically with the beginning of the sentence. For example: I have to get the children dressed, fed, and packed for school by 7:30 a.m. Note how each of the items in the series of actions line up with the beginning of the sentence: I have to get the children dressed, fed, and packed for school by 7:30 a.m.

4 Parallelism in a series Parallel: I have to get the children dressed, fed, and packed for school by 7:30 a.m. Non-parallel: I have to get the children dressed, fed and be packed for school by 7:30 a.m. Non-parallel: I have to get the children dressed, feed them and packed for school by 7:30 a.m.

5 Parallelism in a series Not Parallel: By brainstorming, applying prewriting strategies, all research completed, writing several drafts, and proofreading for errors, I have improved my writing greatly. Parallel: By brainstorming, applying prewriting strategies, completing all research, writing several drafts, and proofreading for errors, I have improved my writing greatly.

6 Parallelism in a series Not Parallel: The homework center has helped me with my comma splices, organization, writing better sentences, and thesis statements. Parallel: The homework center has helped me with my comma splices, organization, sentence writing skills, and thesis statements.

7 Parallelism – parts of speech Sometimes a sentence sounds OK, but would sound better if the parts of speech were all the same. For example: Not Parallel: Eric is handsome, intelligent, and a good athlete. Parallel: Eric is handsome, intelligent, and athletic. adjectives Note how handsome, intelligent, and athletic are all adjectives describing Eric.

8 Not Parallel: Over-scheduling only leads to frustration, becoming exhausted, mounting stress, and low productivity. Parallel: Over-scheduling only leads to frustration, exhaustion, mounting stress, and low productivity. Frustration, exhaustion, stress, and productivity are all NOUNS. Parallelism – parts of speech

9 Not Parallel: The woods were spooky, dark, musty-smelling, moss-covered, allegedly haunted, a private place, and dangerous for children. (a private place = noun) Parallel: The woods were spooky, dark, musty-smelling, moss-covered, allegedly haunted, private, and dangerous for children. (private = adjective ) ADJECTIVES  spooky, dark, musty-smelling, moss-covered, haunted, private, and dangerous Parallelism – parts of speech

10 Parallelism Challenge Can you locate the non-parallel elements in the following sentences?

11 Can you fix the following? At most area high schools, acts of vandalism can result in suspension, detention, or even being expelled from school.

12 Answer: Not parallel: At most area high schools, acts of vandalism can result in suspension, detention, or even being expelled from school. Corrected: At most area high schools, acts of vandalism can result in suspension, detention, or even expulsion.

13 Can you fix the following? It is sometimes easier to lie or to use a euphemism than telling the truth.

14 Answer: Not parallel: It is sometimes easier to lie or to use a euphemism than telling the truth. Corrected: It is sometimes easier to lie or to use a euphemism than to tell the truth.

15 Can you fix the following? The waste dump is ugly, an environmental danger, unsafe, hazardous to children, and foul-smelling.

16 Answer: Not parallel: The waste dump is ugly, an environmental danger, unsafe, hazardous to children, and foul- smelling. (danger = noun) Corrected: The waste dump is ugly, environmentally dangerous, unsafe, hazardous to children, and foul-smelling.

17 Can you fix the following? People often get caught in lies when they stutter, look down, turn red, misusing words, breathe hard, or fidget.

18 Answer: Not parallel: People often get caught in lies when they stutter, look down, turn red, misusing words, breathe hard, or fidget. Corrected: People often get caught in lies when they stutter, look down, turn red, misuse words, breathe hard, or fidget.

19 Don’t forget to apply parallelism to your own writing! Be sure to check your series and parts of speech parallelism.

20 theend

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